Sunday, March 27, 2022

Red Riding Hood on a Spring Day

Hi everyone.  I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. 

 More spare bedroom work is going on here, and we're finally moving onto the other side of the room, as the closet side is finished except for painting the walls and the putting in the floor. Once we get the new ceiling up and the carpet ripped out on the other side of the room, then it's paint the walls, put in the floor and we'll be done. I'm starting to be able to see the end point of this project. And I'm definitely ready to clean up the piles created from it too, even if we still have another month or so of work. (Seeing the hubby is still working full time and only has weekends for the project.)

For art today, you can see my 2 page spread above. Today I want to share Red Riding Hood's real story with you. 

See the tree in this first page or the left side of the spread?  That's Red's home. It's really a bohemian art studio, as Red is an artist who like to paint nature. That's why she lives in a tree house, so she can be closer to her favorite subjects.

The real story of Red Riding Hood starts on a beautiful spring day as she heads out with her basket full of art supplies to do some plein air sketching and painting.  Her subjects will be the bunnies and the beautiful purple spring flowers in bloom. 

There are even lots of birds singing, as you can tell by the music paper in the background and the few who are flying through the forest. 

 Red Riding Hood does have a grandmother, but her grandmother at 80 is still a distinguished runner, even if instead of marathons she now only runs 5K races. 

And there are no evil wolves, because face it, wolves are not really evil. They are just animals who need to hunt as a team for their food. The people who hunt the wolves could be more evil because have much more sophisticated weapons, and sadly the wolves  don't stand a chance.  

My spread started out with some watercolors for the background.  Then I added some bits of papers. I did some random stamping, and after cutting the quotes out of a paper sheet full of art quotes, I scattered them around the page. The bunny and birds are die cut sticker. Red Riding Hood is a Janet Klein stamp, as is Red's tree house. The title is hand written by me, and yes I missed the v in involved but added that in. The story teller is the Art By Marlene punch out lady sitting on the title, and finally, I finished with some tiny purple flowers.  

And before I end this post, I should mention I am linking up my bunny, spring flower and singing bird page to Valerie's Spring challenge at Art Journal Journey.  You still have a few days before March ends to join us, so we hope you'll share your spring journal page with us.

I'm also going to link up to a new challenge for me Paperbabe Stamps Challenge. The theme for challenge # 164 is Anything Goes. I always thought I needed to use Paperbabe stamps for this challenge or I would have been around sooner, and if I'm wrong about not needing to use a Paperbabe stamp, I hope someone lets me know. 

Have a great rest of your weekend and start to the new week, and thanks for visiting. 


  1. Very springy and beautiful! Love the light blue tone.

  2. Funny. I did paint yesterday and Ingo said, "I never thought you could". Why, thank you, man! ;-)
    He liked it better than the original, I´ll share on Tuesday.
    And indeed.. a huge mistake happened (I took it with humor after "the shock").
    In East Germany they have wolves. They "taste" the sheep, aka kill many as it seems "for fun".
    I love the little Red Riding Hood :-) A cutie-pie, and wise.

  3. good morning Erika, you and your husband are making great progress on your new studio-it's good to see progress.
    I love your imagination-great spread
    hugs Kathy

  4. I think your version of Red is much better than the original :-)

    It's always wonderful when you can start to see the end of a big project coming into view.

  5. Great colors. I love the Red Riding Hood doll, so very cute. With the Winter chill coming back the next couple of days, it's too cold to go for a plein air. Better to stay in and finish the craft space. Stay warm!

  6. Hi Erika. More progress and it will be done soon. Love the Red Riding Story. Have a nice day.

  7. What a fun series. I like the colors and textures. I wish you two hired out.

  8. Great art and I do like your version of Red Riding Hood's real story.

    Hope you've had a good weekend, we have been fortunate to spend time with family ... perfect :)

    All the best Jan

  9. Omygosh, Erika, this is just too cute and witty! I love your snark! Beautifully made, too, with your little vintage collage touches. Well, don't know about wolves, but we have coyotes here and we think one of them got our cat. So, I'm for relocating (or putting them out of their misery) the wild animals that cannot play well with civilization. I'm far too practical to be a bleeding heart. Anyhoo, great good luck on getting your remo done and have a good week! xoxo

  10. What a great story of the REAL Red Riding Hood. I like your version so much better. Thanks for another great entry using Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

  11. Just putting in the floor sounds like a mammoth project to me. Wow! Y'all are my heroes :)

    I love Red Riding Hood :) and your re-imagining of her story.

  12. This fun story and journal spread brought a big smile to my fave, love it all! Tanks so much for linking to my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated. Sorry I am so late! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Fabulous spread, brilliant story! Love an 80 year old granny ONLY running 5k these days, hugs, Chrisx

  14. A fabulous journal spread Erika and a great story and post to read and I have to say I like your story especially the old granny and her daily run.
    Yvonne xx

  15. A fabulous double page spread and a remarkable story which I prefer to the other one. Whoever heard of a wolf sitting in grandmother's bed and talking? Much more believable is this 80 year old running 5 k marathons.
    Much preferable to think Red had art supplies in her basket and is ready to paint bunnies and beautiful spring flowers.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love the Art by Marlene figure sitting on the title page. x


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