Friday, March 18, 2022

Finding and Starting

 I everyone. Happy Friday. The weekend will be here soon, and I hope you get to do something fun.

I signed up for an afternoon baking class today, so I am off to do something fun and different. The only bad part about it is I am off to Vermont to take this class, and the gas is going to be expensive. But  on the other side of the coin, the good news is that I am off to Vermont for day.  The class is small with some restrictions still in place, and I'll be bringing home something we can hopefully share for supper.  I'll tell you more next week.

When I was cleaning out my happy space for all the construction, I came across this journal. It had fallen behind a cabinet and been lost for several years. Don't you know, every now and then I'd wondered what had happened to it. You can see it is titled Tag Journal, 2015.

Back in 2015 I was on a tag making binge, and I decided I needed to do something with all my tag so I made this journal with pages to put my tags on. Here's a few photos of what I mean from making pages for my tags back in April of 2015.

I must have placed the journal on the top of a cabinet, and it fell behind, there to sit for a long time. I remember being frustrated I couldn't locate it, but what can you do when it's just not around?

Now that I have it again, I realized it was only half finished. I have a bunch of tags I  made in 2015 and since that time which need to be mounted. OK, no time like the present as they say, and so I took my stack of tags and  made a few pages with the older ones in the collection. I don't know if these were from 2015 or not, as I am notoriously bad at dating my pieces.

This first new page says spring to me, with the insects coming out of hibernation or hatching. Flowers are also blooming, so I am going to link this page up for Valerie's Spring challenge at Art Journal Journey.

And here's a few other pages.

This next one is titled because even though it isn't the first new page in order of these photos, it is in my journal.

I want the tags to be the centerpiece of the page, but I don't just want to stick a tag on a page, so like my original pages,  I added just a few details that work with the original tag.

And I have more to share another day as I've still been working on this journal. 
Hope your day is going well, and have a great start to your weekend.


  1. How fun to find your lost journal!

    The class sounds fun. Love Vermont. I hope you have a blast at the class! Happy weekend!

  2. So many great colorful pages. Your hubs favorite hobby gave me a chuckle. Like those sneakers! Yay spring is coming.

  3. Cannot wait to hear more about your cooking class! Is it at King Arthur? Safe travels. It's fun to take a peek inside your tag journal -- I've seen so many on your blog; it's lovely to see them curated into one piece.

  4. I typed quite a bit but then when I came to send it said to refresh the page but it would not let me - now has my comment gone or is it lost like your book was? Will wait and see.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Something old is now new again. Love the tags. They are so fun and colorful

  6. So pleased you found this journal Erika, it's a beauty!
    Enjoy your cooking class today.

  7. So beautiful and full of color.

  8. What a great find! Surprise of the day :-)
    They´re all wonderful, but I´d say the cow just steals the show!
    Hope you share what you baked, and that it was fun and yummy - worth the gas cost, oh, my, where are we heading to...

  9. Fun find! I'm glad it turned back up :)

  10. What a lovely journal, Erika! Beautiful pages and tags. I love your bright colors. Hugs, my friend.

  11. They are so colourful, fun and beautiful, Erika.

  12. Many interesting pages. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Your class sounds fun are you going to King Arthur? that would be awesome-my favorite company for a very long time
    awesome to discover your journal again. I like that you made made pages for your journal-always wondered what artists did with all their tags.
    enjoy the weekend-hugs Kathy

  14. Your tag journal is a treasure, love all of the pages, especially the one with the cow peeking round the old VW. And thanks for the lovely new tag page for my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated. Have fun at your baking course, hugs, Valerie

  15. I've so often said I want to take a baking class, and I love VT and wish I could take the class with you

  16. Wow, this is an amazing journal and so are your tags. Fab idea, especially if one wanted to play at Tag Tuesday and have a special place devoted to them. So much fun. Hope your class was also fun, xoxo

  17. What a super find you had when you looked at the journal, fantastic pages. I also am bad at dating the pages, as so many in my opinion are work in progress still.
    I hope you enjoyed your baking class, it sounds like a great day out.
    Yvonne xx

  18. How nice you get to take a baking class. It would do me no good, because I am a lousy baker. I could be the comic relief, though. I bet you will share photos on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

    I am in LOVE with your tag book. Now maybe you can find my planner (grin). I love how you incorporated the tags in the beginning, and how you changed tactics later. It will make me look a bit differently at the tags I have made, too. Also, thanks for another great entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

  19. I love your wonderful bright pages you created here. The colours and textures used really show a sense of play. Love the brightness of the pinks with the pearl drops. The ornamental look in the last one and just love that cow peeking around the corner-so funny.

  20. What a treat this is! Great inspiration too! I'll be looking through my tag mountain and seeing what I can do with some of them!
    I couldn't comment on the travel journal but as am getting ing my travel journal ready for Paris next week that too is great inspiration, Thanks Erika, Hugs, Chrisxx


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