Sunday, March 13, 2022

Longer and Warmer Days

Hi everyone. I hope your weekend is going well so far. 

Here in the US we changed the clocks last night, so although it was dark this morning, it will be light longer tonight. It's always exciting to have longer days, and maybe I can sleep a bit later for a few weeks as I seem to be waking up with the sun in the morning. 

We have been having some early spring weather.  Early spring in New Hampshire means warm days and then cold days.  The snow does some melting, but then it doesn't melt. We have mud. We've also had wind as well as rain. And we even got more snow too.  Today it's cold again. And yesterday was just nasty.  This is all in 1 week. I know writing about the weather isn't very exciting, but with the day to day changes lately, you just never know what to expect.

I'm getting antsy for the days to warm up a bit and the mud to dry out so I can get back to walking on my road (it's gravel), and so I can get into the gardens too. To make up for that, I've been hit with the spring cleaning bug, and I've been doing a few small cleaning chores inside.  That, of course, is not a bad thing, but not exactly exciting either.

My spread today is for Valerie's spring challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month the challenge is spring. I haven't seen too many birds who have migrated back yet, but the local avians have been singing a lot during the warm days. It's nice to hear their songs rather than the quiet of winter.

The background is watercolored with the addition of a few scraps of paper. Then I pulled out my musical note stencil and did a bunch of stenciling with a Sharpie as well as a white pen. 

I added a couple of old playing cards with bird images, as well as a couple of fussy cut images off an old collage sheet.

I stamped the "birds of a feather" quote a few times, and then I used a Sharpie and a white pen to write in my quote.

 That's about all there is for me. We ran into a snag on the bedroom project; last weekend my husband couldn't find enough decedent wood for the ceiling so things fell a bit behind.  This weekend things have picked back up; some of the new ceiling is going up. Hurrah. But I have no photos to share yet. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a great start to the new week.


  1. This is such a gorgeous page, so cheerful and careree, as spring should be. Thanks so much for linking to my challenge at AJJ. Hope the work continues without more problems! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Those are some really exotic birds in the pictures.

    best... mae at

  3. Very cheerful page. I heard the birds singing this morning in spite of snow on the ground and fierce winds. Did you get slammed with the snow? We only got a dusting so by Monday when the temps go to 50, the snow will be all gone. I hope this was the last storm for the season.

  4. A lovely spring page Erika! Hope you're having a good Sunday.
    Alison ❤️

  5. Beautiful ~ Looks and sounds like Ode to Spring ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Good morning, I really love this page very much-perfect for spring. we are hearing many birds singing now-more as we continue to warm up Happy Sunday

  7. I'm a huge fan of Daylight Saving Time. That extra light at the end of the day is so welcome and I am far more productive.

    On another spring note, when do you "let the bees out"?

  8. Yes, early spring throughout New England is considered "mud season" Erika. Lately, the melting snow was re-freezing as ice which has meant no outdoor walking except on sidewalks in the downtown area as these are clear. I have been getting up early to go to the in-house gym between 6 and 6:15 a.m. so a darker morning could make it a bit harder to get out of bed, but today I managed to do so by 6"15 a.m. Looking forward to resuming outdoor walks in the nearby park but the paths are too muddy now.

  9. What a beautiful page this is, I do like it :)

    We've had a spring-like day here in the UK and the daffodils are looking so lovely.

    Have a good new week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  10. Thanks for the remo update, was wondering! What a loverly spread, those notes just set it all off perfectly. Love the lil vintage birdie images too, xoxo

  11. Whilst I read and watch this the birds sing outside, such a beautiful concert to your beautiful work!
    Cold still, though!

  12. I could do without the switching back and forth.

    We went from record highs to 4" of snow in 3 days lol It's expected to be sunny and 60s today.

  13. such a great Journal. I totally love it!

  14. Your TFST post won't let me comment GGrrrr! I loved your pink drink - the ingredients sound great.Loving the progress on your craft room.
    It's getting warmer here too and the birds are definitely singing more - although the blackbird at 5.30 in the morning could do with his volume turning down a bit!
    I adore this spread - you have inspired me. Hugs, Chrisx

  15. We have a good forecast for next week - a high! Sorry you are experiencing snow and mud.
    Your page however sings Spring to us and is a lovely layout with lots of lovely bird pictures on it. I love the fussy cut ones especially and I have stencil envy. What a fabulous stencil that allows you to use that glorious treble clef and those musical notes.
    A lovely page Erika.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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