Monday, March 14, 2022

T Stands for a Pink Drink (to Match My Pink Shoes)

Hi everyone.  

It is already Monday night/ Tuesday once again, and it's time for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

Last week I had a very quiet week. My one engagement, dinner with some work friends, was postponed because one of them was sick. It was disappointing, but we're on the calendar for this week and my friend's health is improving, so it could have been a lot worse. 

I did do some baking, and I will share that with you Wednesday when Kathy does her food post. I did a bit of spring cleaning, reorganizing and purging in a few cabinets. My excitement for the week was that a couple of days it was warm and so I got out my beach chair and sat on the back deck reading in the sun. When I say warm, I still needed my sweatshirt, but the sun felt great. It was a nice reminder that winter isn't going to last forever. Although after the past weekend's snowy and cold weather, it is certainly is trying to.

My drink for T this week is actually 2 drinks. You might remember last week I mentioned how my friend and I walked around an outdoor shopping outlet as it was cold, the ground had fresh snow on it, and it was high tide at the beach. One good thing walking around the stores, besides finding those pink walking shoes I showed you last week, was after our walk we stopped in a restaurant  and had lunch. The restaurant was called Tavern In the Square.

Besides water, I had this pink drink that was tasty. It was a mix of non-alcoholic seltzer water and cranberry juice, with a squirt of lime juice.  I was also happy to see that the plastic looking straw in my water is actually biodegradable material. I'm not sure in my pink drink (I can't remember what it's called) as it came with straw inserted.

And here's the latest on the spare bedroom/my art room rehab.

It may not look like much, but the closet is totally gone. (Your looking at where the closet was.) The ceiling light was removed and rewired so I can put in a strip light up on the beam at the top of the photo; the walls have been fixed, and the new ceiling is going up. We had hoped to finish the ceiling by now, but first we couldn't find the wood for it and then when we found some decent pieces of wood,  my husband's finish nailer died, so before he could start we needed to go out and get him a new nailer. 

By the time the hubby started the ceiling it was after 3 in the afternoon, and the saw is down in the garage, so the  hubby got a good workout climbing up and down 2 flights of stairs just to get this much done. Since the wood was hard to find, he doesn't want to waste a board,  and our house, although solid, is no longer at an age where everything is exactly lined up. One board needed to be cut at exactly 6 feet (the space between the 2 beams), and the next board was 5 feet 11.5 inches and then the next one was 5 feet 11.75 inches, etc.,so it meant extra climbing to shave off a tiny bit and come back up and try it again. Sometimes nothing is straightforward and easy, is it?

Hopefully next weekend the ceiling will be done on this half of the room. Then we can move a few things into this space and pull out the old ceiling on the other half of the room, and finish the ceiling.

Then I after I urethane the ceiling and repaint the walls, the floor goes in. It is coming along, but it still seems like we have so much to do.

That's all for me today. I hope everyone has a happy T day and week ahead. Thanks for visiting my blog also.



  1. Hi Erika, You are getting allot accomplished in this room-you can both feel really good about that-and what a workout to get a board cut. sadly wood is very very expensive now too.
    Your pink drink sounds really delicious I would like that one. I have seen the biodegradable straws at the grocery stores-I have several of the stainless straws already, but nice the restaurant uses those.
    we got to sit outdoors too a few days ago-the sun was nice and warm. Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Your project looks more and more ambitious! I think you will have a wonderful new room.

    best... mae at

  3. Looks like you've been busy this week and it's fun to see how your craft space is progressing too (smile!). Your pink drink looks and sounds so refreshing. Hope you have warmer weather soon, spring should be here soon. Happy T Day! hugs Jo x

  4. OH, you sure enjoyed sitting out in the sun, reading! We had some of those days as well when I actually wore a summer dress, and then it became chilly again. Crazy weather.
    Your drink looks delicious! And great about the straw.
    Your project is coming along nicely! Those different measurements we also find in our house and it drives my husband crazy when he is working on a project. I think when all of it is done the room will look very nice.
    Have a great week, Erika, and happy T day.

  5. Your project is coming along well.
    I do like the look of that pink drink.

    Enjoy the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  6. So impressive you both can do the work yourself - amazing! Love the pink drink - so fun. Happy Tday - hugz

  7. You are doing so well with your art room project, Erika. Hope your friend gets well soon!

  8. Yay for reading on the deck! And the drink looks yummy.
    Big wow on that room and yay to your Hubby´s workout!
    Can´t wait to see the finished room.
    Have a happy T-Day! Hugs

  9. Last week you were really in the pink. That pink drink to match your new shoes sounds delicious. I love those biodegradable straws. They really work, too. Thanks for sharing your water and your pink drink (you're a poet) with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    The first thing I noticed when I saw your rehab was the light fixture had been moved and covered over. Old houses settle in different ways and I have done enough carpentry in old homes to totally understand what your husband went through with those boards. The only room I know for sure is straight and plumb in my current house is the free standing bath I built in my basement. Your renovation is really ambitious. I wish I was there to help. I've never used a nailer before, but if I do any remodeling again, I will invest in one. I have pulled more nails than I hammered correctly, I think (grin).

  10. You are a good team, and getting a lot done, great. Take care, happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  11. Good morning Erika: Must be the week for the ladies to get out in the sun. Miriam even cleared off a little snow on the deck, set her chair there and read a book. That side of the house traps the sun and it was warm. Your renovations are coming along really well, and I am sure it won't be long before you will be ensconced in spiffy new quarters with all your space well organized - at least for the first day or two. Biodegradable straws are a small step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go before we get anywhere close to solving the plastic problem, and when I see the number of pictures posted on blogs where people have takeout containers, plastic forks, disposable cups and plastic lids, etc, it is clear that few have the will to refuse to accept more pollution. It can be done. Once in a while we buy takeout food from a local Lebanese restaurant. We asked the owners if they would put in our own containers if we brought them and they said yes instantly. Anyway, I digress. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, David

  12. Pink drink to match pink shoes. Cute. Your craft space is coming along and will be so nice when it's finished. Enjoy the weather this week! Happy T Day

  13. That pink drink looks really refreshing and nicely presented.
    Little by little you are getting the rehab done. You ought to get used to 'retirement time frames'. (Slowly, slowly, catch a monkey says my hubby)
    And you will be helping with the painting which makes a huge difference.
    I have seen nailers in films but I have never seen one here. It would be so handy though to have one. Upholstery staplers is about the largest we can get.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Wow -- The reno is going really well. Three cheers! I'm a little envious of beach-chair-with-sweatshirt-and-book moments! That might happen here, though -- later this week. Fingers crossed. The pink drink looks lovely!

  15. The cranberry juice drink looks pretty and sounds delicious. Straws are an issue, and I quit using them years ago. It's good to see places offering biodegradable ones. Nice.

    I love your use of the wood. This will be a great space! Happy T Tuesday

  16. Looks like your reno work is moving along nicely. Good to have a break sitting in the sun- I plan on doing that today as it is warming up quite nicely:). And I'd love a pink drink like yours. Happy T day!

  17. Hi Erika, your pink drink looks very delicious. I am loving your art room reno, I can't wait to see it finished. What kind of floor are you putting down? Funny story but I am kinda doing the opposite to you and putting the old built-in BACK IN hahaha long story but just glad I kept everything. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  18. Those drinks do look refreshing! Bill sometimes talks about the raspberry-lime rickeys he used to have when he was a kid.

    The room refurbishment is coming along! It'll be great when you can enjoy the finished result :-)

  19. Art room remodels are a lot of fun but also a lot of work. Looking forward to seeing the final product.
    Beautiful color on your pink drink!
    Happy Tea Day,

  20. Progress on your room is looking good! And your hubby got some good exercise too! Hopefully things will fall into place better from here on out. xoxo

  21. Your room is taking shape Erika, you must be excited to use it.
    That looks like a very refreshing pink drink.
    Happy T Day!

  22. Hi Erika. The room is looking great. That pink drink looks really good. Sorry your gathering was canceled but if that's the worse thing then life is good. Have a great day.

  23. Just keep thinking Spring is around the corner and it will warm up.
    Gosh, this room is going to be so worth all the work you are doing - what a fab place it is going to be for you.
    Love the pink drink (to match your shoes) and the Tavern sounds a lovely place to be on a cold day.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  24. Your craft room remodel will be worth all the hard work Erika, it looks full of light and so much bigger than my tiny spare room, not that I get any time in it atm.. but I digress.
    Nice idea to choose a drink to match those previous pink shoes.. it looks extremely refreshing. Hugs Tracey xx


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