Monday, March 28, 2022

T Stands for Outside and Inside

Hi everyone. 

It is time for T day again, so I'm glad you could visit at my tiny spot on the planet in New Hampshire. Too bad it isn't a better day to sit outside and enjoy a drink. The snow has finally melted, but we are in typical New Hampshire early spring mode when everything is colorless and bland. And messy after a winter of shoveling and wind. It doesn't seem to matter if I rake in the fall, but it always needs to be done again come spring. 

You can see how the back deck didn't quite get finished last fall. My husband needs to put up the railing and trim it out once we get into outside working season. Our ground is too soft and muddy to do much yard work right now. 

You can also see the plastic on the screen porch (right side of the photo), and hopefully in another month that will come down. It is always a banner day when the screen porch opens up.

The good new is I do have some growth starting in my gardens. It's so exciting.

My irises are just peaking out,

and daffodils, 


and even some day lilies are popping out of the ground.

And  as I write this Monday afternoon it is really cold. Welcome back to winter. As we haven't gotten warmer than 24 degrees today (-4 degrees C) with a wind chill making it feels like about 15 degrees (-9 degrees C), today is a good afternoon for a hot drink. It is also time to join our lovely hostess Elizabeth and her side kick Bleuebeard for  T Stands for Tuesday   (over at their blog)  so I will share my mug of tea with you.

And since it's so cold outside, let's have out T drink inside. We're still working on the spare bedroom where I have  my art supplies. Maybe you'd look to see another update.  You can see in this next photo that the ceiling on one side of the room is finished. We put up some tongue and groove pine boards.  I spent some time last week putting a clear stain and urethane on it. 

Before we could move onto the other side of the room (to work on it) we had to move everything that was crammed over there. In the above photo you can see my work bench and supplies that were still in the room. We also pulled more of the rug up, but in this next photo it is still on the floor.

The popcorn ceiling around the skylight was coming down.  And if you wonder about the little door, we have an attic storage space under the eaves of the house and that's how you get into it.

Here is the room after a Saturday of moving things and working. We pulled off the white sheet rock ceiling and pulled up the rug under it. 

The next step was to put up the tongue and grove pine board ceiling to match the other half. 
Sunday a good part of the ceiling got put up.

This week I have a fairly quiet week so I hope to work on the walls.

I am amazed by how much light the big closet blocked in half the room.  Now there is so much more. It's going to be a great new space one we finish it. 

I hope you enjoyed visiting and seeing what's new at my house. Thanks for visiting. Have a great T day, and rest of your week. 



  1. We have so much of the same weather we may as well be next door neighbors- and I would love that:):) The spring flowers are just coming up much like yours, but with this COLD weather I hope it doesn't ruin them. Your room is coming along nicely and it will be so exciting to finally have it ready. Happy T day!

  2. Your refinishing project looks like it's really coming along. It will be a great place to work.

    best... mae at

  3. You have been hard ar work and it looks very good. The ceiling is impressive. I do like your work bench, it looks very solid and has a nice wood color. Funny, we have a little door into some of our attic as well, but we don't use that space since we also have an attic with quite a large storage space above the garage - easier to access since we don't have to go through a closet and then crouch down.
    Your temperatures are cold...brrrr. We finally had a day of rain, so much needed; however, it doesn't put a dent in the drought. The garden looks happy right now with the extra water though.

  4. It is exciting to see those first green shoots in the Spring. I can't wait to go to the greenhouse for plants. We have to wait until after April 15th here just to be sure. Our weather has been back and forth here; cold one day, 70 the next, etc. Your room is coming right along. It will be great; I am sure when you can be done. Happy T Day.

  5. Your spring sprouts are looking great. The temps have been really cold here as well.
    Your crafting area looks like it is coming along. I bet you will be relieved when it is completed. Waiting and anticipating is always the hardest.
    Happy Tea Day,

  6. Hi Erika, you are making lots of progress on your new craft-art studio. You will love the extra light for sure-and I love how you are doing your ceilings-this will be an awesome new space for you.
    I won't complain about our cold weather as you are much colder. we have been getting into the 30's for over a week now. Happy T wishes Kathy

  7. What a lot of impressive shoots you are getting. Today I noticed my hyacinths have bloomed and my tulips are starting to reach above ground. I am really impressed you have crocuses. I've never seen them here.

    Loving what you are doing in your new art space. That is a lovely table/bench. I like that color, too. How wonderful that you are finally seeing real progress.

    I love that tea mug. Very arty. Thanks for sharing your new plant growth, your progress in your studio, and your tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  8. You are doing so good with your art room project, Erika. We have been lucky having warm and sunny spring weather since last week..unfortunately, it's going to rain from tomorrow on.

  9. Brrrrr. I must call it nearly warm with 6C so far today. But yay to the flowers starting to bloom :-)
    I really was wondering about that little door. Clever idea.
    A great room you are creating - to a happy T-Day!

  10. I like the book your coffee mug rests on, Erika. As for your new room, it is coming along splendidly, with many nice touches like the tongue and grooved board. I think some of us are almost as anxious as you to see what it will look like when it's all completed. Hugs, David

  11. The room is looking great - so excited for your refreshed space to spark even more creativity. Your outside also looks like some refreshing is starting as well! Fun stuff.

    Love the mug - are you reading about dinosaurs? Now that is super fun!

    Happy T-day and hugz to you, Erika.

  12. Too cold to be outside today. Your art space is going to be awesome. Happy T Day

  13. Well done on your attic project. It is coming on nicely. It will be such a great space to craft as there is a lot of light coming out of the window. Will your workdesk be under the window?
    Great that the bulbs are popping up. Flowers soon! Spring here we come.
    Your cup of tea looks good in that beautiful mug. Although if I'm honest, it looks more like hot chocolate to me.... And the book underneath looks very interesting.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Wow, what a busy time you've had this week and everything looks like it's progressing well 😀. So good to hear the snow is gone and I hope you get some warmer weather soon. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  15. Nice to see your bulbs coming up Erika, it's always an exciting time when things start growing again isn't it. We have been having lovely sunny weather but still very cold at night, and next week it is to be even colder! I am following along with your art room reno, it's going to be really lovely and a lot more light when you are done. I've never had a screen porch but I gather that you have to seal it up for the winter with plastic, is that right? Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  16. Your attic is coming along nicely, it's a huge project. you bare doing so well. Lovely to see the first flowers peaking through, it's always so exciting! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  17. I'd love you to come take down my popcorn ceiling ;) I like that striking mug design. Happy T Tuesday!

  18. Great job on the room. Nice to see some growth in your yard. I sure wish the weather would warm up. I will have a very small garden this year because of my back. It just is not good. I do have some potatoes started. Have a lovely day.

  19. Loving the tongue and groove board. It looks wonderful there. You have really made tremendous progress, Erika. It will be fabulous!

  20. Your room is taking shape Erika, and lovely to see the green shoots coming up.
    Hope it soon warms up a bit.


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