Monday, March 28, 2022

Spring Clothes

Happy new week everyone.

As March is starting to wind down, I thought I would share another spring page for Valerie's challenge at Art Journal Journey. You have until the end of the month to join us. 

Spring is a  time for some new light weight and colorful clothes. You may buy them.  You may just pull out the old things which can feel like getting new clothes when you haven't worn them for several months. Someone can give you something new to wear, or you can sew them.

My page today is all about sewing a new outfit.

I started with some left over pink paints which I spread with an old credit card as well as sponged on with a paper towel. I created a border using some paper tapes as well as a piece of white metallic paper trim. That gave my ladies a place to sit and talk about what they were sewing for the spring season. You can see it is not quite spring clothes season for them yet by their outfits, but they are very excited for some new pretty dresses to wear.

The striped piece is the back of a sticker sheet. I thought the assortment of colors looked like a color card showing the latest seasonal fabric colors. Then I stitched a bit. I added a whole lot of sewing notions. Some were stickers and some were fussy cut from a magazine page. I also added a coat check ticket I had in my stash. Finally I added some little flowers I had in my stash and gave some of them a white paint dot center. The words are some multicolored stickers. 

Although the spring season is here for quite awhile longer,  the spring theme at Art Journal Journey will be around for only a few more days. 

Thanks for visiting my blog.



  1. Fabulous mixed media page, Erika! Hugs, my friend.

  2. What a beautiful spring page! And I do need some new spring clothes :-))

  3. Interesting technique.
    Oh, wish I could really sew.

  4. I can safely say that I have never sewn myself a new outfit, Erika, nor is that likely to change! If it were not for Goodwill and Thrift Stores, I would be lost! I am one of those who, especially at my stage in life, views clothing as purely utilitarian, not to be confused with adornment to attract the opposite sex, or to impress others, or for any purpose other than protection and thermoregulation. I could quite happily wear the same thing every day (laundered, of course), day after day until it wears out. If it's comfortable and does the job, why not? Hugs, David

  5. Fun page with the sewing circle ladies . Today and tomorrow will be a good day to start the sewing project, but too cold to wear light fabrics. Stay warm

  6. Cool! They must be quite proud to have such skill :)

  7. Great idea for a spring page, love it. It's really warm here today, and I only have winter things here! Have a great week, and thanks for another lovely page for my challenge, hugs, Valerie

  8. Good morning, I love this spring page Erika. reminds me of my childhood. My Mom would take us fabric shopping when ever the seasons changed to buy fabrics for new clothes. My Mom was a master seamstress and sewed up all of our clothes. I learned the basics but was never as good at it as she was. Happy Monday

  9. It turned out lovely, Erika!

    Before art entered my life, sewing was my thing. I used to sew clothes for myself, my Mum, my sisters, all the kids etc. I even sewed the bridesmaid's dresses for my sister's wedding and then, my daughter's wedding dress.

    Thanks for stirring up these happy memories.

    Have a wonderful week,
    Serena xx

  10. It's a lovely page, the pink colour really catches the eye.

    All the best Jan

  11. I love your page - yes, it can almost be as good as getting new clothes! Not sure how we are going to get on here but temperatures are about to fall here and in Paris....eek! I am having a rethink on what to take away with us! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. I was SURE I left you a comment on this latest AJJ post, Erika. I read it, and was sure I said something about the sewing, the thread and their spring clothes, I loved how you used the old safety pins and ribbon the women sat on. sorry if I didn't or it didn't publish. Thankjs for sharing it with AJJ using Valerie's theme.

  13. I can say without feat of contradiction, Erika, that I have never sewn myself new clothes! If it were not for Goodwill and Thrift Shops I have no idea what I would wear. Once I find something warm and comfortable, or cool and comfortable, depending on the season, I could happily wear it day after day (washed regularly of course) until it wears out. I remember once going on a birding trip to Guyana with several others, and one fellow, a professor of dentistry at Harvard University, showed up with one little sports bag. He wore the same tee shirt every day, washed it every might, and since we were deep in the rain forest the whole time, nobody cared. I wish I had done the same! Hugs, David

  14. Erika ~ this is a delightful collage creation ~ love the ladies, the colors and the sewing theme ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in all your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Only this week have I been packing away my woollen sweaters and taking out my lighter clothing. I even found things I had forgotten I had. The charity shop will benefit too. You are so right, even though worn before, after so long away it seems like a new wardrobe.
    I love your pink page and your three ladies all sat with their legs crossed I notice, that shows determination. I do hope they manage to sew a new spring wardrobe.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. A fantastic page Erika, I'm not thinking about changing to lighter clothes just yet, its snowing here today. Hope that springs gets to us all soon.
    Yvonne xx


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