Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Food Wednesday and Craft Room Project

Hi everyone. 

It's the middle of the week already. This week I feel like my day's plans revolve around things on my long to do list. And "the list" isn't getting any shorter. Oh no! 

Yesterday we had clouds and some light rain, and I decided I was only going to do 1 thing on"the list" and then spend some time making art. Boy, what a difference some art time makes to my state of mind.

The one thing I did  was finish staining and urethaning some trim for the bedroom project.   If I get this finishing work done, the floor can get started this weekend, which is the last big piece of this project. Hurrah! It is very exciting that it won't be too much longer until we finish up this project. I am missing some of my much loved supplies that are packed away. I'm tired  of the mess too, and I am so ready to get into this bright space.

Here's the trimmed out window which I have stained and put on urethane. I've also finished the trim boards that go at the base of ceiling and right above the finished sheetrock.

For Kathy's Food Wednesday this week I have some photos from when I went out to lunch several weeks ago. It was a rainy Saturday, and my husband and I went for a very late lunch, very early dinner at a restaurant not too far from the house called the Granite Steak and Grill. They have a good sized menu, and there are several items which we like on it.

As it was a cool and wet day, I went for the ultimate comfort (and calorie) food: macaroni and pulled pork.

They make their macaroni with Alfredo sauce, chopped dried tomatoes, fresh basil and  cheese. They also have 2 sizes to much of their menu, and this is the small size, which is still enough for 2 meals for me.

They also have a senior menu for people 55 and older. I've never ordered off it it, because not all of their meals are on it, but the waitress suggested I do that because I could get the macaroni dish along with my soda and a dessert for one price that would be less than just the dish and soda would have cost separately. I like when you get waitresses or waiters that are helpful like that.

Although all you can see of my dessert is whipped cream, I had a strawberry shortcake. The senior menu desserts are a bit smaller than the regular dessert menu sizes, but since the meal is so giant, the small size is more than enough. I shared this one with my husband.

That's all for me. I hope your week is going well, and thanks for visiting.



  1. You must be so excited that the room project is nearly completed. Looks like you'll have a great space to create in. I'll skip your dinner choice because I don't like Alfredo sauce, but your dessert would be a big hit.

  2. I applaud you for sticking to your craft room project and getting it done-that was allot of work too. our projects seem to take forever.
    never thought of macaroni and cheese with pulled pork together before but that sounds really good. when we first retired to Missouri back in '03 I had never heard of senior menus and the city we were near all the restaurants seemed to cater to the seniors with their special menus I think that was really nice
    Happy Food Wednesdays and thank you for sharing your post hugs Kathy

  3. I am glad to hear that your renovation project is getting ever nearer to completion, Erika. I am sure that it will have been worth all the inconvenience. I chuckled a little at your comments about the meals being big enough for two. I read a humorous piece a while ago that a sure sign of aging is when you order one meal and two plates! Looks like you're almost there!! Hugs, David

  4. I bet you can't wait for your craft room to be done! I love renovation projects, especially when they're done lol! ;) That food looks yummers. Thanks for listing the ingredients for the mac and cheese. I sometimes put Alfredo sauce on my pizzas for a change! ☺☺

  5. Almost done, that is such a good feelings. The food looks fabulous. I like pasta dishes like that. Have a lovely day.

  6. The pasta dish looks amazing Erika.

    Windows are so important for rooms.

  7. I've never heard of macaroni and pulled pork, but they are staples around here individually.

    I see precious little cake there lol but I'd enjoy getting down to it ;) Yummm!

  8. Your food looks soooooooooooo good, you chose well. Nobody here offers senior menus! Your renovtions are coming along really well, you have worked so hard to make yourself a beautiful art space, and soon you can enjoy the fruits of your labours! Hugs, Valerie

  9. It will be such a relief to finish the reno, Erika -- and you'll appreciate it all the more for the good word done. You've done a great job so far!

    I never thought of Mac and Pork! Yum!

  10. What a deliciously naughty mid afternoon meal... Its a favorite to eat for hubby and i if we are eating out.. halfway between lunch and dinner most places are not that busy..just how we like it! Your project is coming along swimmingly!! It will be so nice to have it done ! Happy Food Wednesday! Hugs! deb

  11. Maccaroni and pulled pork sounds delicious and the dish looks very tasty. You're making me hungry! Nothing wrong with smaller sizes, I often think that portions are way too big. The dessert looks yummy as well.
    I think your new space will be gorgeous when it will be done.

  12. I agree with you. Sometimes I sit and think ... "what did you do?!" Then take the journal and sketch it down. It´s fun, I can reflect and relax and!!! Ingo takes it away from me and even enjoys the lille sketches.
    'nough bragged ;-)
    Looking forward to see your finished room! Did a lot of renovating with my Brother back then, enjoyed it big.
    LOL, do you take a bowl with you for the second food-portion? I did, colleagues always laughed.
    Yours sounds yummy!

    Why would only "old" people eat less?! Kids, I get that, the other.... not really, isn´t it a bit of discrimination, too?
    Either way, yay to yummy food!

  13. Exciting to see that your craft room is almost finished Erika, you must really miss those packed away supplies.
    The pasta looks yummy, and that's a wicked looking dessert.
    Hope you're having a good week.


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