Thursday, April 28, 2022


Hi everyone.

This month is very quickly wrapping up. It's exciting to see how much more green the world is now compared to when this month started 28 days ago. I have some "green" photos further down in the post, but first I want to share another page for Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This time I have a song from a movie.

Remember the film Flashdance that came out in 1983? One of the songs in that film is "She's a Maniac".

I saw this Art by Marlene girl on her skateboard in a booklet of images I have. In fact she looks like she might be dancing on her skateboard, which made me think of this song.

I started my page by stamping the big typed swirl images. Since I've been doing some supply cleaning as part of the spare bedroom project, I've found a few old supplies including this  set of clear stamps from Prima that I've had for probably 15 years. At least. I love finding things that haven't been used for a long time as it is like getting new supplies without having to buy them. Smile.

I stamped those swirls as well as the flowers from the same set, and then I used watercolor markers to color them. Using a wet brush, I I swirled some of the color from my images around on my page. Then using some white ink, I painted the dots and stamped some dots over them. Finally I added the girl. I  added lots of details to her with a white pen, and I used a black Sharpie to color around her so she would jump off the page.  Finally I used some those rub on letters to put in my words.

And notice the leaves on the pink flowers. Today for Rain's Art Date with the theme is leaves and branches.

Spring is always so exciting. The buds are getting really big on some of the branches in my yard.

My maple tree has been in flower also. 

 These leaves are popping out of the ground on one of my hydrangea plants.

And a few of my roses are getting leaves also.

Unfortunately I had vole damage to a few of my other roses. They ate right through the roots so even though the plant looks normal above ground, once you touch them, they come right out of the ground.

When it comes out this is what you see, a gnawed through root ball.

My peonies are really growing.

And the pop of blue and purple of my hydrangeas look pretty among the leave.

And my irises are really coming up too. 

 I've also been snapping photos of the cherry blossom buds on the branches of my weeping cherry tree.

The next step is flowers. I can see why in Japan Sakura or cherry blossoms are so revered. They're so beautiful.

Have a great day and thanks for visiting. 



  1. Isn't it exciting when things start to bud, sprout and flower? Enjoy watching the new growth and spring. Your page is great, andx that song is going round and round in my head....Have a wonderful day Erika, hugs, Valerie

  2. That is a fabulous art piece! i love the shapes and colours.

    Those peonies are stunning already! I love the colour and shape of them, too!

    Happy Thursday!

  3. You captured the song title perfectly! I love that we are on the same plant-emerging schedule. My peonies are like that (they are always slow, being more in shade than sun) and roses and trees are beginning my very favorite leaf-starting. Isn't that bright "light permanent green" the best color? Nice, all of it!

  4. I love your page Erika, it's fabulous! I loved the film and song too :-)
    Great to see the garden coming to life again. There's a stunning cherry blossom tree that we see on our walk every morning.

  5. That's a very happy and colourful page, Erika. I love the elegant swirls.

  6. She's a maniac I love this! Wonderful photos too. Have a very nice day today.

  7. It's fun to see when spring shoots and buds come to you. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful, aren't they! It's a shame they don't last longer.

  8. yes, those voles are nasty critters that would leave tunneling hills over the front lawn in VA. We would stomp them down, sometimes to no avail. Patrick did put some substance down one end of the tunnel, but I don't recall if it actually worked. I would not feel any regret in killing any, but never followed through myself. I have seen a couple of weeping cherry trees in bloom around the area and they are lovely.

  9. Thanks for the earworm. Did you notice the close up of the tree bud is in the same position as the little maniac on your page? ๐Ÿ˜ธSpring is really springing at your house. Sunny, but very cold and windy today.

  10. wonderful seeing all the signs of spring, the leaves are just beginning to show now here.
    loved your art journal page too-you are so creative-hugs

  11. The Marlene character on the skateboard balancing birds on her head says it all hee hee, great choice of song for your journal page. I saved up money from doing chores to buy that fame album when it was released.. The legwarmers came later for Christmas :))
    Lovely to see how everything is coming to life across the pond, the crab apple and cherry blossom tree's have been in bloom extra early here, although everything could do with a little rain. April has been an unusually dry month.
    Your hydrangea is a beautiful colour Erika.
    Wishing you a super weekend Hugs Tracey xx

  12. LOL, I thought, "oh, boy,, yes". Flashdance was all over. It screamed at me (maybe I was too young).
    And skateboard... ohhh, bad. A wonder I´m still around, LOL. I had a cheapy and when going too fast the wheels went out of control.
    The page captures those times perfectly!

    Interesting buds, never seen anything like that. The hydrangeas are very, very beautiful! Yay for winter being over!!!
    To a great day - as I type the birds are singing at full blast! Hugs!

  13. Late April has whacked us with a couple of late snows, but that seems to happen most years. It does not, however, restrain the inexorable march of spring, and signs of it are all around us. The woodlands are alive with flowers, buds and birds and the sound of Wood Frogs and Spring Peepers seems to be in every wetland I visit. Soon it will be May and good weather should be here to stay. Fingers crossed! Hugs from Ontario. David

  14. Gorgeous page! You captured the song beautifully with the hectic background design - amazing ๐Ÿ˜€. Such lovely photos too, it looks like spring is here at last! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  15. I think I only have one Art by Marlene stamp but I do like them and this one is fabulous±. What a great page, it has to be one of my favourite pages of the month. She certainly does look perfect for the song and I love the background you have done with the words dotted here and there.
    A fantastic page Erika
    I love it
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Sweet little maniac creation ~ great nature photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. The girl on the skateboard is full of energy and motion ~ but now I've got "She's a Maniac". stuck in my head. Thanks, Erika! ๐Ÿ˜‚. Your spring photos are so hopeful. Too bad about the pesky vole. I see a lot of vole damage in our area. It's disheartening for gardners. Happy weekend to you!

  18. It is exciting to see that spring is finally coming to your corner as well. I love all the new life that is starting in your garden - an exciting time.

  19. My goodness Erika, you remind me of me only 40 years ago. Art, Travel, science (though I chose nursing not teaching). Yes, I remember Flash Dance and "She's a Maniac". Your art piece is perfect for it and I love the little birds balancing on her nest of hair. You have quite a selection in your gardens and isn't it wonderful to see green again ... and flowers pushing up through the ground ... I even saw a toad in my garden, though I think it is still too cold for him to be up. Like you I am an animal lover. We lost our wonderful dog last November and I still miss her. We have two cats ... an old poop cat who is diabetic, blind and arthritic, but still a loving old boy and a young energetic cat that we rescued from outside before we moved here. Your Photography is wonderful and the buds and branches are coming to life. It is the time of year when we have hope of new beginnings. Love you post Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  20. lol, love both your art and your garden :) Finding a great set of stamps seemed good. :)

  21. Oh that's a shame about your roses! Your flowers are so pretty...I'm TERRIBLY excited about spring lol...I love gardening season! Oh Flashdance!!! I am remembering the video for that song, and also remembering it was Jennifer Lopez who did most of the dancing for that actress whose name escapes me! ☺ Thanks for the "flash" back!!! ☺☺♥


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