Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Pizza for Dinner

 Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday.

Today is time for Food Wednesday over at Kathy's blog, Hummingbird Studio at the Lake.

Last week started off very cold, too cold for spring or even the end of March. One day we hit a high of 24 degrees F (about -4 degrees C).  I must say I'm kind of food stuck right now, tired of heavier winter meals but not quite ready for lighter summer food. I either don't know what I want for dinner or am not sure what to have.

By the end of the week we were back to more normal temperatures, so Friday night we made our first pizza on the grill for the season. I actually made 2 pizzas on the grill, as my daughter was home.  

Neither of these were the biggest pizzas, since I split my sourdough dough in half to make them. They also started more round than they ended. But even though they had a rustic look, they tasted delicious. 

On the way home that night my husband stopped and got some fresh mozzarella from the market which we used as well as shredded mozzarella. Besides the thin crispy crust, the fresh mozzarella added a creamy taste to the toppings.

I've made pizza on the grill directly on the grill, first by lightly grilling the crust, then removing it, adding toppings and returning it to finish on the grill. I've also made pizza on the grill in a cast iron pan, which is what we did here. In the pan you don't need to first grill the crust at all.

We make pizza usually around once a week in my house, and I'm always looking for new ideas. Meat or no meat. Have you ever done pizza on the grill or used any interesting toppings when making pizza?

That's all for me food wise this week. If you have HBO, there is a new Julia Child show on, which is pretty good. I like how it shows the behind the scenes of her life while she was filming her French Chef TV show (which was my post last week). The characters (Julia, her husband, her editor, a friend) are very true to their times, and I like how it shows the characters flaws and how Julia thought about herself. My only issue is the actress playing Julia (Sarah Lancashire)  sometimes sounds like she has an Irish brogue, rather than her normal voice. But she does a great job otherwise. 

Have a great day, and thanks for visiting my blog. 


  1. Hi Erika, Oh Yum your pizzas look so delicious. Yes I have made pizza on the grill and my husband loved them. I need to surprise him and do that again. I have done right on the grill and also in a very large cast iron.
    I ran into online a kit made by weber grill for pizza kit-it fits in the grill-sounded interesting but not really needed.
    Hope warmer weather arrives for you soon. Thanks for sharing on Food Wednesdays hugs.
    oh and the chia pudding can be made with choice of milk.

  2. Oh how I love a good grilled rustic pizza! I have made a few on the grill on occasion but have yet to try one in the cast iron skillet....now I want some:):) Don't have HBO but I did catch an episode of "The Julia Challenge" on the Food Network and didn't think much of it. I'll give it another try though;)

  3. The grilled pizza looks delicious.

  4. What a start to the day!!!
    I haven´t had pizza like... forever, Hubby is not a fan.
    Do you put it directly on the grill?
    Oh, it looks so yummy!

    Here Dr. Oetker has a new pizza on the market. With spinach and fish fingers. My neighbor really tried it - I didn´t even care to ask. Brrrr, it sounds wrong.
    My ex-boyfriend had a pizza in a Greek restaurant - with fried eggs and sausages. I bet any Italian would simply burst into tears!

  5. Love the idea of using grill to make pizza! Yours looks fantastic, Erika.

  6. Those pizzas look delicious Erika! I have to eat vegan cheese now, because of gallstones, but it's just not the same.
    Happy midweek,

  7. Hi Erika! ☺ Oooooh your pizzas look deeeeeelish! ☺ I've never made one on the grill, I don't have a grill! But there is one on my wish list. I can imagine how crispy the crust is when you have such high heat. I struggle with my crusts right now because the only working oven I have is a toaster oven and it only goes up to 450 (or so it claims!). I use a pizza stone which helps to cook the bottom. I love margarita pizza the most. Sometimes I'll throw on some green olives with mozzarella and Parm. I've made 5 cheese (Mozz, Parm, Cheddar, Goat and Blue)...that was decadent! I also tried potatoes and rosemary pizza on a Bianca and it wasn't much to write home about lol...Greek pizza with Feta, red onions and black olives...shredded chicken and Cheddar with BBQ sauce drizzled on top...smoked meat...in the summer I put fresh spinach on my cheese pizzas, makes it very crunchy! I made a Mexican style once using salsa as the sauce, Monterey Jack cheese, tomatoes and lettuce - that was good too! And then just Bianca style...crust, olive oil and a sprinkle of parm and fresh garlic! I guess you can tell it's my favourite food lol! ♥

  8. Your pizzas look delicious, Erika. The rustic appearance only enhances them and I am quite sure the taste is excellent. We make pizza once in a while, but certainly nowhere near once a week. Last night we had homemade chicken soup, and tonight we will be going out for dinner. Ten years ago an Italian girl named Erica stayed with us for three weeks as part of a student exchange and we have stayed in touch ever since. Now she is twenty-seven years old, a chemical engineer, and is here on business. It will be wonderful to see "our" Erica as a grown woman. The point to telling you about her is that she detested North American pizza. She thought we emptied the fridge and threw everything on it! For her, pizza is dough, cheese, tomato sauce and basil. That's it, and she says that's what you will get in Naples where pizza originated. Hugs, David

  9. I've never done pizza on the grill, but your pizzas look amazing.

  10. What you're probably hearing a bit of in Sarah Lancashire's accent is her native dialect, colloquially called "Lanky" -- she is from the Lancashire area of northern England. It probably slips in a bit as she does Julia's trill! I am enjoying the show but only have HBO max for one more episode, I think. (Hope!) A friend gave me her PW to watch Gilded Age which doesn't knock me out like Downton did. But I'm loving Julia and some of the movies!

    Those pizzas look delish, Erika. We've never done them on the grill. Rick is making pizza next weekend for our annual egg dying gathering. I doubt it will be nice enough for the grill -- today certainly isn't but we've got a week and if it was anything like yesterday, nice. But doing it for company on the grill when we've never done it that way might not work. But seeing your post, I might suggest making individual pizzas. Hmmm. Inspired!

  11. We've never done pizza on a grill, but yours tempts me to try it. I had frozen pizza last night in observance of pan pizza day. Tasty, but yours looks worlds better :)

  12. Ohhh Yuuummmmmm. We eat pizza a lot here too. Yours looks absolutely delicious.

  13. So yummy. Our cookery group made Pizzas for supper today! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  14. I've never made pizza on the grill .. the few times we tried to make pizza at home were always ho hum attempts... I call Pizza Hut..lol Yours looks absolutely delish though! Save me a piece?? Love the idea of your Art Thursday... I can't help but wonder with all these groups .. how do people have the time to go around and visit everyone?? I do Food Wed and the Tparty and thats about all i can handle... How do you do it?? Happy Food Wednesday! Hugs! deb

  15. Erika, your pizzas look delicious. I actually prefer rustic looking pizzas to the perfect ones, and I also love fresh mozzarella in pizza as well. I often put pesto sauce instead of pizza sauce on my pizza, fresh tomatoes, spinach, sometimes cooked chicken. I LOVE pizza with roasted vegetables like eggplant, zucchini and bell pepper.

  16. Pizza on the groll looked delicious, Erika, and so you told us it tasted that way as well. We never did pizza on the grill in all the years we had an outdoor grill. I have done in in a cast iron skillet in the oven as well as a cast iron pizza pan. Now you have me thinking that I need to make a skillet pizza this weekend!

  17. Pies On The Grill - FANTASTIC - Stay Warm And Enjoy Your Weekend


  18. Now you have me STARVING. I haven't eaten anything today because we were supposed to go to eat Indian food. Sadly, Sally didn't feel like it, so I haven't come up with anything to eat. Sound familiar? At least, the only person I cook for is me.

    I have a grill, but have never cooked a pizza on it before. Again, both of these look wonderful. I must find something to eat very soon, I fear.

  19. Yum! Your pizzas look so tasty.

    All the best Jan

  20. Those look delicious! I've never made pizza on the grill, but we did go to someone's house in Maine once and that's what we had.

    When we moved to Portland, OR back in the 80s, a pizza shop opened down the street from us and they had a pizza with broccoli which we'd never had before, so we tried it. It was yummy so I often add it to my pizzas now. We liked sun-dried tomatoes, too (from a jar) and chopped artichoke hearts. But I put those under the cheese because I bake the pizza in the oven and they'll burn on top. I also like pesto instead of tomato sauce.

    When we got to Ireland, pizza toppings were interesting to see. Tuna and sweetcorn is very popular here. I have not ever tried it that way, but I did get veggie pizza once and it had the usual onions and peppers, but also pineapple and sweetcorn. The menu didn't say what was on a veggie pizza, so I didn't know until it came (I suspect it's different every time and they just use what they have). I was not sure I would like it, but it was yummy!


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