Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Spring Colours

 Hi everyone.

It is  already April 5th and already time for a new challenge at Try It on Tuesday. Thanks to all of you who joined us for our Say It With Flowers challenge. And I also want to thank Vicki for being our guest designer.

For our new Try It On Tuesday challenge we want to see your Spring Colours.

For my spring colors page I began by using a mask and some bright spring colored watercolor paints. I just had to be sure the watercolor paints were wet but not too wet as I used the mask, otherwise the colors would run under it and make a big blob. I do like the  varying shades of these multicolors you can only get with watercolors.

I then added some yellow flower ribbon along the left side, as well as some white paper trim.  The piece of embossed design on the right hand side  was one I made quite awhile ago for a card and ended up never using. Finally I added to that this vintage young woman and the yellow butterfly, as well as the quote.

We accept all types of art at Try It On Tuesday, and this challenge runs for the next 2 weeks. Be sure to check out the designers pieces on our homepage for some wonderful inspirations using spring colors.

I didn't make this page with any songs or movies in mind (for Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey), but the quote definitely brings back a song memory to me. I'm not sure if this page is enough for Alison's challenge, but if it's not, I'm certain someone will let me know.

The quote makes me think of Taylor Swift's Shake It Off because that song is all about being happy with who you are. It reminds me  of a graduation at the school I worked at when the valedictorian's speech was about being a nerd, and he ended that speech with all the graduating seniors in a flash mob with this song.  The gist of the speech was that when he (the valedictorian) was younger, he didn't think Taylor Swift was cool enough to listen to, so even though he really liked her music, he wouldn't admit to listening to it to anyone. Then he decided that it was OK to listen to music you liked, even admit to liking it, even if it wasn't the cool music, because you had to be true to yourself.

Lots of people took videos of this speech and flash mob, and at least one was posted to the internet. The video went viral right after graduation. Here's a link to the graduation speech and flash mob if you're interested: Graduation Flashmob, but FYI, it is 7 minutes long. You can even see the back of my head in part of it. Smile.

Doesn't the vintage girl  on my page look like she is posing for her high school yearbook photo?

And I'm happy to say that being a nerd has worked out for this former student. He's now in medical school, which was his dream in high school. Because I mentioned the Taylor Swift song, I am also linking my page up to Alison's Play It Again Sam challenge at Art Journal Journey

Back to our new challenge at Try It On Tuesday, I look forward to seeing your creations.
Have some fun and play with spring colors.  I hope to see it at Try It on Tuesday
Thanks also for visiting my blog.


  1. This is so very pretty Erika! LOVE the masking and the ribbon and trim! Awesome! Have a fabulous week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  2. A beautiful page Erika, those colours are gorgeous!
    Thanks for linking up to my AJJ theme.

  3. Fa<bulous piece, such wonderful colours. Love the lace, too, so pretty. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely design and colors and great message ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A ShutterBug Explores)

  5. Love your colours, pretty lace and lovely sentiment

    Joan x

  6. Such a fabulous page! Love the bright spring colours and the quote made me smile, so true 😁. Happy April! Hugs Jo x

  7. Fabulous colours and Spring page Erika, I always look for.
    Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Great colors to brighten this gray, rainy morning!

  9. Definitely spring! And it DOES look like a yearbook photo shoot!

  10. What a beautiful page. I love the colors, your background, and quote! And I love that Taylor Swift song, too! Yes, it's all about being happy with who you are, as is your page. Thank you!

  11. sweet colors of spring :)

    I have updated my post about Elvis :) Would love to know what you think :)

  12. Your colours are lovely - they brighten up an otherwise wet dull day for me and Yes, I can see the link for the theme at AJJ. Such a pretty young girl posing for her photo to be included in the year book.
    Loved the story of the ex nerd.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Talk about running behind and of course, I had to stop and watch that amazing speech and flash mob. I saw your back and even your glasses as you turned your head to watch the dancing. I would say that works well for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Those colors GLOWED! I was so impressed with this beautiful page. A great journal entry with great spring colors.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!