Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Being Naughty-Twice!

 Hi everyone. 

It's the middle of the week and time to share some food over at Kathy's Food Wednesdays.

This week for Food Wednesday I am sharing 2 high calorie dinners I had over the past weekend.

I'll start with Friday night when my husband and I decided to have hot fudge sundaes for dinner.

My hot fudge sundae with coffee ice cream was yummy, even if it was about a million calories. I should mention my husband had taken the day off from work, and we had skipped lunch as he was working on finishing the floor in the spare bedroom project I've  mentioned too many times already. When he finished, we had an early dinner about 3 in the afternoon, so by evening we needed a little something but not a lot. An ice cream sundae seemed like a good choice.

Funny I don't eat much ice cream in the winter, but as soon as it warms up I could (but don't) eat it daily. My mom, who is 92, does eat it daily and has for years, so maybe there is something to it. 

And then on Sunday we also had an early dinner. This past weekend our favorite summer restaurant, Pop's Clam Shell, opened.  They are a take out place on one of the lakes near us that serves mostly high calorie fried food. 

We guessed Saturday with the sun and high temperatures the line would be really long so we decided to wait until Sunday when we were predicted to have showers. Hoping that would keep the line a bit shorter. From what we heard while waiting, it was over an hour wait in line on Saturday. I'm glad we went Sunday EXCEPT that they were out of lobster rolls. 😕

So I had a fried clam roll instead. 

As usual there were more clams than could fit into the roll. My husband had fried chicken tenders, and we split a small side of onion rings. And I was impressed that their prices either stayed the same or only went up $1 from last season, depending on what you bought. I do think I've had more clams when I've bought a clam roll before, but there was still more than enough here. In fact, they wouldn't all fit into the roll.

This week I am eating lots of salads and other healthy foods after this past weekend's being naughty twice binge.
OK, that's all for me this week. I'm  keeping my post short.
Thanks for visiting and have a great week!


  1. Good morning Erika, looks like your favorite restaurant already has long lines. Your food there always looks delicious. I have never had fried clams either.
    Yum hot fudge sundae that was my Mom's favorite take out ice cream treat.
    You were right the cool whip dessert is vintage, I was trying to remember what years that was popular may need to research that Happy Food Wednesday and thanks so much for sharing with us hugs Kathy

  2. Well i always heard a long line like that means good food! I haven't had a lobster roll or fried clam roll.. never cared for fried clams but LOVE steamed clams.. Hubs and i had icecream this week too.. 107 degrees here .. icecream? You betcha!! Happy Food Wednesday! Hugs! deb

  3. Sundaes for dinner! What can I say they look good!

  4. HA! Once in a while you need to be naughty, what else is life for if not fun and good food here and there...
    Sorry you didn´t get your favorite, but then, that´s a good excuse to go again ;-)
    An icecream a day. Oh, that would be a pain for me, LOL. To happy times, hugs!

  5. Dessert for the dinner...why not? Life is too short to not too indulge yourself once a while!

  6. It all looks delicious! I'll join you in that kind of naughtiness any time lol

  7. Being naughty is such fun! Glad you enjoyed it all! I have sinned a lot this past week, too, I don't dare to go near the scales! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. As long as you enjoyed it. And dessert for dinner I am all for it. Have a great day.

  9. Great binges Erika!! I love hot fudge Sundaes, but like you, I just don't crave ice cream in the winter. I love that your mom eats it every day way to go! ☺ Too bad about the lobster rolls, but the clams look tasty! ☺

  10. I can't even remember the last time I had ice cream. This might motivate me to get out to our local ice cream place!

  11. Oh my! That ice-cream looks wonderful! What a shame you couldn't get a lobster roll - it must have been a huge queue on Saturday, hugs, Chrisx

  12. I used to love hot fudge sundaes back in my dairy-days! I'm not generally a big ice-cream eater but now, in our hot and humid summers, a bowl of vegan ice-cream with chopped banana, chocolate syrup, and crushed nuts hits the spot.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. x

  13. The perfect naughty foods. At Harry's in Westboro the waitresses wear t-shirts that say fried is a food group. 😸

  14. I'm not a big fan of clams, but maybe it's because I live so far from any ocean, by the time they get here, they are old. I think they are definitely an east coast delicacy.

    As for your sundae, it looks wonderful. I've been eating ice cream every day sincve it got hot. I never eat it in winter, but with the excessive heat and humidity, ice cream goes down well. I switch between chocolate and moose tracks.

    You had some decadent treats to share with us. Great that you got some work done before the treats were consumed!

  15. Well, as naughty goes, that's about as good as it gets. I love ice cream!


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