Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday Art

 Hi everyone. It's Friday, and it's almost the weekend. And it's Friday the 13th which might mean something if you're superstitious. I also just learned that Sunday there is a lunar eclipse.   

My husband is taking today off from work to get a few things done. I’m excited because today the plan is to get the floor in spare bedroom get completed.

You can see we moved my big shelves away from the wall and there is just a strip of floor left to do. And the best thing is when we finish and move the shelves back, I can start actually putting things back for good. 

As it is now mid-May (or just about),  things are starting to open up for summer. I'm excited because this was the sign at Pop's.

Hey, that's tomorrow!

Today I have some art to share with you.

First I have a journal page that I am sharing over at Art Journal Journey for Matilde's Birds challenge.  I also want to link up to Creative Artiste's Mixed Media Challenge. This month is their 82nd challenge, and as always, the challenge is Anything Goes.

My page is made with  various papers, stenciled bricks (using white gesso), and a little bit of ink. I also used a stamped and fussy cut lady, as well as some stamped flying birds, and some other ephemera. I finally trimmed the top and bottom edge of the paper with thin washi tape.

I also have another tag I want to link to Pinky's Add Some Stenciling challenge at Tag Tuesday.
This time I stenciled part of the background after inking it. I also used a stencil and a red Sharpie to trace the big hearts, as well as the dotted line design.

That's it for me today. I'm linking up to GIllena's Art Break which does every Friday. I am also linking up this tag face to Friday Face Off over at Nicole's blog which the Face Off link will take you to.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Wonderful art. Exciting news about the craft room. Hooray for Pops! The weather today is supposed to be fantastic!

  2. I don't know why I'm so excited Pops is opening because I'll probably never get there, but that just makes me smile HUGE! And so does the fact that you can start reshelving things in your room. What a joy that will be! I think you're in for a busy weekend.

  3. Your spare bedroom is looking wonderful, I love the flooring you choose and it'll be great to get things back in place 😁. We are currently doing the prep for decorating our hall and landing, we have an old Victorian house so the space is really large and the ceilings are really high so it'll take some time. Loving your artwork too, the vintage journal page looks beautiful. How exciting pops is opening soon - yay! Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x
    Oh, just noticed you joined Creative Artiste too - thanks so much for joining us, it's always a pleasure to see you there! x

  4. My Mum always said Friday 13s are her lucky days :-)
    And a busy weekend, spoiled food-wise!

    Love your art, especially the dreamy girl! Hugs

  5. Your stencil tag is intriguing. Nice photos and journal pages.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Thanks for alerting me about linking in. I experienced a computer glitch earlier while preparing the post, so it did not appear.
    I have edited and the linky is there now.

    Have a fun weekend


  6. Spring is 'apopin' ~ your tag and journal page are delightful ~ love the messages and the vintage look ~ Lovely! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. The room is just beautiful Well done to both of you. Happy to see an eatery reopening. Your art is just beautiful. I have officially opened Friday Face Off to anyone who wants to join. Your faces qualify. Come check it out. Have a great day today.

  8. I love your art. Happy Friday.

  9. Eriks, Thank you for linking up at Art For Fun Friday 😊


  10. All the best for the renovations. Lovely page and tag today Erika.

  11. Good luck with renovations. Lovely page and tag

  12. Friday the 13th is a great day for Miriam and me. We met on Friday the 13th, got married on Friday the 13th and signed the deal for our house on Friday the 13th. Who says it means bad luck? Your room really does look like it's close to completion, Erika. Soon you will be able to move everything into its proper place and you will be all set to produce even finer work than before. We will all look forward to seeing it!
    Hugs, David

  13. Getting a floor done sounds like a wonderful goal. Happy Flooring!

  14. I forgot all about it being Friday 13th til I got home for getting some potting soil. I usually do not drive anywhere that day but I leave at 5:30 am to be there when they opened at 6 I was just about the only customer there-love that.
    beautiful art Erika, I am loving this brick stamp you used and Chris used one too-I need to look for one-great textures. Happy weekend-will you be visiting Pop's? fun way to begin summer hugs

  15. I'm feeling just as excited for you with your craft room, you'll be sorted before you know it, creating in your wonderful space. Everything here seems to be back up and running, it's as if covid is a thing of the past, I hope you get to treat yourself @ Pops after all your hard work.
    Lovely journal page Erika, the vintage collaged papers look very authentic and old. Thank you for sharing @ Creative Artiste my friend.
    You tag is very beautiful too, I love your focal lady.
    I hope to get some time in my craft room this weekend as I've been away @ my MIL's boxing up for her move in the next few weeks.. So much to still do but so many discoveries.
    Happy weekend Hugs Tracey xx

  16. Enjoy Pop's! So glad your room is nearing completion, that must be a fantastic feeling! Love the beautiful journal page, and of course, the gorgeous tag for Pinky's challenge at TT. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  17. What a beautiful floor! I know you'll be thrilled to see it complete :)

  18. A fabulous journal page. Lovely texture, wonderful details and beautiful vintage elements.
    Thank you for joining in with our May challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. Good luck x

  19. It is always exciting when nearing the end of a big project, and it's looking good! I absolutely adore your tag. So bright and cheerful!! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday this time Erika.

  20. Love your page and tag, your brick stenciling worked great, mine gave me unexpected resluts but I'm good with it. Won't be long before we can quit calling that the spare bedroom. I'd have been saying my craft room from the get go, heehee. Ok so is Pop's always closed for the winters or was this a Covid thang? Y'all do things so differently than we do. If some one down here closed for the winter, it had better be an ice skating ring, hahaha. (I shouldn't laugh, our city operates one in our historic downtown and it's only open for 4-6 weeks every year! Our city operates an ice rink, a water park and a dozen swimming pools, what a weird combo but they are all popular and make money.) XOX

  21. This is another great entry :) I like the background with the motie of bricks. All the elements look perfect together!

  22. Beautiful artwork Erika! Enjoy your new room.

  23. I like organising shelves and cabinets, always find something that inspires me to create something new. I hope it is the same for you too. Lovely artwork. I really enjoyed looking at all the beautiful ephemera you used for your journal page.


  24. Yes, i am SO far behind, but I am thrilled to read your floor is nearly finished. How exciting. Love that tag and it is a great way to start at Nicole's new link up.

    I also LOVE that beautiful new entry you have given us at AJJ using Matilde's theme. It has such a vintage feel to it, and still has those lovely birds. It is stunning, Erika.

  25. Fabulous journal page and tag. Great to see Pops will be open! As you can see - I seem to be solving my commenting problem - just taking me longer, hugs, Chrisx

  26. Well they say better late than never, its a fantastic page and tag Erika.
    Its good that you are near to finishing the renovation, I'm so late calling in you could be finished by now.
    Yvonne xx


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