Thursday, May 12, 2022

Sun and Water

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. It's been a gorgeous week weather wise, our first real week of warmer weather. Nature is really getting green too.

It's also time for Rain's Art Date, and this week the theme is Sun and Water. I am going to start my post with a journal page for Matilde's BIRDS challenge at Art Journal Journey.  This page is  in my horizontal journal so I had  a hard time getting it lay flat enough  for a well aligned photo.

Jonah and Beatrix are a handsome couple, aren't they?  They are out for a late day walk on a beautiful sunny afternoon, enjoying the longer days of May. There are lots of singing birds, but the temperature at this hour is  on the cool side. You can tell because neither of them are wearing their summer finery, but it must be spring as there are birds nesting in the trees. 

For my background I used printed tissue paper and some watercolor paint. I used some corrugated cardboard "paper" that was yellow, as well as some tape, some stickers, and a few TH ephemera pieces.

And what is a better way to show sun and water than a beautiful day by the ocean, river, pond, puddle or a lake? Last week Pete and I walked with my friend and her dog at the beach.

You can see Pete is having a wonderful time. When I let him off leash he just ran and ran. At one point he  ran maybe a third of the beach, ignoring everyone and everything around him. Then he stopped, looked back and realized how far he had gone from me, so he came zipping back at top speed. He was living his best dog life. 

This might be Pete's and my last beach walk until fall. Parking sticker season is about to begin. I can't buy a parking sticker as I don't live in the town where the beach is, and I could visit the state beach but they charge for parking also. I could buy a beach parking pass, but I know I would never use it enough. Plus they don't allow dogs at all. I might visit the beach myself a day or two over the summer, but it's not the same as an off season walk.

I shall miss my beach walks, but there will be other places to walk and when my husband gets his boat cleaned up, I'll be out on the water, instead of at the shore. It's all good.

Have a great Thursday. And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. What a beautiful place to take a walk and enjoy the sunshine with your fur baby!
    Hallo Pete!!!

  2. Hi Erika, your journal page is beautiful, I love how your well-dressed couple are out for a spring walk. And great to see Pete having so much fun. My dogs always went mad when they saw sand and water and also raced about in gay abandon. Sorry you won't be able to go there over the summer. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Lovely page and beautiful beach photos

  4. What a shame that beach access is limited in that way. I'm guessing crowding made them think this was the best solution, but still -what a shame :(

    A dog's best life is the best life :) We could learn a lot from dogs.

  5. I LOVE your journal page, Erika. It is beautiful. You make it look easy, but I know it isn't. You put it together so beautifully. Tanks for the great AJJ entry using Matilde's theme.

    Fun photos at the shore. Sorry to read this will be your final walk till fall, though.

  6. It is a beautiful day today. Just like your page. Pete looks like he's having a high old time for himself. Enjoy the weather the next few days!

  7. Oh, this page is amazing! I agree that the couple look very charming :) I like the birds also and the whole story about this. Great idea for printed tissue paper and some watercolor painf for the backgorund :)

  8. Love the art. Yes, they are a very handsome couple. You don't want to get me started about the OWNERS of dogs and out beach. Glad you had a day.

  9. Oh what a wonderful way to translate your real life experiences, love this page. I should probably pay better attention in this respect, as I often journal the same dang way, or I should say journaled, been too long since I've done that. I bought an A4 sized landscape mixed media journal last year to try out that size. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so committed to producing cards for people, especially the older and slower I get, lol. XOXO

  10. Gorgeous beach photos and love the unique vintage type collage ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Terrific page ~I love all the birds. Your beach is beautiful. It's hard when the season starts and then people fill our beaches here in Virginia also, but it does make you appreciate those quiet times even more.

  12. Nice story behind your beautiful artwork.
    Clever done with all the different media. I can practically hear the birds singing (not for real, they sleep in, I think (05:42 am here).

    Hehe, Pete sounds like a very sweet dog I maybe even wouldn´t be afraid of. Beautiful beach-pics!
    Sad about no-beach-summers. At least ON the ocean!! I hope for pics, hugs from here.

  13. I love how you are able to put bits and pieces together to a gorgeous piece of art.
    Love your creation. :)

  14. love the patterns on that beach. So much to explore there. :)

  15. I've enjoyed your beach walks and sorry they won't continue but I can see why a parking pass would be a little pricey if you didn't use it all the time. Meanwhile, love your pretty art today. That green just sets it off!

  16. Beautiful page! Loving how you used the TH collage paper with the paints 😀. Your beach walks look great too, Pete is certainly having fun (smile!). Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  17. ...I think that I need some beach time!

  18. A handsome couple and a fantastic journal page Erika. I loved the photo of the dog having fun on the beach as well.
    Yvonne xx

  19. What a wonderful page! I love the paint and tissue background. Shame you have to give up beach walks -Pete is having so much fun! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. Hi Erika! ☺ Your bird page is just lovely! Oh Pete is adorable...I love when dogs can just be dogs! Too bad you won't be able to walk on the beach during tourist looks so nice there!


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