Monday, May 30, 2022


Hi everyone. Happy end of the weekend and new week to you.

For those of you in the US, I hope you are having a wonderful long weekend. 

The next few days will be a little posting crazy as challenges end and new ones  begin.  Today I have 2 posts to share. Tonight I will share my T day post, and right now I want to share my final post for Matilde's BIRD challenge at Art Journal Journey
I want to thank Matilde for this great challenge theme, and I want to thank everyone for joining us at Art Journal Journey also. It was fun to see how everyone interpreted Matilde's theme. And of course, how can you go wrong seeing birds in art?

And I want to thank Matilde for being a wonderful host also. 

For my final AJJ page, I am sharing this page about a young and budding ornithologist with you.

I began with some printed blue paper and a couple of pages from the index of an old children's bird book. The image in the middle of the binoculars and book are also taken from this book.  Before I attached that image I drew some clouds and used some gesso to paint them. Then I added the centerpiece image and gave it a bit of color. 

I stamped the starling and gave him a branch to hang onto. Then I added the various pieces of washi tape. The quote was a paragraph in the same old book, which I colored and outlined. Finally I added this young ornithologist. Perhaps he is Roger Tory Peterson (1908-1996) by the age of the photo. And finally, I finished my page with a few little foam confetti pieces.

I'm keeping this short as I will be posting again tonight for T. I hope you have a wonderful end of May.Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Looks like a fun day in store for that little boy. Birdwatching from his backyard. He'll have fun with those binoculars. Stay cool today

  2. Well, that's an interesting take on the theme, although quite logical. Nice work! I hear you about end of month, always so frustrating. xoxo

  3. With a topic like ornithology the scope is unlimited, Erika. I will be following with interest!
    Hugs --- David

  4. Cute boy, reckon a clever one, too!
    Can you believe it´s nearly June... Sad, can someone stop the time from running so we can enjoy summer soon? Hugs... and to bird-watching.

  5. I don't know how you keep up on the challenges, Erika! You are way more disciplined than I am!

  6. This is a beautiful page Erika! I love the images you used.
    As you probably know, I'm a keen bird-watcher, so I wish I could have taken part a bit more this month.
    It was a busy month with big birthdays, my MIL was 90 and we both turned 60. Then my dad ended up in hospital last week, he had a mini stroke brought on by very high blood sugar. He has type 2 diabetes. He's home and stable now thankfully, but I spent the week taking mum to visit him in hospital. Hopefully June will be quieter, with more art time ;-)
    Have a great week,

  7. Very nice art piece. I like how you blended everything to meet the challenge. Have a great day.

  8. I like this collage a lot. Birds are beautiful to see and watch.

  9. I really enjoyed this. It is a perfect wau to end Matilde's theme at Art Journal Jourmey. Really brilliant how you used the binoculars and the little boy. It's a beauty.


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