Monday, May 30, 2022

T Stands for Flowers and Beer

Hi everyone. I hope if you live in the US you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.   Around my area I saw several lovely memorials to remember those who served but didn't return home..  And if you don't live in the US, I still hope you not only had a nice weekend but a nice start to the new week too.

My weekend wasn't too exciting, but my daughter did come home for a couple of nights. I also spent quite a bit of time starting to organize my new art space, and we had to help get my MIL back into her house for the summer. Supposedly her care person will be stopping by tomorrow and a couple of other days this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that goes well. 

It is already time for T again over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog, and this week I want to share some flowers.

Just like last year, I bought a membership at Bedrock Gardens, a local artsy public garden. I like supporting them, since besides being local,  they are fairly new to the public garden scene. They are also members of the American Horticultural Society and being part of that society gives members the perk of reciprocal visiting, meaning I can use my membership to get in free at 345+ gardens in North America. I actually did this 4 times last year, and hopefully I'll get to do that some more times this year. 

I thought today I would share some photos from my first visit of the year.

The next photo shows one of their new pieces of art.  I wish I had my friend stand next to it for some scale as it was quite large. Most of the art in the gardens is made by the woman who originally started them. 

Of course nature’s art is always pretty too.

And for our T day hostess Elizabeth, how about some rust? (This is part of the garden's bone yard. The woman who started the garden uses them for new sculptures-you can see some in my photos. There is a lot more than this photo shows.)

And lastly, my friend Jo, who I usually call my walking friend. She was trying to capture photos of a frog who was in the water.

Sorry for all the photos in this post. I took over 300, not that I will share them all because some are not good and some are too repetitive. I will share a few more some other day.

Since this is my T day post, I need to share my drink with you.
After my friend and I walked through the gardens, we went out to a local restaurant for lunch. I had a yummy turkey and avocado sandwich as well as blackberry sour beer (by the local Smuttynose Brewing).

No I was not drinking 3 drinks. My friend Jo had the glass of white wine. I ordered my beer, and they brought me the one on the right, which was the dregs of keg. The waitress came back a few minutes later with a new beer off the fresh keg, which is the one on the left. And I definitely could not drink both of those beers and drive home, so I just had the fresh one. And you can also see my water. 

And of course I forgot to take a photo of my sandwich, but that's what happens when you're hungry. Smile.

Thanks for visiting. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. Hi Erika, I really enjoyed the walk in the gardens-a beautiful spot to enjoy. Glad you had some time to work in your art space too. Your beer is such a pretty color.
    Happy T (and wanted to let you know your link up on T took me back to T and not here) hugs Kathy

  2. Fun post! Beautiful garden. I´m glad I didn´t buy flowers to plant at our local nursery - 5C / 41F right now, can you believe that?! I planted some seeds, sadly. Likely nothing will come out of that.
    The beer looks yummy and your sandwich sounds great. Hmmmm, getting hungry. Have a happy T-Day, hugs

  3. Such a beautiful garden with art display and those flowers!

  4. What a beautiful garden! Thank you for showing me it’s splendors. I bet Elizabeth loved the pile of rusty iron!
    Your drinks are making me thirsty.
    Happy T-Day,

  5. I always remember about pictures when my meal has disappeared! Bedrock Gradens are wonderful, and love all those rusty pieces. Good to support gardens like that! I'm glad you enjoyed your beer! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Beautiful gardens. Your photos are really beautiful. I hope Jo got the photo of the frog. Happy T Day

  7. Beautiful gardens. The gardens near us are at their peak bloom right now also.

    best... mae at

  8. Wow this is a beautiful walk you took us on today. Thank you. Glad your are getting your art room ready to create in. Have a great day.

  9. Gosh Erika i haven't walked through a Garden like that in a LONG time.. I miss it.. Maybe i can arrange a walk thru a botanical garden or something this year.. If only gas prices would go down.. You know i use my phone to take pics for convenience but nothing like wandering around with a camera... helps you to reall SEE things.. i think anyway.. Great post! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  10. The gardens look so beautiful and your photos are amazing! Loving all the flowers and views - stunning 😀. I'd love to try a sip of the beer to see how sour it is as my tummy may object! Glad you had such a lovely time with your friend and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  11. Erika, what wonderful photos and what a beautiful place. I know you shared this spot with us last year and I look forward to every visit again. The art is always wonderful and you can't beat the blooms.

  12. I applaud you for buying that membership. If you ever come to Wichita, our Botanical Gardens are reciprocal gardens, too. I loved that sculpture and I loved the rust. I want to wrap fabric around some of those pieces she has gathered. I could make great art from them. Thanks for sharing these gardens, Erika.

    I don't drink light beer, but I KNOW you enjoyed yours. Thanks for sharing your garden visit and your beer and water with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

  13. Your Bedrock Gardens photos are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your lovely visit to the gardens. Happy T Day!

  14. Bedrock Gardens looks an amazing place (well, maybe not the frog!)We bought a subscription to RHS which gives us access to lots of gardens but it is mainly because we can visit local Bridgewater gardens when we like. Hugs, Chrisx

  15. So nice to see everything in bloom, we as still waiting, might be a bit behind you for flowering plants atm. Sorry for my lateness, Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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