Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Our Newest Challenge at Try It on Tuesday

 Hi everyone. Happy last day of May.

Thanks to all of you who joined our butterfly challenge at Try It On Tuesday. There was some amazing art linked up.

That challenge has ended, and it is time to begin a new challenge. This time we are thinking ahead to Father's Day. We hope you'll join us for our latest challenge which is

For the Man In Your Life

My page started with some rough watercolor paper that I inked with multiple colors. I also added a few "blobs" of white gesso just to break up the background color a bit. I added some edges of printed paper along the bottom right and upper left side of the page.

I used a stencil on my background before I added the motorcycle picture and also the TH man. He might look a little bit big for the bike, but generally he works.  I also added the gauge and a quote sticker, as well as stenciling some words.

I wanted to add some metal tiny screw top bits to finish off my page, but they were packed away in my art space redo. I hope June will be a much more productive art time for me. I guess I shall have to see what the month brings.

Please don’t forget to check out all the masculine inspired art from the design team too. There are some wonderful pieces. 

At Try It On Tuesday, you can link up any kind of art, and our challenge runs for the next 2 weeks.

I'm looking forward to seeing the man in your life art. Happy last day of May and also to the start of the new month.  Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Love your man on the motorbike, what a beautiful journal page. Hugs, Valerie

  2. LOVE the background of your art journal spread Erika! And that man on the motorcycle... awesome! Have a fun week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  3. Nice page. I like the brighter colors you used instead of a more traditional, male, earth-tone palette.

  4. Great page and yay for traveling soon again, hugs

  5. A super page Erika, great inspiration for Father's Day.

  6. I just love how beautifully you always do the texture!

  7. Fab page, great colours in the background and I love the motorcycle man

    Joan x

  8. Boa tarde Erika. Parabéns pelo seu excelente trabalho. Aproveitando para desejar um mês de junho com muita paz e saúde.

  9. Such a wonderful page! I love your fabulous design, the background is perfect and the way you positioned the paper doll sitting on the bike works beautifully 😁. Wishing you a happy June! Hugs Jo x

  10. This was incredible. I really LOVE the beauty of this even if it is a manly piece. You put so much into this and it shows.

  11. I love the guy and his motor bike Erika, its a fantastic page and inspiration for our new TioT theme.
    Yvonne xx

  12. What a brilliant page Erika! Love how you made your background and of course your motorbike fan looks great! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. This is a fabulous layout Erika, the way the TH man sits on the stamped Motor cycle is a terrific match, what a grand eye for detail you have. I hope you get to sort all your crafty bits and get to play in your redo craft room soon. I am itching to get back and play in my tiny space but time really is not my own right now.. Happy creative June Hugs Tracey xx

  14. A fabulous page Erika a wonderful grungy background that's just perfect for your motor cycle man, love the layout.
    Avril xx


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