Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sunday Art and a Big Mess

 Hi everyone I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. 

For some of you, depending where in the world you are,  today is Mother's Day. I am wishing all mothers out there a very happy day. And that includes not only mothers of human children and grandchildren but also those of canine, feline or other varieties of life also.

My daughter was supposed to come home this weekend for Mother's Day, but we'll have to push that off  because first of all, with the floor going down in the spare bedroom, her old bedroom has filled up with more "things" right now.

She's also not coming home because covid was going around her office, and even though she's fully vaccinated, now she's got it. So far she's got mild symptoms. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's how it stays.

Today I want to share some art.
First of all I another page for Matilde's Birds challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am also linking up to River of Creativity where the theme is anything goes with optional recycle. I did recycle some book pages as well as the feather.

My inspiration for this page was this feather that I picked up back in March while visiting my daughter's future in-laws on our maple syrup making visit. The future in-laws have some guinea hens, and there were some feathers on the ground that I picked up.  As her future MIL said to me with a smile, I can get you a trash bag to fill if you'd like.  OK, there were more than a few feathers on the ground.

I started my page by adding some decorated paper to my white background. This was a narrow sheet of paper, so I tore the sheet into fat strips and glued them down.  I also glued down these printed sections  that  I cut out of an old  beat up children's bird book. Then it was time to add some color so I started with yellow watercolor paint. After that I used some blue watercolor paint on the glued down paper, as well as splattering some of that paint over the entire page.

As an aside to using watercolor paints, I must say I cannot wait to get my acrylics out. I miss them. That doesn't mean I'm done with watercolors though. I just find it interesting that I am missing that particular art media as much as I am.

I knew where on the page I wanted to add the feather, so I worked around that decision. I cut out the Indigo bunting from an old bird book. I chose this bird for its color, and of course it is a beautiful bird. I have only seen one once, but it was a stand out.   I also used this hovering bird image, as well as the quote, and stamped both of  those a few times on my page. Then I finished my page with the feather, some rub on letters, as well as a few little foamy yellow dots.

Sorry for the slightly crooked page photo too. I now remember why I prefer to work from unbound pages as my journal is bulging. It makes it hard to get a page straight for a photo.

My other piece of art is a tag for Pinky's  Add Some Stenciling theme at Tag Tuesday. For this tag I started with a stencil and white gesso on a white tag. After drying I inked the background with 3 colors of ink pads. I then added some assorted ephemera. The girl is from TH. The flower and butterflies are acryilic images. The bottom is some washi tape and the quote is also from a TH sticker booklet.

Then I used another stencil and a Sharpie to make the arrows.

That's enough for me today.

I hope your weekend is going well. 


  1. I hope you're daughter is feeling better soon. Lovely page. The feather is beautiful and adds so much to the page, an echo of the background and a great focal point. The tag is pretty I like how the little girl's hair do is shaped like the bottom of the butterfly wings. Besides your inside work, I hope you can get outside to enjoy the sunshine, if it's not too windy. Have a Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy M Day and prayers for your daughter to recover completely and quickly! Interesting page and lovely tag, xoxo

  3. Happy Mother's Day! I trust your daughter will recover quickly and completely :)

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Erika! I hope your daughter feels better soon.

  5. In spite of all the work you are doing you made some beautiful art. Your journal page is very striking and interesting with the infos about the feathers and wings. And I love the beautiful feather you added. The tag with the stencciled background is, of course, gorgeous - thans so much for supporting Pinky! Have a good day, don't work too hard, hugs, Valerie

  6. And hope your daughter is soon better!

  7. Boa tarde. Desejo um feliz domingo com muita saúde e paz, para você e sua família. Bom início de semana.

  8. Sorry to read about your daughter. I hope she improves soon.

    Your journal page is absolutely stunning. I love how you recycled the pages and feather. Thanks for sharing this at Art Journal Journey using Matilde's theme, dear.

    That's a lovely tag. Such a sweet face.

    You have a TON of stuff. i was really drawn to all the inks and such on the floor. I can see zones will definitely be in order in your new space. Happy Mother's Day, too.

  9. i love the journal page and the tag! i hope your daughter heals quickly and well so that you can celebrate together soon! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  10. A gorgeous tag and page Erika. I hope your daughter is recovering and you can catch up and have a later celebration for Mother's day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Fingers crossed your daughter will be fine soon again!
    And, ohhhh. You have a lot of stuff, LOL!
    Clever bird page and for sure a good quote, especially in your situation.
    I´m so glad I work from home...

  12. Sending all good wishes for full and fast recovery for your daughter with no leftover effects. And no, it looks like no place to sleep, even if she was fit as a fiddle!

    I love the two pieces you shared -- and the feather story, too!

  13. Hope your daughter is healing quickly ~ Also hope you had lovely Mothers's Day ~

    Both pieces of collage art work are very creative and send great message ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. well I like your mess and want to stop everything and dig thru those colorful boxes!!!
    so sorry for your daughter, but if timing were different she may have showed up unaware of her condition and put y'all at risk. I'm so cross that vaccines don't stop the illness... I always believed if you were innoculated for say measles you wouldn't get measles. Not that you'd get it anyway and might not die from it.

  15. What a brilliant page that feather is a great addition really focusing on your theme of Birds. Thank you for adding to the River of Creativity, xx

  16. Your art is just stunning. Glad the floor is going in. Soon everything will be in it's place. Have a lovely day.

  17. Your page is beautiful Erika, and I love that sweet tag.
    I hope your daughter recovers quickly.

  18. A great journal page with the Bird theme, super tag as well, many thanks for joining us at River of Creativity.

    B x

  19. Oh no, hope your daughter is doing ok!! I love your journal page and also that amazing tag Erika! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday this week.

  20. Hi Erika! I absolutely love the gorgeous art journal page that you made!I love how you made the feather the theme of your page and how everything ties together! It's so beautiful. And I really like the tag you made, too. I hope your daughter feels better soon. I am happy that her symptoms are mild and will pray for a speedy recovery. Take care of YOU and thanks so much for your visit to my blog! HUGS, Sharon

  21. Hello Erika! I hope you're daughter is feeling better now.
    You'he created wonderful page and I like the tag also. Great ideas for decorating the background!
    Hugs, Matilde

  22. A lovely tag and a lovely journal page. i do like how you got your idea and worked around the feather you once picked up. What a delightful feather it is too, I think I may have one of those myself somewhere.
    I do hope your daughter is now well on the way to recovery with the dreaded virus. Strange how some strains still get through the vaccine we have, she is not the first I have heard of who is fully vaccinated yet still has it. Hopefully it is not as bad because of the vaccine.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. I'm catching up on some posts I was blocked from using on my computer! I love this journal page-I love to see a growing journal. The tag is sweet - love it! Hugs, Chrisx


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