Monday, May 9, 2022

T Stands for Spring and Happy Mail

 Hi everyone. 

It is time (again) for T over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog . For those of you who celebrated Mother's Day this past weekend I hope it was a nice day. I had a nice Mother's Day, but as some of you might have read in my post yesterday, I could only get a phone call because my daughter has covid right now. Luckily she is still only having mild symptoms.

I took advantage of it being Mother's Day without my daughter and lounged on the couch all morning. I might have even taken a little nap, all while my husband worked on the floor of the bedroom project. Smile.

There was a learning curve with this particular floor that drove my husband crazy. This is the 4th laminate floor he's put into our house so he's not inexperienced, but it took him until this past Sunday to actually figure out the trick. Now it's moving along, and  I'm really happy with how it looks. 

Next weekend (hopefully) the floor will be finished, and then the trim goes in (probably in 2 weekends).  I can  then clutter up the room with all my stuff-hee-hee!

Now that we are well into May,  (here in New Hampshire) we are starting to get leaves! We are behind many of you who live in warmer or more protective climes.  I love the fresh bright green that the leaves  are when they first open up. Of course I took a photo of some red maple leaflets that aren't very green. Smile. It is an exciting time in the garden except it's giving me  hay fever. And the hay fever has triggered my hives. (grumble, grumble about those hives)

My weeping cherry won't have flowers much longer, but it is so pretty when it blooms.

I am also now ready for my new bees which will be arriving in the mail this week. Sadly my other hive didn't make it through the winter. I know most of you aren't interested in my rambling on about  bee details so I'll save all that for a specific bee post another day. I am very sad my bees didn't make it, but I am excited  for new ones to arrive.

This year I'm doing 2 hives.

And speaking of mail, I did get an envelope with some happy mail from Elle.

A yummy afternoon treat and  hmmm, what's in this great little thread bag? 

What a beautiful coaster. And look at the ribbon. You can probably guess that is my link up for T day over at Elizabeth's .         .

The other side is just as pretty.

And Elle also included one of her fabulous tags. 

Thank you Elle for this fun little packet.
I hope everyone has a great T day and week ahead. 
And as always, thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Hi Erika, I am so sorry you lost your bees. I don't think we did much for protection of our bees during the cold Illinois winters, We lived right on the Illinois and Wisconsin border so we had some pretty rough winters. I just asked Larry and he said no he never covered his bees, and he learned from his Grandfather. He also had something very simple on the bottom front of hive so on sunny warmer days he could open that so they could come out or get some fresh air, as some of the bees will get to warm.
    Your new craft room is looking awesome with the big window and new floor-Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Your husband seems incredibly skilled at doing lots of different installations for your room. It’s really looking beautiful. So great that it’s really close to being finished. I hope it will soon be all yours and that you’ll enjoy it lots.

    best….mae at

  3. Love the floor. Happy memories of doing such projects with my Brother.
    Sorry about your allergy. And about the bees!!!! Owwwwww. It must´ve been an awful sight.
    Yay for happy mail. Gütermann?! Sounds familiar ;-)
    To a great T-Day! Hugs

  4. Sorry to hear that you have lost your bees...hope this year gets better. The blooming cherry tree looks really gorgeous.

  5. I hope the third time is a charm. Blogger is making my life hell.

    Looks like that floor is coming along nicely. I hope by now you will be drawing up zones so you will know where everything goes.

    Sorry to read about the bees. Not a single bee left? How very sad. I look forward to an update on them and your new ones, too.

    It's always good to get happy mail and even better when you can use it as your T Tuesday post. Thanks for sharing your floor and bee updates, as well as your happy mail with us for T this Tuesday. Now if this will just publish.

  6. Hi Erika, so sorry about thre bees. But, new ones are on their way, and I hope it will be successful this time. The first leaves and flowers of spring are always precious! Your floor is looking good, glad you can soon move in! Hugs, Valeri

  7. So sad about the bees but glad you have not given up. Lovely pictures of the greenery and flowers popping out for Spring.

    That floor looks fab, Erika, and what a lovely treat from Elle. Fun tea cup ribbon and tag and gift. Lucky you.

    Happy T-day! Hugz

  8. I'm so sorry your bees didn't make it (and glad you are increasing your hives!) I'm curious as to why -- maybe others are, too. I know the winter was quite brutal. Fill us in.

    That floor looks terrific. I know it has to be very hard work but when it's done, what a gem it will be. All that and happy mail. A mixed bad, because of the bees, but onward!

  9. So sorry to hear about your bees Erika. That's so sad. Your new floor is looking good though, I just sent you an email xx Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  10. What a nice-looking floor!

    Bees! Yes! I'm sad to hear about the bees that didn't make it :( What a shame :(

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  11. Aw, sorry to hear the bees didn't make it. Your craft room is shaping up nicely. The flooring is beautiful. I can hardly wait to see the room all finished. Wonderful happy mail. Cute coasters. Happy T Day

  12. aw, too bad your hive didn't make it but exciting to start again with new bees. Your flooring looks great- and so nice looking. So nice that hubby can do the work himself.
    Glad your daughter is recuperating and wasn't too sick. I'm sure you'll make up for Mother's day in the near future. Perhaps for lobster rolls:):)
    And what wonderful happy mail- love the coaster, and what a beautiful tag. Enjoy the blooming flowers and trees, and happy T day!

  13. Hi! I'm sorry you lost your bees, it's great that your going to give a go again. I have a friend here in VA that really enjoys her hive, and has taught me a lot from her experiences. Enjoy your happy mail and your week!

  14. That floor is beautiful. Well done hubby. As for me I love hearing about the bees. Sorry they didn't make it through the winter. Great mail "stuff" too. Have a lovely day.

  15. I for one LOVE bees... they are almost always included in my art... The only thing i have ever heard about bees overwintering is you have to leave them enough of their own honey to make it through the winter as they never truly hibernate.. they basically eat and sleep... I wish you much luck with your new hives.. What a great gift from Elle! Those are so special! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  16. I don't know of a single local beekeeper who hasn't lost his bees so the catastrophe is widespread unfortunately. The room is coming along great and I am sure that in no time at all you will be putting it to good use. Spring has sprung and there is so much to enjoy - for all of us. Hugs from Ontario, Erika. David

  17. So glad that you daughter is doing ok with Covid and I hope you get to celebrate Mother's Day more when she's better 😁. Elle's gift was fabulous, wasn't it - she is so kind to send them to everyone! Looks like spring has arrived - yay 😊. I hope your bees are doing ok. Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  18. Hi Erika! What a cool RAK and from across the pond! Well, you can keep the bees, LOL I'm sure you'll take good care of them, lol. We've got temporary custody right now of many of your birds too I think, with the migratory journeyers returning north. Have seen quite a variety in the last week, they should be home soon to enjoy those new leaves! The room looks so good as does your weeper blooms, xoxo

  19. SO sorry to hear that your daughter is dealing with COVID but glad to hear that her symptoms are relatively mild.
    The floor in your craft room is looking great! I know you are excited to put it to use. I can't wait to see the finished result.
    Your cherry blossoms are beautiful! It is disappointing that they don't hold their blooms for very long but it looks like you are enjoying them while they last.
    A very cozy looking coaster. Plaid instantly makes me want a warm drink, and a book.
    Can't wait to hear about your bees. I find it interesting when you write about them so please don't stop.
    Happy Tea Day,

  20. Your room is taking shape, the floor looks great Erika.
    Sorry to hear last year's bees didn't survive, I hope you have more success with the new ones.
    Lovely gifts, the coaster is very smart!

  21. Fabulous tag and goodies Elle sent you. I am so sorry I am so late, but was out of town. Happy rest of the week.

  22. Sorry your bees didn't make it through the Winter! Hope your new ones fare better! I'm also sorry that you couldnt see your daughter on Mother's Day! It's good to see signs of Spring - even if it is late. Lovely gifts from Elle and such brilliant ribbon! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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