Monday, May 16, 2022

T Stands for The First Swim

Hi everyone.  Happy Tuesday and of course happy T day to you also.

Last week it became summer in New Hampshire. The leaves popped fully open. My peonies, azalea's and alliums started getting flower buds, and the temperatures bounced up to almost 90 degrees F/ or 32 degrees C at the start of the weekend.  Even though the high heat stalled some gardening I want to do, luckily my MIL's home is on the lake. My husband, one of his sisters and his mother were there Saturday as they had a meeting with a care service. They want  my MIL to have one more summer at her home, but she can't be left alone without someone doing a daily check in since she is not only physically declining, but mentally declining also.

I stayed home during their meeting, but I went up afterwards for lunch. It was hot enough that my husband decided to put the dock in, seeing you have to get wet to do that. Since my SIL and I were the only ones around to help him, guess what we did?

I am often in the lake over Memorial Day (the last weekend in May) but never this early. Surprisingly the water wasn't even that cold. Of course with the air so warm the water felt good, and I am sure if I wasn't as hot and sweaty because the air temperature was cooler, the water would be freezing.  

After we finished the dock frame, I figured I was half wet so I might as well get fully wet.

(And in this first photo we had finished the frame but my husband had yet to put on all the top pieces.)

It made Pete happy as he loves swimming with someone. You can see his head near mine. I must admit the water did feel really cold on my arms, but I'm still glad I got wet.

And since it is T day again, it is time to  share our drink related photos over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.
I will share my beer. After the dock frame was in and I took my dip in the lake, I came out, dried off a bit and then warmed up (quickly) in the sun. I had a beer and read a bit.

I thought I'd also mention that the floor is done in the spare bedroom/studio project, and other than waiting until next weekend for the  trim to get finished, I have been able to do a little  bit of setting up. 


And you might also remember from last week that I mentioned how I couldn't see my daughter over Mother's Day as she had covid. This past weekend we managed to have a brief meet up in a parking lot (which is a long story I'll spare you), but I wanted to share this pop up flower bouquet card she gave me. . I haven't seen a pop-up card this complex before.

It 's so pretty I put it on my  fireplace mantel. It can even stay there for the summer.

And lastly, my bees arrived. For those of you who mentioned last week you liked reading about them, here's my post from  Saturday for those who may not have seen it but want to view it : The Bees Arrived!.  I know not everyone likes bees.

That's it for me. Have a wonderful T day and week ahead. Thanks also for visiting.


  1. That flower bouquet from your daughter is a beautiful piece of paper craft. I love that the flowers will never die. It looks great on your mantle.

    Your adventure installing the dock looks fun. I don't think you could pay me to do that if the water was cold. It is good that the temperature didn't bother you.

    Your craft room looks great! I am loving those very tall bookcases. You will have SO much room for storage.

    I am off to look at the bee post.

    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Glad you got to see your daughter and hope she is on the mend ~ Life is crazy with this Covid ramping up again ~

    Lovely lake you live on and glad you and the doggie got a swim while hubby put in the dock ~ New room is certainly shaping up ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Hi Erika, sounds like the perfect weekend, getting things set up for your summer fun. that would be really special for your MIL to be able to have another summer at her home on the lake
    I love seeing the different beer labels now adays.
    How exciting for your craft space getting closer for you to get moved in so fun.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  4. That is a great bouquet card you got for Mother's Day! How lovely. That made the wait to see your daughter worth it. I love that you can leave it up there so you can enjoy it for a while. I like seeing your progress on your room. Happy T Day.

  5. The weather has been really nice over here, but not warm enough to swim yet! I have only seen pop-up cards during X'mas and New Year periods...yours looks really beautiful. Well done with the dock!

  6. Glad xyour daughter is not too sic k, and hope she is soon back to normal. That bouquet is fabulous! How lovely to go swimming with Pete, but I'm sure it was chilly! So glad your lovel room is almost finished, celebrate! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Yay for summer, sorry for your MIL. It must be sad for you who care.
    Ohhhhhb! I might get jealous! LOL. Not only for swimming per se but being brave enough for the water.
    This first step always takes me ages!
    Even in Jamaica and Co!
    Hmmmm, love Ale!
    Yay for the room! And your daughter and the card, wonderful post!
    Bees are important. My now-teamleader has some, too, second year now.
    Have a happy T-day, hugs from here.

  8. Lake life looks like a real treat. I'm glad she'll be happy to have some more time there while she's able. That floor was well-chosen. Nice-looking! I've never seen a pop-up card so _big_! It makes a pretty summertime decoration. I trust the bees are doing well. How can you not like them? They give us honey :) Happy T Tuesday!

  9. Mother Nature certainly cooperated with your dock project. It looks like a gorgeous spot to enjoy the lake. Pete looks really happy swimming in the water. The craft room looks beautiful. All that space! That is one gorgeous card. I've never seen one like that either. Happy T Day. I hope you didn't get hit with the thunderstorms yesterday afternoon evening. Enjoy the sunshine today

  10. I sent a bouquet like that of sunflowers to a very dear friend.. Aren't they just lovely??!! Glad you got wet! Sorry to hear about your MIL.. It happens to us all doesn't it.. But to not live out your life in the house you love is just awful and i'am not looking forward to that part of my life.. Happy T day! Fun to see you in the water!! Hugs! deb

  11. Wow, what a busy week! Glad that you got the dock all done with the warmer weather starting and Pete sure looked happy that you joined him for a swim 😁. Your garden must look amazing with all the flowers and leaves blooming, and your spare bedroom is looking amazing. So lovely to see the bees too! Thanks for sharing and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  12. Wowzers, I bet it does feel like summer now for you. It's been hitting 90-ish for a few hours in the afternoons here for a couple weeks, yet we don't dare even think it's summer yet, heeheehee! I always wondered how those docks work, thanks for getting some photos, what a nice dip you had, laying out afterwards always feels so relaxing. And your room looks awesome! So does that bouquet of flowers. They are all the rage this year, xoxo

  13. Swimming in mid-May does seem a rare treat if you aren't in a warm climate already. Your dock project looks wonderful. I hope your mother-in-law really enjoys her summer at home once more.

    best... mae at

  14. After taking cold showers four days in a row, I can appreciate your getting wet in the lake. Once your body acclimates, it's not so bad. Glad you had a good way to warm up, at least.

    Sorry to read about your MIL. I rue the day I will have to decide what to do with the rest of my life. I sure don't want to leave my home, since I love the freedom I have. I hope your husband and sister are able to come to an amiable decision about her.

    Although it isn't a beer I would drink, I think it looks quite good. Thanks for sharing your day at the lake and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  15. Might as well get fully wet. LOL I wish we had that hot weather. The deck looks good but that room with the new floor fabulous!!! Have a great evening.

  16. Brrrr! You were brave, mind you it sounds as though it's warmed up nicely! Good to see that your craft room is coming along so well! Love the pop up card! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  17. That's an incredible pop-up card! And wow -- I would have thought that water would be pretty cold! Well done, Erika. A productive weekend and a fun one. Your room is looking terrific. I love those shelves there and the floor looks really good. Well done!

  18. Interesting to see how the dock was put in. I hope your MIL can get regular care so she can stay in her house one more summer before she deteriorates too much mentally (which I hope she doesn't, but as you know, it often happens this way)
    Sorry to hear your daughter was poorly with the dreaded Covid. But the card she sent you is exquisite! I have never seen anything that beautiful. Like you, I have seen pop-up cards before (I get them from my Japanese friends funny enough) but I have never seen one this intricate.
    And of course I had to go back to your bee post and read all that. I love reading about your bees. What a palaver at the post office, and well done you for thinking of a successful solution for transporting them home.
    Great to see your craft room nearly done. The new floor looks lovely.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  19. Years ago I owned a summer cottage and when we put the dock in that really seemed like the start of spring. The water was still so cold it's a wonder we didn't get hypothermia! Hugs. David

  20. Wow 32C !!! It is not even half that here at the moment, I'm wearing two jumpers inside my house haha, so I would love to be there and would be in the water for sure!Love the pop up card, that really is quite spectacular. Also loved seeing your empty bookshelves waiting in place. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  21. How wonderful to swim in the lake! I'm very jealous!
    That's a gorgeous card from your daughter.


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