Thursday, June 30, 2022

Silver and Gold

 Hi everyone.

Today Rain's Thursday Art Date has a theme of silver and gold. I'm going to interpret that topic as things that are beautiful and valuable. And since it is the last day of June, how about some beautiful and valuable (at least to me) views from June? And no, I don't equate valuable with lots of money either.

My Queen Elizabeth rose has 3 huge blooms. Sorry, I need something for scale in the photo so you can tell how large these flowers are, but they are as big as my hand.

In fact, this is the time of year my rose garden looks amazing. Although a few bushes aren't quite there yet.

And my husband and I had a nice day out on the water when we took his boat out for this season's maiden voyage last week.

We are wondering when this newly refurbished historical life saving station will be opening for tours; which it will be. Hopefully we can visit it some time this summer. 

And below, even though it was hazy on the horizon, you can still make out the  Isles of Shoals, which is 6 miles off shore.

And how about all the lobster traps so somebody who likes lobster rolls can have another one at some point this summer.

And this trip down the Piscataqua (Pis-ca-ta-qua) River took us past lots of large ships in port.

The bees have had lots of hatched additions to the hive as well as having had some great pollen collecting weather during June also. The hive is filling up with capped brood cells that will soon be more worker bees. 

And the bees have made lots of golden honey too.  I never had this much honey in the hive last year.

That’s all for me today.  Thanks for visiting.  I hope you had a great month of June and also have a nice start to July. But can believe we are just about starting July already?  


  1. You had a great boat's tour, I can imagine the smell of the water, so good. And I can thinks of a perso who like lobster rolls! Great to see the bees doing so well, and your beautiful roses. Have a great July, look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Good job with the bee-keeping! I wish I know how too. The roses in your garden look beautiful.

  3. Your roses are stunning and I enjoyed the views from the water. Nice to hear the hive is thriving. I must be dense or blind, but I don't see the honey in the photo. Maybe a future post about how/when you collect the honey? Another great day today. Enjoy!

  4. Love your interpretation very, very much.
    Oh. It´s so bitter sweet, why does time go by so fast when we have fun?!
    To many, many more hot summer days, hugs!

  5. Beautiful post Erika, and I love how you interpreted the theme silver and gold. Nice to see your bees again too
    Hugs from the lake

  6. I had forgotten you had so many roses. Gorgeous! They are usually at their peak here in June.

    I'm excited about how well your bees are doing :)

  7. Have a nice weekend Erika


  8. Ohhh I love all the flowers but you know how much I love seeing the bees. Have a great day today.

  9. Gorgeous rose!! I thoroughly enjoyed your golden photos of summer- the water scenes are so beautiful...and now I want a lobster roll:):)

  10. I like how you interpreted Silver and Gold. Your roses are stunning. I can't get the right spot for my ONE rose that I've moved three times. I like how you decorated your area, too.

    I was watching a bee show recently on PBS and the guy went to a university where they were artificially inseminating the soon to be a bee in the cells. The capped cells were HUGE compared to how they filled the cell. It was microscopic and really fascinating.

    Lovely shots of the water, too. Looks like this last post of the month is a real winner, Erika.

  11. Your roses are beautiful ...
    It doesn't seem possible that we are saying good-bye to June and hello to July, the year is flying by.

    All the best Jan

  12. I am soo very jealous of your bees! I would love to have a hive but living in a condo makes that completely impossible! HAHA! I would love to love in that house! Wow! Beautiful area!!

  13. Wow! Your Queen Elizabeth rose looks so beautiful!
    Did I mention I love bees? In the past, I went out to the hives with
    a bee keeper friend of mind. Those were great days for me.
    June is a beautiful month here as well.
    Enjoy the weekend...

  14. I love your take on Rain's theme! Well done. Beautiful photographs.

  15. certainly have some happy looking roses! The owl rock is neat. It's nice to see so many happy bees, sweet.

  16. Your post is full of golden moments and views ... your roses are a delight and I love the Bees. I admire anyone who has the where-with-all to raise bees and collect honey. Our bees are golden to our survival and their endangerment has been of great concern. Thank you for what you do ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  17. Lovely pictures Erika, and it's good to see your bees thriving.
    Avril xx

  18. Hi Erika! Your silver and gold is wonderful! ☺ I just love your beautiful rose garden and the owl! So cute! I envy you being out on the water, it's really hot here and I'd love to jump into the lake!

  19. Enjoyed the pics and your rose garden looks fabulous! xoxo


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