Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Swimming in the Tank

Hi everyone. 

June is just about over, which is hard to believe. Here in New Hampshire we've had many wonderful weather  days this past month, not too hot, not too cold. I certainly wouldn't mind if July was more of the same.

Today I want to share a journal page about fish that is not part of my Little Book of Fish. I was thinking about aquariums, both the small ones you can have at home and also the large museum type of aquariums that you can visit and view their tanks of fish and other water creatures.

This is also my last page for Mia's Fish challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thank you Mia for this fun challenge. And thanks to all of you who joined Mia and shared some fabulous fish pages.

This time I played with a set of Dyan Reavely stamps I own, some blue inks, my paint pens as well an old book on aquariums.

I wanted to use this set of fish and ocean creature stamps at least once this month. After I used some inks to color my background, I stamped 2 of the images multiple times. Then I used some paint pens and drew in the sea grass. I also used some regular  writing pens to outline them. Finally I cut out the fish and the title from a book I brought home from my classroom and recently, while going through my art supplies, almost threw out.  Glad I didn't do that. 

 Finally I added a few clear bubbles.

I left all the stamped fish uncolored because I was thinking of the schools of fish that swim by you in a big tank that it is sometimes hard to pick out one fish from another. Although I did think about not only coloring them but giving them some google eyes-smile.

And that's a wrap for this month's Art Journal Journey art for me.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Such a fun page with those boggle-eyed fish. Enjoy today as the heat is coming back.

  2. That's prettier than a real aquarium!

  3. I've had an aquarium in past times and enjoyed it. Once I don't have birds any more I may do the aquarium thing again.

  4. Fun take on an aquarium view. Love the brightly colored and drawn grasses and your uncolored stamped fish. I'm glad with you for not throwing out your teacher supplies, your little fish book is wonderful. Oh, googly eyes would be tempting, haha. xoxo

  5. Those fish stamps look kind of cute. its a fun page to look at and i could imagine them swimming round and round in a tank.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Love your aquarium! Love the Dyan fish with their goofy looks and think it is a good idea to leave them unpainted - it looks so effective with just the fronds at the base and the single fish in colour.
    Yes, there have been some great pages for Mia's theme although I struggled having to work with the quote from Wendy as well.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. Sorry I'm late! I was flat out yesterday. LOVE your beautiful fishy theme, I loved doing fish this month. Have a great July, look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  8. They look so funny, I love it!
    Yes. Time in good summers sadly runs.
    Let´s enjoy what we get, hugs!

  9. Such a fun way to end the month at AJJ, Erika. I love the perceived texture in the background. It's like you placed a texture plate behind the background to get that great texture. Nice way to show bubbles, too. Really wonderful journal entry for Mia's theme.

    I keep forgetting to answer a question you had. You wanted to know about Acron TV. Have you heard of Brit Box? It focuses on British drama and mysteries. Acorn is similar, except it also shows many Canadian mysteries and dramas along with British mysteries and dramas. You can tell I'm not into comedy, so all I know about are the mysteries and dramas, which I love. Same with PBS Passport.

  10. Love the look of your fish in their aquarium ... lovely art.

    All the best Jan


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