Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Does a Butterfly Need a Door?

Hi everyone.

I can't believe we are heading into the last few days of July. Wasn't it just the July 4 holiday weekend (here in the US at least but July 4 all over the world definitely) ? I know summer is far from over in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, but still, fall seems a lot closer when we get into August.

Today I have a more abstract page from one of my journals that I want to link up to Wendy's Doors and/or Arches challenge at Art Journal Journey. You still have through Sunday to join if you're interested.

The background page was inked with some shades of brown.  Then I added the door, which was from a large piece of paper with doors on it. The butterfly was the front of a card that I had and which I cut away the back and also the white that was around most of it. I thought the door and butterfly would be enough for the background, but they weren't, so I added some little scraps of deli paper that I had pulled as a print off my Gelli plate. Then I cut out the 7 from a printed page I made with a number stencil. I figured as it was the 7th month, the seven was the number to use. And then I finished my page with some little chipboard nuts that I found while cleaning. I used black and copper ink to color them.

I also thought since my page is on the abstract side I'd share a few more sculpture photos from the deCordova Sculpture Garden that I visited a couple of weeks ago. You might be tired of seeing them, but I am just about finished sharing these photos with you.

This may just look like a rock with a tree growing next to it, but when you get close, you can see it is a sculpture.

I'm not sure if the rock was covered in worked metal or if the statue was created without a rock underneath it, but the texture up close was amazing.

And this next sculpture may be links in a chain, but the burnished aluminium it is made from also looked fascinating up close.

And finally for today, a ball of bricks. I like how it looks as if it's fallen off a turret. 

That's all for me today. Happy middle of the week to you.


  1. Our butterflies need a door! Again this year we are raising Black Swallowtails and Monarchs indoors, and yesterday our second Black Swallowtail emerged from its chrysalis. We give it a couple of hours to dry out and inflate its wings, then we set the cage outside with the door open so that it can fly to freedom on its own schedule. It's amazing how much variability there is; some make their exit almost immediately and others delay it for up to an hour. We give them a good start in life - now it's up to them! Hugs from Ontario - David

  2. July went by so fast! Your butterfly flitted through the 7th door and another month is over. Love the ball of bricks. I need to get over to deCordova

  3. A wall of bricks looks really interesting! We had a couple of days really hot, then rained quite a bit, then hot again, today is again cooler..well, as long as it is not hot and HUMID, then I am happy.

  4. What a fun and rather abstract journal page. I thought those little nuts were real until I read they are chipboard. Clever you. I love the background and I really love the butterfly with the 7. Great choice for an entry using Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    The textures on those sculptures are amazing and so different, The link one looks like the artist added graffiti to the metal. I especially like the ball, mostly after you showed the reverse side.. So different.

  5. That ball of bricks looks interesting. Thanks for the pictures.

  6. Oh gorgeous collage art and your photos of the tree and rock are fantastic ~ Xo

    Seeing the good in each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Such a beautiful page! Loving how you added the butterfly as part of your design - gorgeous 😊. Wow, those sculptures are amazing! Loving the brick design, how on earth did they create it so smoothly (smile!). Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

  8. Yes, summer.... "summer! (still too cold here)" flies by.
    And I still have not seen any butterflies - but I must´ve left the door open long enough for biting bugs to sneak in and torture me at night!

    Great piece of yours!

    Nope, not tired! Interesting structures indeed. All. The last though is kinda really "cool".

  9. A wonderful page Erika, love the butterfly and the surround. Those sculptures look amazing. Hugs Wendy.

  10. A stunning page Erika and a beautiful butterfly. Those sculptures looked fantastic as well.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Amazing page Erika! I love the background you've created around the door. It's magnificent!
    As for the sculptures, they are all very interesting, especially the one on the chain that caught my attention.
    Happy day, lots of hugs

  12. I will never tire of the sculptures. I thought that _was_ a boulder 'til I kept reading.

  13. if they need a door? Of course. But maybe not humanstyle :)

  14. Your deli paper scraps decision was brilliant, as was the 7. Great visual page. The sculpture textures are cool. My fave has to be that bricked ball, tho, wow! Hope you got the weather you wanted, xoxo

  15. How I love a sculpture park. Thanks for the lovely photos.
    Thanks also for a love journal page for us to look at. I do like the door and the butterfly on top is just perfect. Love the nuts you coloured and used on your deli prints. A very pleasing composition.


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