Thursday, July 28, 2022

This Post Has Gone to the Dogs

Hi everyone.  Happy Thursday to you. We are supposed to have some storms and rain today. I'm hoping for lots of rain, all day if it wants, since it is so dry here. Plus I could use another art day, and a rainy day is always a good day for that type of activity.

Today I am taking  Rain's topic "The First Thing You See Today" quite literally. Of course Maddie didn't stay still so some most of the photos are blurry.

Maddie always says good morning to my husband and myself. Sometimes it is before either of us are awake, and sometimes she waits until one of us starts to stir. And if I am out cold when my husband gets up, she often crawls into his spot and goes back to sleep until I wake up. Unless she is too exhausted to climb the stairs and hop up onto our bed at night, (or I should say her bed as she doesn't allow Pete on the bed), she sleeps down by our feet. Unlike Pete, Maddie likes to lounge in the morning, and as long as someone is in bed, she will be there also. 

On the other hand, Pete (shown in this older photo; he's on the right) is a rise with sun kind of dog.

He likes to sit in our bay window and see what is stirring out in the back yard. He doesn't normally come up and bug us, but he waits for someone to get up. Then he starts doing his happy dance, and he does like to dance.

OK, I get not all of you enjoy dogs, but I think this next photo is a funny one of Maddie. And it ties into the Food part of Rain's post.

Every Sunday when the one restaurant in my town has their ice cream//food take out window open (early April through early October), we get ice cream for lunch. Usually I get my scoop in a cup and my husband gets his in a cone. Maddie doesn't like cones, so Pete gets the very bottom tip of my husband's cone. Maddie always licks my cup. Just to be sure I don't forget her, she sits on the console of whatever vehicle we are in.

A couple of Sundays ago she suddenly remembered my daughter was in the back seat with her cup. I don't know how comfortable sitting on the console is to start with, but Maddie turned so she could also keep an eye on my daughter's cup also.  She looks even less comfortable than she  must already be. My daughter snapped this photo.

And this past Sunday the girl who scooped my husband's ice cream must have read the slip wrong because she gave him a gigantic scoop. This is a kiddie.

I wish I had had a ruler to measure its size.

He couldn't finish it, so I had a bit of his besides my actual kiddie sized cup, and even both of the dogs got some too.

I think the only way (for me) you can go wrong with ice cream is when my tummy is full.

That's all for me today.  I am linking up to Rain's Art and Dinner Date. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. 



  1. Good morning, loved seeing your happy dogs, and your ice cream cone looks soooo delicious.
    just an fyi your link on Rain's post takes you back to Rain and not to you.
    Happy Thursday hugs Kathy

  2. Both Maddie and Pete are so adorable. Pete sounds really disciplined while Maddie is a naughty one..a perfect pair :-))

  3. Had to laugh at what Angie said about Pete who got kicked out of the Doggie Day Care. Loved seeing Maddie waking you and loved seeing her begging for ice cream. For me, I will always eat the ice cream until it's gone. I have NO portion control when it comes to ice cream. Loved the cone your husband got, though.

  4. You had me at kiddie scoop! McDonalds has dollar ice cream all summer so tempting. Maddie is a great thing to wake up to in the mornings so much love.

  5. Thankful for your mention, for your thoughts on my blog. Yes, there are hard days. But we have good moments, if we let it flow.

    ...I see your laughing dogs. And I remembering to our Chow-Chow! And I can smile too.

    Hugs ... have a good week 😘

  6. The dogs are cute. Quill likes to nap on my bed. He used to be jealous of Calli on the bed and would chase her off. She now naps with him, but at the foot of the bed. mmm, ice cream. It's sure been ice cream weather. We haven't gone out for ice cream yet and I don't think kitties can have ice cream as they are lactose intolerant. Steamy weather coming back. Enjoy your ice cream!

  7. Erika, what exciting adventures with Maddie and Pete! I laughed a lot with the picture of Maddie in the car, when she watches your daughter's ice cream haha. Our dogs of are like children!
    Please send me rain too :) we need it so much.
    Happy day, and a big hug,

  8. Dogs have such distinct personalities. Ice cream is not my favorite dessert, but then again I never say no to ice cream ;)

  9. Love this post filled with doggie love- and that last pic of Maddie is too funny:).
    Hoping we get some very much needed rain today too- despite the heat wave and humidity the storms have been bypassing our area for places around us...

  10. lol, sure, not an easy task to photograph high energy dogs :)

    cool shots. :)

  11. I luv ice cream. When i was a child there were dog around. But as an adult i have no pets. I do not want any.

    Happy Thursday Erika. Enjoy your pets.


  12. If not a dog-person - this is too cute :-)
    I expected certainly differently from the title, job well done :-)

  13. ...that's an amazing ice cream cone, I always get a dish. I'm so sloppy.

  14. Thankfully, Erika, with no pets now, we do not need to share ice cream with them. But, it's nice that you share with Maddie and Pete.

  15. I wish I had a dog tht would be so excited when I wake up. This must be lovely every morning. I loved the part where Maddie would climb into bed after your husband got up and take another snooze until you wake up. Dogs are so wonderful in showing their joy and affection.

  16. Loved seeing Maddie and Pete! I think Maddie really wanted that ice-cream, wow it was gigantic and I bet it was such a lovely treat too 😊. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  17. Maddie is so funny in the photos, how funny is it that she had to keep an eye on the ice creams both back and front of her. She looks decidedly uncomfortable.
    I love dogs although I no longer have one and your two certainly seem like they love being members of your family.
    My Oliver used to snuggle down with his head on my pillow if he could but he had the terrible snores so he would be pushed off most times. Then he would wriggle to the bottom of the bed and lick my feet. It was a no-win situation with him - how I miss him even now 20+ years later.
    ~Hugs, Neet xx


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