Monday, July 11, 2022

T Stands for My Garden Hasn't Looked this Nice in Years

 Hi everyone. Happy new week to you.

I'm back into my gardens for T this week.  My garden has been blooming beautifully for the last couple of weeks. The bees are busy collecting pollen and making honey. The weather has (for the most part)  been gorgeous with low humidity since June. 

I don't know if the weather is what my plants are loving, or if it has anything to do with the extra time I've put into gardening. When it's too hot, I tend to ignore them, but with this weather, the gardens are calling me. I haven't done any baking or even taken many morning walks because I've been getting my exercise in my yard.

I have a lot of photos to share this week, but not a lot of writing so hopefully you'll stick with my post.

Flowers are blooming.

My climbing rose is loaded with blooms this year, and the bees, both the honeybees and wild ones, love them. When I walk by the bush, it is humming.

The bees are also loving getting drinks from my bird bath which is right next to the climbing rose.

Delphiniums are blooming. 

The annuals in my deck pots are full of color.

This is the first time in the 4 years I've had my lavender plants that they are blooming.

These next couple of photos are a week old, and right now my Astilbe are just starting to fade.

I caught an ant on this next photo.

Does anyone know what this next flower is? I've had these for years, and I can't remember. 

The Coreopsis are just coming out. 

Wild blackberries are starting to form along my driveway. My husband wanted to cut down the canes, and hopefully he heard me say no.

Lilies and

beebalm, as well as

bell flowers are blooming.

 So are  those Astilbe and some yarrow.

Giant phlox,

Yarrow  and then hostas up close are just coming into bloom.

This is my husband's turtle statue, which was his great find last year.

And the wild milkweed I left to grow is blooming and attracting insects too.

And I even caught my honeybees in flight, well a little bit.

And the big green eyes on this dragonfly.

And I even have a healthy harvest of grapes coming along.

If only my veggies were growing leaps and bounds like the flowers. (They are growing, just not as fast as I wish they were.)

Now we could just use a day of rain as it is fairly dry and being on a well, I don't do a lot of watering, except my potted plants. And the humidity is on the rise, but it's July so I'm not surprised.

And after a morning in the sun working in the yard, something cool to drink is my link to this week's T day party over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

I've shown you my jug and my feet in the hammock before, but it's a typical afternoon for me, especially after a morning in the garden.

Have a great T day, week ahead, and thanks for making it this far through my post.


  1. Good evening Erika, wow your garden is so beautiful, I really enjoyed seeing all of your blooms-it's just so hot here that my new perennial garden is pretty sad, I even lost most all of the annual flower seeds I had planted do to a storm- really loved seeing yours Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Your flowers are lovely. Identifying flowers just got easier for me (I don't know any flower names) because the more recent iPhone software has a built-in flower identification option in the photos app. It's not perfect, but better than you would think, especially for cultivated flowers.

    best... mae at

  3. wow Your garden is in full bloom now. Those bees must be very happy lingering in your garden, Erika.

  4. Your flowers make me smile! How wonderful to live in a place you don't have to water!! I couldn't pick a fav flower of yours if I had to.. Just gorgeous.. Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  5. What a gorgeous garden you have, Erika. I hardly ever has before seen that beautiful flower pictures taken an own garden! Thank you for sharing your awesome photos.
    Hoping your day is full of joy xx

  6. Wow, your garden is looking amazing! All those flowers made me smile, they look so beau and colourful and your bees look like they love them all too 😁. So lovely to get out in the garden, go for walks or just look at them while having a drink from your hammock - perfect! Enjoy the summer and sending you very Happy 9th T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  7. Lovely and funny bee pics!
    It´s cold here, my flowers refuse to bloom. Have a happy T-Day and enjoy the heat (or send it over, pretty please).

  8. Wow, Wow, Wow, Erika - your garden is amazing. Love seeing the bees and dragonfly as well. Fun picture of you in the hammock too.

    Fun post! Happy T-day. Hugz

  9. Your garden is looking spectacular -- those roses at the top take my breath away. Clearly your bee population is loving them. I'm sure they love the whole garden! You have many blooms I'm not familiar with and it's a joy to see them. I know that has to take a ton of work Beautiful!

  10. Wow! Your garden is just gorgeous. The photos are beautiful. Enjoy your day.

  11. Wowee- your garden flowers- and the photos are absolutely gorgeous!!! Love seeing the bees happily pollinating and enjoying the blooms as well. Happy T day!

  12. The colors of your roses! Gorgeous! I'm enjoying my new coreopsis and hoping it survives. My bee balm hasn't done as well this year as it has in the past. Yours looks in full glory. We had blackberry bushes as I was growing up, and I miss picking them and having the fresh fruit. My white yarrow didn't bloom this year, so this morning I've moved it into a deeper pot. We'll see. I love the turtle! What a great spot for it. I'd love wild milkweed. The pollinators love it so :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  13. You have such a wonderful pollinator-friendly garden, Erika! I would spend a lot of time in there, gardening and just enjoying all the insects and the colors of the flowers. It is so fullfilling, isn't it?

  14. Not only am I in awe, I am a wee tad jealous of all the blooms in your garden. The only thing growng here is my Rose of Sharon. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful different flowers and plants that re growing there. Do you bring your lavender in in the winter? Mine dies if left outside.

    I really enjoyed the bee in flight. That was absolutely incredible. Thanks for sharing all those gorgeous flowers with us, as well as your cold drink in your mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  15. Hi Erika, I think the yellow flower is Lysimachia punctata (Yellow Loosestrife)? I love your climbing rose there are so many flowers on it !!! it looks amazing. I also have astilbes in my garden, they have just started flowering, but mine are white, and I really like the look of your deep pink one. I also really love the turtle statue! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  16. You do have so many beautiful and colorful flowers blooming in your garden, Erika, and certainly all your gardening work had produced these results. And, yes, you deserve a hammock rest and a cold drink as well.

  17. Your flowers and photography are beautiful! So many varieties of blooms in your garden and I like how you captured the insects.
    Looking forward to seeing your veggies when they start popping up.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. You are a great photographer! These photos are fabulous! Thank you for sharing! Happy T Day!

  19. Wow! Such beautiful flowers! I can imagine you want to spend so much time in your garden. It has rewarded you for sure.
    And I love the photos of the flying insects. Do you use your phone or a camera? Whatever it is, it is pretty good.
    A Belated happy T-Day to you,

  20. Hi, Erika! I am catching up on my visiting after our week of heat and now we're getting shoreline rainstorms every day or so. You asked about our a/c, it was fixed when we had the problem weeks ago. We have had power company equipment failure (not our personal) but they fixed that too, so we are staying cool and lucky as other neighborhoods in town have seen some outages.

    WOW, you could operate an arboretum there, what vegetative variety and beauty! I'd spend all my time out in that! Or want to, lol. And you're getting all that blooming and no watering? That's crazy.

    Used my plant id software and that's definitely yellow loosestrife.
    Check it out and see if you don't agree.


  21. Hello, :=) Thank you for passing by and commenting on my blog. I have been perusing through your photos and came to all your lovely flowers. What a great variety you have, and they are all beautiful. You have a colourful garden, and I think you may have green fingers. :=)

  22. Your garden must be a sight to behold Erika! Such beautiful photos of blooms and insects!

  23. Thanks for this walk in your beautiful garden! So much lovely colour, hugs, Chrisx


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