Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday Art

 Hi everyone. It is just about the weekend. This week has flown by, hasn't it? (Or at least it has for me.)

The other day I finally set up my new work table in the spare bedroom redo. I still have some bins to unpack or clean through that you might be able to see behind the work table, and my workbench is still covered in things I need to put away, so my room is not quite finished. BUT, I really needed to make some art as it had been a few weeks since I had done much of any creating (except for some challenge projects).  

I pushed all the still needed to do bins behind my work table and said the heck with the mess.

Boy did an art day feel good. 

Today I have some art to share.

I'll start with Sandie's Holiday/Travel theme at Tag Tuesday

Wanda is keeping her travel plans a secret, but I bet she is off on a plane someplace exciting as she told me to add a few air mail stickers to the tag.  And she also said I should use the silver dot and star paper scrap, as well as making the tag blue like the sky.  Hopefully Wanda will let us know when she gets home about her journey.

 I was inspired by this tag and Wanda's secret travel plans to make a  spread in my art journal. Actually Wanda dropped a few hints about where she might be going. Smile.

I love how these TH people come in multiple sizes.  I used the small photo version of Wanda up against the door on my journal page.  The door to the world is about to open for her. 

I am linking up my spread to Wendy's Doors and/or Arches theme at Art Journal Journey.

When I was cleaning through supplies I went through my scrap paper box which was just about to overflow. I threw out about half of those scraps and saved the ones I really liked. My journal page is made from some of those scraps, except for the birds which are actually a 1/4 of a small napkin and the gold butterflies which are a metallic paper embellishment.

The flowers and leaves are cut out from a scrap of printed paper. The "check" design on the left is from an image I had printed out on sticker paper. I also cut the balloon and the kiss definition out of some scrap paper. The background on the right as well as the horizontal paper strip on the left are scrap pieces. All of the world's city names are cut out of an old Hard Rock Cafe bag. And for some reason I still thought the pages needed something else to make them a "spread" so I used a black paint pen and added some dots. 

This month's Country View Challenge has a theme of Travel, so I am linking my spread up to that challenge.   I am also linking up my page to Creative Artiste Challenge Blog. This is for challenge #84, and the theme is Anything Goes as long as you use various types of materials on your page.

And since today is about linking up to different challenges, let me also link up to Nicole's Friday Face Off. I hope you're feeling better Nicole.

Here's a face that I sketched in my daily journal (a combo of writing and little quick sketches). I use a LePen black pen because it won't smudge  or change the color when I fill  in my drawings with my Faber-Castell markers. 

And finally, I'm linking up my entire post to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

There's a lot going on in this post. Thanks for reading all the way through if you made it this far. Have a wonderful start to your weekend. 


  1. Thank you Alltags for your nice comments ... I read them always with great pleasure. Sorry, that I lazy. But now let me say, I enjoyed reading here, admire your artwork. I believe each of us can make wonderful pictures.

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. I wish I had some secret travel plans like Wanda. The airports are in such total chaos right now the mere thought of getting on a plane would fill me with dread. A friend of ours recently lost two days in Frankfurt as three flights in a row were cancelled on her, and lost luggage seems to verge on normal. Day trips may be it for a while! Hugs - David

  3. Wanda is a happy looking woman in your first piece of art! With a beautiful name, too.
    Oh, here is total chaos on the .... airports, LOL I had to look it up!
    Reading n in French whilst listening to Italian music, being German... my brain failed!
    Lufthansa has not enough staff and school holidays are up, so crazy! So many disappointed people...

    I´d choose Singapore. Only 5 hours to Perth :-)

    Cute dino! To a happy weekend - wish us luck with the weather, very cold (for summer) and rainy and we expect friends from Perth.

  4. Good morning Erika, we had a rough week so hasn't gone by quite so fast-last night a break finally rain all night and early morning.
    Yes I am ready for an art day too-I love everything you have created here-you had an awesome art day-hugs Kathy

  5. How fabulous is your Tag, I absolutely love it.
    Wanda is just so gorgeous,smiling happy and ready for her holiday to special places.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday and making such a fab tag for my theme.
    Sandie x

  6. I miss travel. So expensive to drive, too freaky and more to fly. I've heard horrible cancellation stories. Loving this fun art and the fact that you are settling into your wonderful new studio!

  7. Lots to see indeed, Erika.
    The travel tag is my favorite and the face (don't know what animal's 😄) is fun but kind looking in the same time 👍
    Happy weekend, my fried 🌺🌿

  8. That's a hungry looking dino. You should feed him some cabbage😊
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  9. When you make art, you MAKE ART. These are both beautiful. I love how Wanda is on a trip, a journey of the unknown. And I love how she is walkkkiing through a door of possibilities. This is a wonderful entry for WENDY'S theme at Art Journal Journey. LOVE the background, too!

  10. Wanda looks happy :) Love that tag.

    That dinosaur is marvelously alive. You caught real movement there!

  11. Erika, your art is fabulous. I love the travel tag and art journal spread. I wouldn't feel like travel right now with all the chaos at the airports and the proce of gas and am really happy that we went to Germany in May when everything went smoothly. I like how you used your "old" craft items - I'm not buying anything new either when it comes to paper etc. The dino is superb - he looks fierce, but I bet if you give him a cookie or wo he will roll on his back and turn into a docile beast. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. You know that "a messy desk is a sign of genius" and so is a messy art room. Love your work.

  13. I enjoyed seeing your dinosaur face!

    best... mae at

  14. An art day is ALWAYS fabulous isn't it? ☺ I love your tag and journal art Erika! Very creative! And your dino! Love him!! ☺

  15. Erika, I love Wanda and her secret travels. How exciting the art is. However, how can I not fall in love with the ancient face of a dinosaur. What a beauty and I love her color. Thank you for the well wishes. The antibiotics seem to be working so I am looking to a full recovery very soon. Also thank you for joining in with Friday Face OFF. I so enjoy seeing your art in all the mediums. Have a great day today.

  16. The Eldest borrowed a page from Wanda's book and was planning on surprising us with a visit this weekend. I had texted to ask the Eldest if we could Skype on Sunday (her birthday). She must have been so excited about the visit that she blurted out she was coming. Still quite the surprise. You T-Rex reminds me of the T-Rex outside of the MOS Boston. enjoy the weekend!

  17. It does feel good doesn't it. I took a day last weekend to sort some stuff out and clear a space so I could sit down and make something, and it made all the difference. The rest of the room is chaos still but I was there in a little oasis of calm making some arty stuff. I felt heaps better. I like Wanda on her travel tag and also in her travel journal page. I'm a little anxious about you throwing out stuff from that box of scraps haha. I also love your T-Rex, planning to see that movie soon too! Happy Friday Face-off Elle/EOTC xx

  18. Wow, I hope Wanda has packed that one bag well to be going all those places, heehee. Great tag and spread, love the left hand side especially, how you combined all those papers and images/words. Very nice looking T-rex as well. I had a chuckle reading about you just shoving the mess aside. That would have driven me nuts back when I was younger but I'm such an old pro at it now, also old pro at forgetting about the piles, too! Have a good weekend and send us cooling thoughts, it's going to be 3 days of temps over 100F for us and people have already started freaking out because our electricity provider sent out conservation requests yet weather app issued a heat alert and says keep that a/c going. Sheesh!!! xoxo

  19. I like all of it especially seeing your messy workspace. We were getting an estimate on home repair and the guy saw my studio, saying a messy busy studio means the artist is working! I liked that! Although when it hits critical mass or I step on stuff I stop the presses and sort it all out. I can work in clean or mess.
    that dino is hilarious!
    from finally reading your bio page I realized I'd like to email with a couple questions for you... my email is on my blogpage but is also LAPaylor at gmail dot com if you want to chat a moment

  20. Fabulous tag and journal page, love them. Thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday. Hugs Wendy

  21. It's good to take a break from the tasks and have creative time! Soon your studio will be just the way you want it!

  22. Love seeing your craft space and glad you got some time for art in. Great tag and journal pages. I love that you used the same TH paper doll. Fun creations and post, my friend. Hugz

  23. A wonderful post Erika! Gorgeous art, and I loved Wanda's story.
    Happy new week!

  24. Such fun to start carrying again! I only started crafting again yesterday after about 2-3 weeks and I really enjoyed myself too. Apologies I haven't visited you, what with having a terrible cold and then afterwards having friends over (with decorating to finish and cleaning to do before their arrival) I didn't find any time for blogging. Your craft space looks amazing, I bet your glad it's all finished. Take care and sending you happy wishes for a wonderful week! Hugs Jo x

  25. A stunning journal spread. A wonderfully eye-catching design. lovely warm colours and gorgeous details.
    Thank you for joining in with our July challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. Good luck x

  26. Awesome travel make - thanks for joining our challenge at Countryview Challenges and good luck in the draw! Hugs rachel xx


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