Monday, July 4, 2022

T Stands for Weekend Fun and Food Wednesdays

 Hi everyone.

 Happy first full week of July. For all of us in the northern hemisphere,  we're really into summer now, aren't we?

This past weekend was a busy one for me. My husband took Friday off, and we went out in his boat. We went for a cruise, and we also did some fishing. 

Here's the highlight photo from the day, although I understand probably most (or maybe none) of  you  really are interested in fishing.

This fish my husband caught was a beauty. We measured him (30 inches; he was legal to keep), but after the trophy photos,  we put him back into the water, and he swam off on his way.  Even though we both like to eat fish, he deserved a chance to swim more days. I am sure many or most fishermen would have kept him.

We were supposed to go boating again on Saturday with my daughter and her fiance, but the morning was stormy. They still came to visit Saturday evening. We went boating with them on Sunday. 

This time we let the future son-in-law do the fishing, and he caught 2.

Both of his fish were too small to keep but still beauties. I like that they are swimming back in the river.  I didn't do any striper fishing this weekend myself. I often do fish, but Friday I was more interested in lounging, and Sunday the boat seemed a bit crowded with 4 of us in it. Besides, since it was Sunday,  lots of people were on the water so our boat was rocking and lots of water kept washing in around  the transom (the lower part where the engine attaches). The water drained right back out, but we did have some good laughs at how wet  our feet were while  sitting in the boat.
I did go mackerel fish both days but the mackerel fishing hasn't been very good lately.

Is anyone else having issues with getting all your photos to show up when you try to get them to link to your post in blogger? I can get into them through Google albums, but not directly. 

There was also way too much food this weekend, so I will be sharing my drinks and my food for both T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog and also for Kathy's Food Wednesdays

 My daughter and her fiance arrived  Saturday late afternoon. By then the weather had cleared out so for dinner we went to Pop's. We had  perfect timing too. When we got there there was no line. By time we ordered there was a line. And we also were able to get a table on the deck to eat our dinner.

Yes this top view of the deck is a bit skewed. And below you can see our food except my daughter's lobster roll, which she was about to take a bit of.

My husband and Zach had chicken fingers. My daughter and I had lobster rolls. The lobster roll comes with French fries but I substituted cole slaw.  I really like their slaw as it is not saucy at all but still has lots of flavor.  I must also write that the price of lobster rolls have gone up $3 since  Pop's opened in May. Right now they are $25.99. OUCH!  I am at the very top of my lobster roll paying price (and at that price I am not buying them very often- that's for certain). I decided to have one Saturday evening because it had been a warm day so
a cold sandwich tasted good for dinner. I also think that lobster rolls might go up even more in price so I thought I would splurge and have one before I can't because they've gotten too pricey.  I do think Pop's is trying to keep the price under control though since that price is still a bargain, well a bargain for right now. My husband saw them at one restaurant for $38.99. I am sure a lot of this has to do with the cost of fuel right now. 

I hope this doesn't end up being my last lobster roll of the season as it seems the season has just begun.

You can see our assorted drinks for this week's T day.  I like an icy fountain soda but my daughter brought a soda from home and her fiance drank his water.

On the boat Sunday for lunch we had "dry sandwiches and salty chips".  Or at least that's what we called them. Smile.

My husband bought some Italian cold cuts and provolone cheese, but figured any other sandwich "fixings" would only be messy. And I wanted ripple chips instead of plain sliced chips. The only ripple chips were not low salt ones, and boy, they seemed so salty. 

Anyhow, salty chips and a dry sandwich are best washed down with an Old Brown Dog Ale.

And here's one more drink for this post. I tried one of these hard seltzer's my daughter brought. I don't mind a hard seltzer when it's hot. I did think there was a strong hint to the black cherry flavor, but when I looked up acerola fruit I discovered it is a cherry like fruit. Not sure that explains the strong cherry taste, but I certainly enjoyed it as the afternoon heated up.

Ad that's all for me today. Thanks for visiting. I hope everyone has a wonderful T day food Wednesday and week ahead. 


  1. Oh, my goodness! I would love to go to pops and get some lobster rolls! Happy 4th and Happy T Day!

  2. Hi Erika, what a fun post-great fish the guys caught, Larry loves to fish but he usually puts the fish back in the lake-so he doesn't have to clean them haha
    Your food looks delicious-ouch that is expensive for a sandwich Your drinks all look delicious too.
    I wrote my food wednesdays post but will post it late tomorrow (tuesday) Happy T and food wednesdays hugs

  3. Well what a nice time you had Erika! Hubby and i practice catch and release too.. Mostly because we never trust the water we fish in...that the fish are edible.. Wow! I have never had a lobster roll and at this rate i never they sure do look good though! Thank you for taking us cruising with you and happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  4. Lobster rolls are great, but the price is incredible. I think they were quite a bit less last summer when I was in Maine.

    best... mae at

  5. Yummy looking food and drinks in your post, Erika. The fish look fab and it sounds like you had lots of fun! Perfect Weekend. I know I would like that beer! Happy Today and Happy 4th. Hugz

  6. That's a big fish! So kind of you guys setting it free. I want some lobster rolls too.

  7. Happy not so independent Independence Day. I'm actually watching the fireworks going off from my office windows. Your lobster roll looks good, but to be honest, that is about as much as I spend on groceries for two weeks. It would have to be extra special at that price.

    Those fish your future son-in-law caught was too small? Goodness. It sure looked big to me, but I'm used to trout. Love that you practice catch and release.

    I'm a sauce junkie, so that sandwich would NOT have gone down well. In fact, I probably would have needed two drinks to wash everything down. Of course, the salty chips would have encouraged drinking fluids. Thanks for sharing your multitude of drinks, the fish, your meals at Pop's, and your sandwiches and salty chips with us for T this almost Tuesday. Also, Food Wednesday, too.

  8. LOL, Ingo loves trying to catch fish, sooooo boring!
    Once he really caught an edible fish, a Mackarel. Ew, it tasted awful, but he was soooo proud.
    Glad it costs money here and all we have is river Oker.

    Nice you let it live a bit longer.
    Friends (in Australia) had a boat and it was really fun - I even got to "drive" it.

    I upload pics from my PC directly, no worries with blogger there.

    We also still have cole slaw. Cheap, from the grocery store, bleh.

    That Ale looks yummy! Fun pic! And Black cherry, hmmmmm....

    To water, family, fun and a happy T-Day! Hugs!

  9. Friday and Sunday were perfect weather days. Nice that you were able to get out on the boat. I think I'd prefer to lounge in the boat instead of go fishing though the fish you caught were rather pretty. For fish. Your lobster roll looks so good. For that price, Pop should serve both fries and coleslaw.
    😉Happy T Day!

  10. Yikes! Yeah, I can see why the lobster roll budget might be limited this summer. You'll need to set up a special savings account for lobster rolls! Throw in 20 bucks every time you get paid (or ten or fifteen!) and it won't feel so awful paying out! (I do that for just about every fund I have -- cat, taxes, cottage, art supplies!)

    But they look fabulous. And so does your wonderful day. Hard to belive that you have to toss that one fish back because it's too small!

  11. The fishermen have something to be proud of! I haven't been fishing in decades, but I have fond memories. I never caught anything nearly that big, but catching fish was never my goal ;)

    I'd love to eat on that deck, and the lobster roll looks tasty. I've never had one.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Looks like you had a great time on the water, fishing and just relaxing.
    I'm really happy for you that you could go to Pops for your favorite meal: lobster roll. I will admit that it's a lot of money. But hey, you only live once and a summer without lobster roll is not summer, right?
    About Queen Wilhelmina: I remember her as the Queen-mother. She died in 1962, so I was 11 when she died. She married but had many miscarriages. Her husband was known for his extra marital affairs and had many 0fficial and un-official bastards. Queen Wilhemina had one child, Juliana and she became queen after her mother's abdication. Juliana's eldest daughter was Beatrix, and her eldest son, Willem-Alexander, is now king. Wilhelmina was much loved. Read about her on Google.
    Happy T-Day,

  13. That sure is a steep price for a lobster roll! I love lobster roll, but I think for that price I would not have them often. The fish your husband and future SIL caught are real beauties, but I'm glad that they put them back in the water. Your weekend sounds so nice and also relaxing, the fine weather certainly helped. Happy T day!

  14. Those are some beautiful and big fish! Looks like a fun activity for the 4th.
    Those lobster rolls are expensive. A $3 increase is a lot! Everything seems to be going up in price at the moment, sadly.
    Glad you had a fun and exciting weekend with family.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. I don't like fishing but I do appreciate and like the fish people catch!

    Your food looks good!

  16. Well, y'all certainly had fun and your men look proud as punch as should be. Glad you were still able to get with your kids and enjoy a favorite meal. Gee, Erika, think it might be time to keep lobsters instead of bees? I mean, you're only a state away from Lobsterland (Maine). I'm always hearing about that great mass transit y'all have up in the NE (we have zip down here, thanks, Congress). Take the train to Maine, catch some lobs, bring 'em back, you can have a roll whenever! :-) xoxo

  17. What a great weekend with family, fishing, and food, Erika, and those "F" words (all good things) just fit together here (whoops another one)! Seriously though, it was wonderful to see photos of Dave and your daughter's fiancé and their catches. Also nice to know that after the photo opps, they were released and hopefully didn't end up as someone else's dinner.

    Lobster roll sandwiches can be pricey, but still we hope to have at least one next week when we will be in Maine for the entire week. Grenville wanted to celebrate his birthday there. The meals at Pop's looked like perfect summer fare.

  18. A mouthwatering post Erika! I can't get enough of seeing those lobster rolls and I sure hope you can squeeze in a few more before the end of the season! Cheers to the brown ale!! I haven't gone fishing in ages...I do catch and release fishing, even though, yes, I eat fish...I don't have the heart to kill one! Lovely photos!

  19. It looks like you guys enjoyed a fantastic Summer weekend in New England.

  20. I've done a lot of fishing in the past but I don't eat fish now so I don't fish. Have you ever seen a show called Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures? Your hubs would probably love it, he's an Aussie guy who travels around fishing in various places and always kisses the fish before throwing them back in! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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