Thursday, July 7, 2022

Playing Hooky and the Sky

Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well.

I have a new journal page today for Wendy's Door and/or Arches challenge at Art Journal Journey. Today my page is  called the Doorway to the Sky.

My background is pretty crazy, isn't it? During my supply clean out I had a big sheet of paper I was trying markers and ink pads on. I wanted to be sure they still had ink in them. Even though I thought this was really just a scrap sheet of paper, I liked the end result and used half of that paper to make this page. 

I used a stencil and a black Sharpie to make all the stars on the background.

Inside the doorway I first used a black Sharpie to color in the space. Then I added bright yellow glitter glue. The  little clouds were part of a stamped image, and I cut them out and added them to my page. The door itself was on a sheet of door paper and was brown. I cut it out and colored it because the brown door on the colorful background just didn't work.

Finally I added the TH lady and the quote.

Today I am also sharing some photos for Rain's Thursday Art Date. This week her theme is Playing Hooky.  I think the lady on my journal page could also fall into the hooky theme as she looks like she might be more interested in the sky than doing  the "woman's" work expected of her. Yet maybe she is lucky enough to be able to enjoy the sky without other expectations that the time period she lived during would most likely impose on her.

This gnome in my first photo is definitely sleeping on the job. Smile.

And one of my favorite places to play hooky is out on my screen porch. It is also a favorite place for the pups too, and they are waiting here for me to be let inside. You can also see my love of gardening extends to having lots of pots filled with annuals on my deck.  Smile!

The deck still needs the railing put up. You may possibly remember my husband  had started reflooring our deck last fall because  the  boards were getting a bit soft and were starting to split and pop up. He never got to the railings or the steps, so hopefully later this summer that will happen.

The last time my husband rebuilt the deck, around 2000 or 2001, was when he built the screen porch. At that time the deck needed a total rebuild from the ground up (not just the floor boards). I always wanted a screen porch (there's so many bugs around here), and when he rebuilt the  under the floor support system, he was able to create the supports needed to carry the walls and the roof of the screen porch. Since then  the screen porch is one of my favorite rooms in the house, even if it really isn't in the house.

I used the wide angle lens on my phone for this next photo, and it certainly makes this space look a lot bigger than it is. 

This is where I disappear to during the nice weather when I want to play hooky. Although I must admit being retired I am only playing hooky from things I love to do (well at least for the most part). You might be able to say I am playing hooky every day-smile.

That's all for me today. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the rest of your week.


  1. Fun page. The door makes me think of Alice in Wonderland and what's on the other side of that door. The gnome is cute. There's gnome place like gnome. Your screen porch and deck are a beautiful oasis!

  2. You are right, Erika, being retired is a licence to play hooky every day, and it looks like you have the perfect place to do it. Hugs - David

  3. Nice hooky themed page. I like the wide lens photo.

  4. I have loved being retired, too, Erika! And I absolutely LOVE your beautiful and fun page! The door to your fantasy world is amazing, too! And I really like your quote. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!!

  5. Wow. I love that background on your page today. You couldn't replicate it again if you tried. That door is genius, too. This is a great entry for Wendy's theme at AJJ.

    If I had that screened in porch, i would be out there all the time, too. It's lovely. Nice to have an engineer for a husband, or that porch could have held loads of problems. Loads (get it?).

  6. I love the background :)

    A screened porch is a treasure. We don't have one here but have had in the past, and there's nothing like it. You're outside and inside at the same time :)

  7. You've got gnomes! So do I and I can't wait to paint them this winter. My hubby got them for me for my birthday.
    I love your page and it is amazing when we look at a scrap that we think we can toss only to see more art. I love the doorway and the posh lady wanting to go through there rather than doing woman stuff.
    Love your garden and the pots of flowers which just looks so inviting. Your porch would be great to sit and watch the rain come down. I love your doggies this morning my doggie found a skunk! Hubby brought him into the home!! I smell it on my purse and my sweater! Ughhh

  8. Lovely post Erika, I really love your screened porch. Our deck here is in horrible shape-we need to get our other property sold so we can hire someone to do that for us-sounds expensive but needs to be done for safety
    I love your gnome-so sweet and great page for AJJ too Happy Thursday

  9. I love your crazy background. Makes the page really pop. Lots of playing hooky photos. I really like your screened in porch. Very nice indeed. Have a great day today.

  10. wow I LOVE your screened porch and the dogs are looking happy there too :-))

  11. Those papers sometimes turn out really beautiful. Your journal page certainly shows that. Looks fantastic! I would like to think that the lady stepped through the door. The screened porch is amazing. I would disappear there too! You two pups must be taking lessons from the gnome on sleeping on the job. They are so sweet and look so relaxed!


  12. A fun and lively journal page, Erika and I love the Quote. Yes being retired seems like full time hooky, but sadly, and as I have indicated on my post, the house work never ends, so when I play hooky it is usually a way to avoid cleaning house :) I love your screened in porch and your deck ... the deck doesn't seem to really need a railing. Your husband is indeed a talented (and willing) builder. Love all of your flowers and your pups too. Doesn't look like a place that you would want to play hooky from :) A delightful post, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. Great page Erika, and I love your relaxing space!

  14. What a great title for your piece. That's perfect. I like this week's Rain theme!

  15. Your deck looks lovely, I love all the potted plants. But your screened porch is just amazing - I would probably spend the entire summer in there. I live your journal oage as well - isn't it great when we can use "scrap paper" where we just tried out pens and markers? I love that!

  16. What a fun juxtaposition of your wild modern background and that genteel lady! She has such a peaceful look, she might well have enjoyed her woman's work, many did and took pride in it. I think back then you well knew it could be worse than whatever you had, unlike today with the pretty cush lives we lead.

    And very nice hideout. Down here that is called a sleeping porch when you have the 3 walls of windows. All the bay homes have them. We get a breeze around 4 or 5 pm no matter how hot it is, and if we are lucky on into the night. I had an old timer friend one time explain to me about life without air conditioning, lol. xoxo

  17. we had a porch similar to yours, when we were in MD and I LOVED it. LIved on it. Miss it...
    love your pups and flowers

  18. ...I'd LOVE to play hooky on that beautiful porch. Enjoy a relaxing weekend.

  19. Love the contrast of the mild and calm looking woman AND THE BACKGROUND! :-)
    She sure came into another world through that door!

    Your deck looks great! And your sunroom, awwww - SO beautiful.

  20. What a beautiful oasis for three of the four seasons. You're lucky your husband is handy and built the screen porch back then. The deck is beautiful too.

  21. That screened in porch certainly looks like a wonderful retreat, Erika, and the indoor hammock would be Grenville’s favorite nap spot.

  22. Fabulous page and that screen porch looks amazing.

  23. lol, I think the Sleeping gnome and the beautiful veranda overpowered your art this week. I only have a little balcony and that one is too hot in summer. Your looks perfect. :)

  24. Erika, your fabulous deck and porch steal the show here. You are super lucky to have such a talented husband and a great place to play hooky. Love the gnome too.

    Your art is also wonderful. Love those words and they do make you think! She looks like she probably has some help at home and has a bit of time to daydream - not a hair out of place and a lovely outfit!


  25. Lovely photos Erika and cute gnomes as well. I loved the bright background for the journal page it was meant to be used and those word quotes were super as well.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Love the doorway, the lady is mesmerizing, the gnome is adorable

  27. Ha ha ha ha...I love your gnome sleeping on the job! That's great Erika! And btw WHO wants to really do "women's" work??? Your deck looks gorgeous! Love the hammock, and the dogs are so sweet! ♥

  28. Fun way to use up a scrap of paper! Your front porch looks fabulous! I would be making art out there all the time!

  29. nearly 20 years of retirement and loved every minute of it.
    Your lady is very elegant and looks awfully well mannered which makes me wonder what she is doing in front of such an exciting and chaotic background (in the neicest of ways).
    Love your sleeping gnome, he is wonderful. As is your wonderful porch, the dogs look so happy sitting there, and I love the plants. Mind you the place where you disappear to - wow, I could spend a lifetime there. What a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the shade. Just getting the next plane.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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