Saturday, August 27, 2022

Games of All Kinds

 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday to you. 

Today I want to share a page I made for Chris' When We Were Young challenge at Art Journal Journey. My theme for today's collaged page is games of all types and kinds.

When I was younger, I loved to play board games. Clue  and Life were  favorites of mine, as well as card games like Go Fish and Rummey. As I got older I added Cribbage  and what we called High-Low-Jack to the car game mix. In fact I still like to play games, but my husband isn't a big game player so I don't get to play as often as I would like. As for sports, I was never a very good athlete, but I did enjoy skipping rope, playing tennis, and riding my bike, but I haven't played tennis in years. I'm not sure I would even be any good at all now. I have always been a walker though, even as  a kid, and I've always loved to swim, even if I'm not a very strong or particularly graceful looking swimmer. The past few summers I've been swimming laps at my MIL's place on the lake, and now I've got my husband and his sister swimming with me. I feel like such a trend setter-ha ha.

I made my page by inking the background and using a book page as my base. The images are ones I had in my stash, and I did have to color the boy as he was black and white. I stamped the black stitches across the bottom of the page, and I added the little foamy flowers.

And let me wrap up my post today with a few more photos from TurnPark Art Space in western Massachusetts.

There's a disco style ball hanging with a chair nearby. The reflection in the mirrors was pretty. I tried to get my face to show up in the squares, but this is the best I was able to photograph.

The park space was long and narrow. On one side was a little river or big brook and then this rocky cliff. Just beyond the cliff was Mass Turnpike, Route 90, a big highway. At first I noticed the traffic noise, and then I got wrapped up in the art and surprisingly I didn't notice the noise any longer.

There was some art connected to the  river, like this golden body floating.

And we never did figure out  what exactly this next piece was, but I am guessing, something that was supposed break down over time.

There were a couple of fun ceramics exhibits too. I really liked these little houses.

And this next piece looked messy at first glance, but it did photograph great and made me appreciate it more.

The mixed glazes were really great.

And I'll finish my post with this interesting piece.  I believe it was called Hunger.

I hope you haven't been bored with all these sculptures from TurnPark Art Space. 

Have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Erika, I so love all the art you showed, those figures are all wonderful. And I love your page, too. I used to love board games, too, but haven't played any for years. My fave was snakes and ladders. My only game these days is Solitaire on the computer. Your art page is lovely, as always, vibrant and fun. Thanks for the memories! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Sadly in my house such games were no issue.
    At my cousin Monopoly - boooring.
    On our journeys we played Mau-mau till Ingo got sick of loosing - it´s a game you need no brain for, plain luck.
    My Brother tought me Skat and promised we play each Christmas, but we never meet. Ingo played/taught me a wee bit of chess, I wasn´t too dumb but lost 100%, LOL.

    Your page is beautiful!! I would hang in framed on the wall.
    A beautiful reminder!

    And the disco ball!
    And Hunger.
    Oh, when I see all the food thrown away... we would need this in very large to remind people.

    But, as a good: let´s play, the billiard table here is ready - hugs and to a great weekend!

  3. I really enjoy the art pieces displayed in this park. I wonder why that sculpture called HUNGER...a fascinating one though.

  4. I like playing board games when I was a kid. Clue, Monopoly, Risk, and Parcheesi were popular at my house. I'm like you're husband and not really a game player anymore. Wonderful sculptures. My favorites are the little houses and the disco ball. Enjoy your Saturday

  5. Board games really left a lasting memory in so many people! Your sculpture photos are fascinating: never too many.

    best... mae at

  6. Really love your wonderful bright and colorful page! I always loved playing board games as a child too! I totally relate to that! The photos of the art work look so amazing! Thanks for sharing the inspiration!

  7. How ironic. I have tons of board games in my shed and now I wish I had chosen one for Chris's theme. This turned out great and I love all the games you shared, too. Thanks for another entry at AJJ, dear.

    I am still loving those sculptures. I am impressed with the floating body in the stream, the tiny houses, and the disco ball. But that figure does NOT look like hunger to me. Too much decadence for that. "Everything but the kitchen sink" would be a better term! Thanks for sharing more of these. I am truly enjoying these sculptures.

  8. Dear Erika,
    Today we had dinner with my daughter and her family in a Mexican restaurant, and there was a disco ball just like that. My grandson Jamie (9 months old) was very fascinated by it :-)
    No, I didn't get bored with the sculptures, very interesting - and I also really enjoyed your contribution to Chris' "When We Were Young" challenge! I still enjoy playing board and card games and we sometimes have game nights with our friends.
    Happy weekend and all the best from Austria

  9. I enjoyed seeing these sculptures.

    Happy Saturday and weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. I've had a super catch up this morning Erika, fantastic art and awesome photos from the walks beside those amazing sculptures. I remember playing Cribbage with my grandparents its was a much played family game back then in the days when TV wasn't available in all homes as we take for granted these days.
    have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Art is always interesting to peruse. That's a great games page. The disco ball reminded that I've always wanted one. I wanted to get my daughter one for her room but she picked out one on a stand for her dresser instead. Close but no cigar for me, lol. It did revolve and shine pretty light prisms, though. XOX

  12. The sculptures have been fascinating. From lovely to disturbing, and so much variety in style!

  13. A quick catch up and I love the games pages you've shared, loved seeing the photos from the Art Park - love those tiny fairy houses, and the last one was interesting.
    Avril xx

  14. Beautiful images, all. I loved board games then. I still do!

  15. Another lovely memory! I haven't posted so many pages as I have had some big family stuff to deal with - this is brilliant inspiration and I just wish I had more time. It's a fabulous page for my AJJ theme! I love your photos- the little houses especially! Hugs, Chrisx


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