Sunday, August 28, 2022


Hi everyone. I hope you're having a nice weekend.

I'm back today with a short post with another page for Chris' When We Were Young challenge at Art Journal Journey. I realized how little time we have left to share art for this challenge, and I had some art left to post, so you get 2 pages in 2 days. This month is going to be over way too soon, isn't it? 

I have these 2 Victorian children rubber stamps in my stash, and I really wanted to use them. I noticed the little girl had a vintage hoop and stick toy, so I decided to use the word  play as my page's inspiration. This page  goes well with the games page I shared yesterday also.

I started by inking my page with several colors of ink. Then I stamped and fussy cut the children, as well as the teddy bear and the kitty image. I decided to leave them uncolored because of all the color in the background.  I placed those down on my page, and then added the white stenciled deli paper around them to make the page a little less flat. 

I had a very old chipboard set that came as a freebie when I bought something from  Technique Tuesday years ago. There were some dice and card suits images, puzzle pieces and some chess pieces too.  I inked them all with black and then randomly arranged them on my page.

I didn't know that the hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades on our American playing cards are not what you find on cards worldwide.  Our cards with those 4 suits go back to the French design and our 52 card decks with those suits are called the English style. I don't know if Victorian children played any games with die, but there were lots of card games for them.


I finished my page by stamping my quote. 

And today's piece(s) from Turnpark Art Space are game related, but definitely not Victorian game related.

I'm not sure if these colored tubes actually went with the game sculpture, but they easily could.

The artist created a Twister game, and implied how Putin's War (or on the big scale any war) is much like a game of Twister. I thought that was very clever.

I like how none of the words were completed. I think that says a lot.

This exhibit was hard to photograph, so I hope it made sense.

That’s all for me.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 



  1. Love your beautiful piece Erika, children love playing games, that's for sure. I only play solitaire on he computer theses days, my last pack of cards got used for crafting! I love the photos from the Turnpark Art Space, it looks great! Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Happy Sunday Erika, I love your journal page very much, and children playing is perfect for the theme. the park art space is very interesting too Happy Sunday

  3. What a fun page for Chris's theme at AJJ. I think the children are wonderful and I love how you treated the background, too. It was definitely beautiful.

    I have never played Twister and don't know anything about the game, but I was impressed by your photos and the way you shared the letters.

    I'm also finding I have art I've created that I haven't shared for AJJ. My problem is, I also haven't photographed one entry and it is too dimensional to scan.

  4. Those colored tubes are fun. And I do like your page. Yes, the tubes are not Victorian!

  5. the parks game exhibition seems interesting.

    The art journal is very nice. So randomly layout still makes sence. I love how your use of colors bring it together and actually enhances it.

    Col and nice. :)

  6. I’m glad I didn’t have to get dressed up to play games when I was a kid. The children on your page look like they are wearing their Sunday best. Wonderful sculptures and I like the metaphor of Twister for war.

  7. I like your journal page.
    Hope your weekend was good.

    All the best Jan

  8. Boa noite Erika. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho maravilhoso e tenho certeza que as crianças brasileiras com certeza gostariam.

  9. Such a lovely page for my AJJ theme-I love those children, I wonder what today's children would do if they had their electronic games taken away, Loving the park photos again! Hugs, Chrisx


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