Thursday, August 4, 2022

Lines and Contours

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you.  And Thursday means it is time for Rain's challenge.

Today for Rain's challenge her theme is Lines and Contours. I'm thinking about Lines in a very different way than from an art perspective, that is family  trees, which as you know contain lots of lines and connections.

Last weekend my niece was married in Maine. My husband and I took a trip to Waterford for the wedding, where we rented an AirBnB house for a couple of nights with my daughter and her fiance. The house worked out great and was very convenient for the weekend celebrations. (There were events both Friday and Saturday evenings, but my post today is only about the Saturday wedding itself.)

The best thing about the weekend was being able to see my family. I hadn't seen my brother (although we speak every few weeks) since covid began. It was also good to see my niece the bride, my nephew and his family, and one of my cousins and his family. Although I have a slew of cousins, this one cousin is like my second brother. ( And the only one invited to the wedding because he's the only one out of all my cousins that really knows my niece.)

And no, for those who know my mom is still alive,  my mother was not at the wedding. At 92 (she'll be 93 in 2 months) with short term memory dementia, she doesn't do well in places she doesn't know. Plus she's been suffering from some small health issues lately, nothing horrible. My brother and I talked about her attending, but we both agreed she just wouldn't do well with the whole event nor with the travel. She was never comfortable with traveling even when she was a younger woman.  I am sure all of us will share photos with her, and since she won't remember anything we shared, it gives us something to talk with her for several visits.

The wedding venue was beautiful.

You can also see all the chairs were in lines, just to relate back to Rain's theme a bit. 
The wedding was at 4 in the afternoon, and by evening, the view was especially beautiful. 

You can see the inn where the wedding and reception were held in the next photo. The barn on the right was where the reception was held. It was a bit crowded in the barn, so I was very happy we were seated next to the wide open big barn doors and weren't surrounded by the other guests. You can't see those doors in this photo. 

The other buildings are rooms that you can stay at, or in the case of when the venue is rented for an event, that you must also rent out. The bridal party stayed here for the weekend.

I was  seated next to my cousin, his wife and his 2 daughters. As kids, my brother, my cousin and myself were often like the 3 musketeers. 
I know you may not be interested in family photos, but here's myself and my cousin. You can just see the edge of the open barn door near us.

And in this next photo,  throw in my brother too, the father of the bride. 

Weddings are always fun, but this one had a bit of sadness  since my brother's wife, the mother of the bride,  had died in 2019 from breast cancer. 

They had a nice memorial for her, and they even shared  a glass of wine which she would have enjoyed.  It was a day with many smiles and many tears too.

And just so no one says that I didn't include the bride in my post, here's a photo from the wedding service.

I must say my favorite part of the event was being outside on the lawn of the inn. They had cornhole games as well as some other yard games, and even a couple of fire pits. As it was getting dark, my husband and my cousin got a fire going in one of the firepits. My cousin’s kids had left, but his wife, my daughter and her fiance joined us.

By then the guys had had a bit to drink, and the banter going on was quite funny.  I was impressed that the inn provided bug spray and blankets as well as all the materials to get and keep a fire going.   I don't know why  my daughter is giving me the look, unless she is looking at my cousin who was sitting next to me on the other side. 

I thought I took photos of dinner, but I must have totally forgotten to do so. I can tell you the meal was served family style to each table and was delicious, but sorry I have nothing to share this week for the dinner part of Rain's post. I actually give the inn very high marks for service and quality of food. I also think my niece did a lovely job planning the event so everything went off without any major problems, and of course, I must thank my brother for paying for the wedding. As my brother told me during the event, our Dad taught him to always be sure your guests left with a full tummy and that they had good time. That does sound like my father. 

That's my post for today. I hope everyone's August has started off nicely.




  1. Wonderful photos of the wedding, it really was held at a fabulous venue. The views of the lake are gorgeous! And your evening round the fire looks magical. You look great in your photo! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Such a beautiful place for the wedding! Those family photos are wonderful and precious. I am so glad that you have shared them with us. Congratulations to your niece and the family!


  3. Great you met all, sad about your Mom, but reckon right decision.
    My Granma helped raising us and still she forgot who I am.

    Wow, that does look so beautiful!!
    And clever connected to the theme.
    Nice pic of you two :-) And I like your glasses!
    Cancer. Always.
    Very sad.
    Very nice pic of the pair and oh, the firepits!
    Bug spray I could´ve needed last night. The other joy of summer ;-)

    Happy post! Hugs from here.

  4. What a beautiful spot for a wedding, and nice that it included sleep overs too and the fire pits-I enjoyed reading about it and seeing the photos. Happy Thursday hugs Kathy

  5. A wonderful wedding venue and such a lovely ceremony. Great photos too. Have a nice day.

  6. Looks like a lovely spot for a wedding. Your cousin looks like he's your brother. Nice family photos for you to treasure. Try to stay cool the next few days.

  7. How lovely. Sounds like all kinds of fun. Thanks for letting me know about Elizabeth.

  8. Thanks, Erika, for sharing the details and photos of the wedding. It certainly looked like a great location for an outdoor ceremony. It was also nice to see the photo of you and your brother and glad you could meet in person after such a long time.

  9. Erika, that looks like a really lovely wedding - I'm sure your niece will remember this fondly (somehow last week I thought it was your daughter's wedding...). The setting is so romantic, and you certainly had a good time. Sitting around the fire is especially lovely. Is this setting the bar for your daughter's wedding?

  10. Hello Erika
    Such lovely photographs from the wedding, it looks a beautiful setting.

    Many thanks too for passing the message on from Elizabeth about her computer access problems, hoping that they will soon be sorted.
    Please pass on my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  11. Great photos and what a fun and treasured time together with your family faves. I'm sure it meant the world to your brother for y'all to be there. XOX

  12. such a beautiful place for a wedding :)

  13. wishes to the new couple, my wife and I celebrated our 54th this week.

  14. All the best to the happy couple. But I am impressed with this lovely lady in the floral dress - used to be called a summer frock when I was young - who is she, I wonder? I know that this blog is run by a biologist, someone used to getting down in the dirt, not resenting grubby fingernails, willing to dissect a frog if she has to. Could this be one and they same person? Surely not. I will have to do more research! Hugs - David

  15. Congratulations and a happy life to the couple.
    Nice skies in your photos.


  16. Beautiful setting for the wedding, and the bride's dress was gorgeous!


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