Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Wednesday Art

Hi everyone.  Happy middle of the week to you.

Today I'm sharing a page for Chris'  challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month Chris is asking us to think about When We Were Young. 

My page today stems from me thinking about how things change as we grow up, which of course we all must do, (even if some people don't act very grown up).  I remember being young and people asking me what I wanted to do when I grew up. Or where I wanted to go to college.  Or all the other kinds of questions children can be asked about their future. Of course, for most kids answers will change over time as they find new interests and learn more about the world around them.

I still had some doors out on my work table from Wendy's AJJ challenge last month, so I decided to use the black one on my page because even though the future isn't evil or necessarily dark, we don't know where life is going to take us until we get there. I thought black was appropriate for that mystery.

I made my page with some paper and tape layering. I also did a bit of stamping on the right hand and top edges of my page. I found the key in my little scrap box of unused die cuts. The bird is cut off of some scrap paper, and the children are from TH. I stamped the 3 words instead of a quote, and that completed my page. 

I also wanted to share a tag for the Here Comes the Sun challenge at Tag Tuesday, hosted by Michele. 

My tag is actually brown cardboard so I inked it partially with black ink, and then I covered the entire tag with gold ink. I wet embossed the sun image using a rubber stamp and some light yellow embossing powder. Once I finished embossing it, I thought it was too light so I took a yellow marker and colored the sun. I like how my messy embossing left behind  (around the sun) added some light yellow flecks however. I like how that sun is radiating  warmth. 

I added a die cut crown on the sun and added in some little gemstones along its points. Then I stamped my quote (Hero Arts) and outlined the edges of the tag with a black Sharpie. Finally I added a bit of washi tape and this very positive dreamy kind of face from an Art by Marlene punch out image book. 

That's it for me today. I hope everyone is having a great first week of August.



  1. Love your journal page, and your tag. Thanks for supporting Michele, much appreciated. I am having a day off, it's extremely hot so I need to hide! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. The positivity one is my absolute favourite!

  3. That Art journal page is really Gorgeous Erika !Love your design and lovely embellishments. Fantastic tag too, always positive.
    Wish you a very nice day.
    Big hugs, Caty

  4. I had a less than idyllic childhood to put it mildly and I remember well how the social worker who had the smarmiest grin ever deposited on a human face would ask in her syrupy "Let's all be positive tone" what I wanted to be when I grew up, when coping with the moment was about all I had in mind! Many don't ever really know it seems to me. A young man I know well graduated as a mechanical engineer, decided he had no interest in engineering, enrolled in medical school and is now interning at McMaster University Hospital. Another acquaintance of mind started out with an engineering degree, switched to law, and is now a dedicated and passionate environmental lawyer. Hugs - David

  5. The choice of what to be when you grow up is bigger and harder than people ever realize. There are some that instantly think they know and feel sure about it and then realize years into it that it wasn't the best choice. Then there are others who just fall into something and change over and over in life. One of my favorite books was called something like do what you love and the money will follow - but translating what most people love into a job it hard. I am 61 and still not sure what I want to

    Love your page - so representive of the choice.

    That tag is amazing and super cool.


  6. Things do change as we grow up, but so often people themselves don't.

  7. I like your thoughts Erika. A beautiful page and tag.

  8. I was asked but once, if I want to take over my parent´s shop (goldsmith optometrist, hearing aids) - I said no and was left alone.
    And had hence since many a different job.
    Well, four (real ones) - maybe Germany is different?

    When did you know your way?

    Love both works.
    Let´s always stay positive, hugs from here.

  9. So true, we have no idea what life may throw at us in the future. This is a fabulous page Erika and just perfect for my AJJ theme, Thank you! What a lovely sunny tag. Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Some great papers you chose for your journal page, they work so well and the images of the children fit in beautifully.
    I really enjoyed reading the words you penned along with the page, shows so0me deep thinking there and it made me stop and think as well. I wonder how many of us achieved our dreams - mine were to be an actress and I ended up a teacher - guess not much difference there.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. I like your page, that blue paper is gorgeously different. Good and intriguing thoughts, too. I really like your tag. Love how that crown looks like an old world wax seal and how you did the washi tape. The perfect placement of her neckline makes the washi look like her clothes and outstretched arms to me. Cool. XOX

  12. I liek both but the Tag is my favourite. The girl is sweet and the crown reminds me of all coins I have to check out :)

  13. Such cool projects Erika. I absolutely love your tag and the great sentiment!! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  14. What a beautiful page and tag, Erika! I love how your page reflects change - we all have to go through it even when we don't want to - lol! And your tag is just gorgeous - the sentiment is perfect! Thanks for your positivity!!!!


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