Saturday, October 15, 2022


 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday to you.

Today is my husband's and my 34th wedding anniversary. We're talking about doing something for the day, maybe drive up north to the mountains to leaf peep before all the leaves have fallen off the trees (if our heavy rains the  last 2 days didn't drop them all already) or maybe head down to the ocean for a beach walk. Since this post goes live early in the morning, we shall see what actually happens. 

In the spirit of the day, let me share some photos from my area this past week, before we had rain the last 2 days.

Views from my driveway the other morning.

And the view from the side of my house that looks into the woods.

And here's a wide angle view I took a few days earlier.

I snapped a few photos through the front windshield on our long way around drive home from the dump last Sunday.

And here's some wild turkeys who were hanging out in and on the sides of the road. This is the first of 2 rafters or flocks we passed that day.

I still have some roses blooming in my yard. It's great to have them, even if they aren't quite as big or well put together as the blooms I had during the summer.

And one last photo I took a little over a week ago when I walked with some friends along the Dover rail trail. The trail parallels the Cocheco River.

Yes, nature is putting on a wonderful show right now.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Nature is always extra beautiful at this time of the year, I so love the colours. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! The trees are putting on a beautiful show here in NC too.

  3. Gorgeous! They said this year wasn't supposed to be as spectacular because of the drought. I think the reds are more vibrant this year. Happy Anniversary. Enjoy your day! 💐🍾🥂

  4. Piękne zdjęcia. Miłego weekendu :)

  5. Happy Happy Anniversary to you both, Erika! We celebrated 35 in May and it's the best years now, I think. Hope y'all find some fun today. Gorgeous photos and especially your roses. We are getting a cold (for us) front Monday evening and may see nighttime lows in the 40's! EeGaDs! XOXO

  6. Now that, Erika, is an amazing show! Wow -- especially the river shot and that fabulous view out your own door! You're lucky to still have blooms. I have a few on my mum plant and the seedum but that's about it. Today I have to cut everything back. Hate that job!

  7. Happy 34th, we had our 34th Oct 8th! Beautiful time of year it is.

  8. I know I'll never catch up, after the trial took up so much of October, but I stopped by to say how grateful I am for you and your wonderful job of hosting T this week. I love your Mirror, Mirror post and am working a similar one now. Ntov as nice as yours, though.

    LOVED reading about the parks and Yellowstone. That's amazing photos. I saw on TV several weeks ago that our trees would not be colorful this year because of the lack of rain. Even if we watered now, it would not help the colors this year. Yours look really lovely, dear.

  9. Forgot to wish you a very happy anniversary. DUH!

  10. I so enjoyed all the photos Erika-Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    Your fall color is wonderful. Great photos!

  12. Fall is really quite special, Erika, and it looks like you are enjoying it. It has past its peak here - the colours that is - but it is still spectacular and I am enjoying the steady flow of migrants. Hugs - David

  13. Happy anniversary to you both! Such beautiful photos of the fall colours starting to appear 😊. The reflection in the lake are gorgeous. Hugs Jo x

  14. Gorgeous photos!! Happy Anniversary to both of you!



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