Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Lion Minus the Mouse

 Hi everyone. Happy Sunday to you.

I'm back today with a page for Elle's Fairy Tale, Folktale and Fable: Tell Me a Story challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Today I have a page inspired from one of Aesop's Fables. The short tale is called the Lion and the Mouse.

The story basically goes that when a lion catches a mouse,  the mouse begs not to be eaten. The lion thinks about it, and then he lets the mouse go free.

Not all that long after that, the lion gets caught in a net. The mouse recognized the lion's voice. He goes over and sees the lion in the net. The mouse realizes he can gnaw through the net and set the lion free so he does.

The moral of the tale is that a kindness is never wasted.

Here's Mr. Lion, after he is released from the net, lounging back in the sun. My hand written  quote is from a famous song: "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight." Now that he is out of the net, the lion can certainly rest easily once it gets dark, but at the moment, he enjoying the evening sunshine after his busy and scary day.

I inked some watercolor paper to use as my background. Then on some orange cardstock, I used white paint and a stencil to create some background texture. The lion and some of the African designs are cut out of a sheet of paper. Some of the background is also made with washi tape. Then I did a whole lot of stitching and left some threads. I drew the sun, fussy cut and colored it. I also used some gold glitter on it. Finally I added a few gold rays of sequen sunshine.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. And thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog.



  1. I love the story :-) and nice that he is now enjoying the sunshine in your page, Erika.

  2. This is a fabulous page, one of my all-time faves, and I'm singing that song! Hugs, Valerie

  3. You made a great collage for this wonderful story... yes, let's help each other and take care of each other.
    I wish you a happy Sunday... we have beautiful autumn colors here with us, blue skies and sunshine... ... and I have many projects in mind :-))) Let's go.

  4. The lion looks quite happy to be freed from the net and lounging in the sunshine. Enjoy the sunshine we have today.

  5. Just lovely Erika! I love the African designs under Mr. Lion. And your extended version of the story is so cool!

  6. I remember that tale, too now tat you mentioned and shared it. What a great way to showcase that fairy tale. LOVED it. It's a great entry for Elle's theme at AJJ.

  7. Love your page Erika and that you used a fable for the inspiration. I'm not sure anyone else has yet, have they? I really like how you added your writing along his back, it looks really cool. Kindness is never wasted, something we all need to remember. Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

  8. I Love your page Erika, I wasn't familiar with this story but I really liked it-great message.
    Have an awesome new week hugs Kathy

  9. And now I have that song stuck in my head... :)

  10. Wow, what an amazing page! Loving the jungle vibe of the colours and washi tape and the lion looks so regal too - perfect 😊. I hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a happy new week! Hugs Jo x

  11. Hi Erika, this looks very Indian to me, as in India. The orange background reminds me of a sari print. I am sure it's an African look as well, especially with the lion. XOX

  12. I can't believe I've missed so many of your posts. When I don't get email notifications or google follower notes on my blogger feed, I get so behind with a few folks! But I'm glad I have been catching up today. I really love this piece -- even without the mouse. (Maybe especially without the mouse!)


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