Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday Face Off

Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you.  Another week is winding down. It's been another fast one for me, and it's been busy too.  I seem to have had (and still have) several things on my must get done list. I hope your week has been a good one also.

Today I am joining Nicole's  Friday Face Off  challenge. My page also works for Elle's Fairytales, Folktales and Fables: Tell me a Story challenge at Art Journal Journey. Since we are getting close to Halloween, my page today is from my Halloween altered book.  

 My page is made in a smaller altered book, so I cut a skeleton face in half. The skeleton comes from a book  I have  that contains assorted black and white images. A section had some fun Halloween images that I copied, including the skeleton face I used half of on this page.

 First I painted the page in my altered book black and added this vintage style tissue paper. I even made it a tad bit wrinkled for effect. I then added the half skeleton face and also this die cut spider image that I had in my stash. Finally I stamped the quote in white. The quote is actually not as crooked as it looks, but my altered book is not laying very flat.

We have 206 various bones in our skeletons. Bones have several roles in our body such as protecting soft organs underneath them, allowing muscle attachment so we can move, and giving us support. Skeletons also came to be a part of Halloween folklore.  Halloween is also known as All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saint's Day. Some scholars believe that our Halloween celebrations originally came from this Nov. 1 Christian Holiday, while others believe that Halloween goes back to the end of the growing cycle and  Celtic holidays associated with that. 

You probably already know that info, but what is true with both ideas is that Halloween is associated with the autumn season and the end of life. I am sure you can also figure that point out. I did recently read that if you walk by a cemetery on All Hallows Eve, turn your pockets out and leave them out so that you don't bring home any ghosts or spirits. That was a new story for me.

I'm not sure this next photo counts as a cemetery, but if I walk by this house on Monday (Halloween), I might want to try turning out my pockets anyhow.

There's some freaky faces for you. (smile)

I am also linking up this post to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

That's all for me today. I hope you have a great start to your weekend.


  1. OMG bravo for that halloween page
    Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday at my blog.


  2. Your Halloween page is really spooky. Love the garden full of strange types, too! Have a fun Friday, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your joural page is brilliant. I love how you managed to cut the skull to fit properly onn the oage and I like the texture you created, too. It's a great entry for Elle's theme at AJJ.

    What fun creatures are in your "neighborhood."

  4. Your Halloween page really gets one into the spirit of the holiday. Love the Halloween decorations. Turning out your pockets when going by a cemetery? That's a new one on me. Riding in a car, we always raised our feet off the floor and held our breath. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. I love this appropriately creepy page! Isn’t it fun the way some people decorate for Halloween?

  6. Great spooky Halloween page today Erika. It has been a quick week hasn't it, I also have things still on my to-do list. I know of the the turn your pockets inside out thing, I don't know where it came from but my mum used to tell me about that. Your neighbours have really gone all out with the lawn decor! Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

  7. I like your page today. Nice neighbourhood photo too, I have been snapping displays around the area too.

  8. This is a fabulous page and ohh be still my heart for the front yard of Halloween. Wonderful creepy faces. Thank you for joining FFO.

  9. Dear Erika,
    great, your "halved skull"!
    And this is a hilarious Halloween decoration. But I think it's safe to walk past it ;-))
    I wish you wonderful last days of October and Happy Halloween!
    All the best from Austria,

  10. Wonderful Halloween art work and post ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I so admire that you make time to do all the challenges, Elizabeth. And I love your graveyard pic!

  12. Boo! That’s fun and spooky artwork. I like the skeleton’s eye. We lived next to a cemetery when I was a kid. Wished I knew about the pockets.

  13. Cool Halloween decorations in your neighbourhood. Your Halloween page looks FUN!

  14. Great post - pockets inside out!
    Sad Halloween is still not really here, it´s so much fun.
    I also love... no, like.. .how the Mexican people deal with death.

    You mourn, yes. But I remember on my Mum´s funeral we went for something to eat afterwards and we had sweet memories and laughed a lot - she would´ve loved this.
    All her still living siblings, her kids and her Granddaughter telling (or learning) fun stories about her.

    Just like in that garden, sit together and ... be thankful for what was.

  15. Love your page. Don't walk that way on the 31st! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. I love anything Halloween! Great art and photos. (I've been meaning to photograph outdoor Halloween decorations in this area, but I haven't done it yet, and time is about to run out.)

  17. LOve Halloween much? Looks like great fun at your house. Wishing you a fun and safe Halloween, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  18. A scary skeleton page to be sure. Love the wrinkles! Wow, that side yard display definitely could pass for a graveyard. Many moons ago, we went all out like that, but not any more. I had a good memory chuckle at your 206 bones comment. In junior high health class, Mr. Brady required that we memorize the bones and then the muscles. We each had to get up in front of the class and say them while pointing to each. Then he sweetened the pot by having a contest for who could say them the fastest. I WON! My fastest of 3 times was 13 seconds and I can still say them, but only fast, not slow any more, heehee. The muscles? Forgot them as soon as I learned them! Frontal, fontanella, parietal, osipital, #i'llstopnow...(cheesy grin) XOX.

  19. I never knew we had that many bones! Very interesting. And I love the displays!

  20. I love this page! An entire altered book devoted to Halloween sounds like it'd be both fun to make and a treat to look though.


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