Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pages from My Travel Journal

Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you.

It's birthday weekend in my house. Not my birthday, but today is my husband's and tomorrow is my daughter's. We'll be celebrating tonight for my husband and then with a big breakfast for my daughter tomorrow morning. Not to sound like an old broken recording, but I remember the day my daughter was born so clearly, she can't possibly be turning 31. She and her husband (first time I've written that) are coming this afternoon to spend the night. 

Today my journal pages are not based on fairytales, fables or folktales, but I am still joining Elle's challenge at Art Journal Journey because my pages do tell some stories from my National Park Travel Journal. I've made a lot of headway in a travel journal. I like to make a journal when I get home from most trips because I think by doing that you get to continue with the trip for just a little bit longer (smile).  

I haven't  shared very many of those pages here on my blog since it's been a busy posting month. I thought before Elle's challenge winds down I would share a few more pages because each page definitely has a story.

I wanted to try painting the stalactites and stalagmites from the caves we visited at Great Basin National Park. I used black paper and 4 shades of acrylic paint. It was hard to create depth without doing any more background painting, but I do like what I put on the page, and I also like that I left the background dark (like in a cave). I did add this sticker that I had picked up in the park store. (Here's my post from last month with my cave photos in case you missed it or IF you're interested: Caving.)

And at our first hotel (Hidden Canyon Ranch near Great Basin National Park) we made our own breakfasts in our room.  I used an old set of Hero Arts kitchen tool stamps and blue ink on the background. I also used an old set of Kim Hughes stamps to make the cute little rooster, the toaster, the mini quotes, the eggs and breakfast  meats. Those images were stamped, colored and fussy cut. 

I also included the label from my trying out the Keurig that was in the room. (I was curious and wanted to give the Keurig a try since I'd never used one before, but I wouldn't buy one. I can certainly make a cup of tea just as easy without one. And  yes, save a bit of landfill trash in the process.) I drew and cut out my own sun, and also the rise and shine words.  (Here's my September T day post about the ranch and the keurig: T Stands for my First Keurig. Again, IF you are interested.)

Another page I made was about driving along highway 50 from western Utah into Nevada, and then back in the other direction. I used stamps, painted my road, drew and fussy cut my highway sign, and added some stickers. I left the background mostly blank, even though the scenery on Highway 50 was  not blank. It was a lot of open space, repetitive sage brush, dust devils and even what looked like some mirages. Here in New Hampshire with the hills, trees and curves you can't see very far into the distance, and I loved the wide open spaces  and panoramic views while driving on Highway 50. (See the T day post listed above this photo IF you  missed the original photos or want to get a feel for Highway 50.)

And finally, I was inspired to make this last page from a toy brochure I received in the mail from Amazon. One page in the brochure had this big quote on it. I thought it was perfect for my journal so I cut it out, outlined the words with a black pen and added the little you and me ❤ quote at the bottom. I layered it on my page along  an old book page and a traffic sign from a collage sheet that was in my stash. Then I used an old TH car set which I stamped (and fussy cut) the car, added the tire tracks randomly, and stamped the quotes. Finally when digging out the little heart from a craft bin I also saw these orange flowers, and I thought they looked good, so I added them.

Think that's enough for me today.  I appreciate your stopping by my blog.


  1. Double BIG congratulations on your double birthday party, Erika!
    Your pages are great, my friend, I enjoy travel with them.
    Have everyone a very enjoyable celebration xx

  2. I love these pages! You did an amazing job on the stalagmites. I’ve been down Hwy 50 in Nevada from Reno into Utah. The scenery is incredible. Moonscape is how I once described it. The quote on the last page is perfect.

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby and to your daughter soon! Nice pages.

  4. Happy birthday to your husband and to your daughter soon! Nice pages.

  5. Wonderful pages Erika, and great memories of your trip.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  6. wow, you have been busy. So many great pages. I totally love the painting of the stalactites and stalagmites. Long ago I visitd a cave with
    stalactites and stalagmites. They are truly beautiful nd yuy did a great job capturing them. :)

  7. I love the story of your trip. I love the last page especially, hugs, Chrisx

  8. These are great Erika, I love how you collected your travel memories. I think I missed your caving page so I will check it out later. That was very nice of amazon to give you something to use in your journal lol. I agree about those single use machines, handy for hotels I'm sure but such a lot of plastic. Have a lovely day. Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

  9. It's birthday wee at the Nelson household and I am wishing both your husband and daughter a very happy birthday. A bit late, but heartfelt anyway.

    Your roadtrip journal pages are fabulous. I am so impressed with all the work you put into them. I was especially pleased with the lovely cave painting. It looked very much like a cave, too. Thanks for these great pages for Elle's theme at AJJ. Like you, a Keurig is not for me.

  10. Hope y'all had a big old time this weekend. Happy Belated to them both. Great pages for your album, love their variety. XOX

  11. I trust y'all had a wonderful birthday weekend!

    I think your way of creating artworks as memories of trips is wonderful. I wish I'd thought of this back in the day when I ever went anywhere lol


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