Thursday, October 6, 2022


 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you.

Today I am joining  Rain's Art and Dinner Date.

This week's art theme is Masks. I find that idea intriguing, so I started a 2 page spread in my Halloween journal. Everything needed  more time to dry than I planned so that I have yet to finish it.

I drew and cut out a mask.  I painted it black (my first dry) and added some black glitter paste to it (my second dry). While waiting for that to dry, I used some stencil paste and a stencil to add some details to my background (third dry). When that dried, I rubbed in the green paint, which didn't take any time to dry. 

To finish the mask I made the eyes, and added them in, and then I decided to cut the mask in half and add that over the  middle of the 2 page spread. That meant I needed more glitter paste, and I had to wait for that to dry (my fourth dry).

I'm playing around with a story between these 2 TH people, but this is as far as I've gotten.When I get this page done I'll post the results, but for now you can come up with whatever story between these 2 you would like.

I'm going to link my page to Art Journal Journey and Elle's Fairytales, Folktales and Fables: Tell Me a Story challenge even though my page isn't quite finished. In so many fairytales someone is masked or in a costume, usually to trick someone or something else. 

I do have some food to share today.

I can tell it has cooled off, and autumn is here because my cooking desire has been clicked back on. It's been fun to get back into the kitchen and make more than simple hot weather meals.

One thing I made was a huge pot of 15 bean and veggie soup. 

I made my soup in my Instant Pot. My daughter gave me my instant pot as a Christmas gift back when I was still working. I don't use it quite so much being retired, but it is perfect for making bean soup because it eliminates the overnight soaking of the beans. I snapped this next photo when I put my beans into the empty Instant Pot  bowl, and I really like how it came out.

And here's the finished soup. 

Last week I had some leftover French bread that I chopped into small cubes and then used  to make some chocolate bread pudding.

This recipe calls for coco, chopped chocolate, cream as well as 10 egg yolks. It is really decadent for certain. 

And for my daughter's cookout/wedding this past weekend, I was asked to bring desserts. I made a pan of butterscotch blondies with chocolate chips and walnuts.

I also made a casserole of apple crisp. I used a lot of crisp topping so that everyone who had some crisp could get some topping, even if it is more topping than usually would be put on.

I heated it up and served it with vanilla ice cream. After the big BBQ meal my daughter and her husband (that still sounds weird) served us, along with dessert, nobody had any excuse to leave hungry.

Thanks for visiting. Have a great rest of your week and weekend ahead.


  1. I love your mask piece -- the colors are fabulous! And it's soup season. I think I'll be making plenty of it here pretty soon. I am for sure making an apple crisp this weekend. If you have any special hints or recipe you love, I'm always on the lookout! (Otherwise I wing it but it's all about the topping! I like to add extra too. I can see why your daughter asked Ms. King Arthur Baking Student to bring the desserts! You are marked for life!

  2. Hi Erika! ♥♥
    Oh I LOVE blondies!!! I haven't made them in ages! The soup looks so comforting, I never heard of FIFTEEN beans lol...I can't even name 15 beans! I know what you mean about the kitchen bug coming back with the cooler weather! Your mask art is lovely!!

  3. I have a bag of that very bean mix in my pantry closet :) I don't soak them overnight but follow the alternative instructions on the bag. It makes a wonderful soup, doesn't it! It's one of my favorites.

    Those desserts look delicious!

  4. Your butterscotch blondies look fantastic! I have never seen so many different kinds of beans together in a fun and delicious!

  5. I love this page and look forward to your story!
    We have bought ingredients for soup this week - October seems about right for it! All those sweet treats sound great - especially apple crisp! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. I am not surprised you enjoyed cooking that soup. Fifteen different types of bean! I love beans, all beans but I don't know if I could name fifteen different ones right now. The soup, however, looks absolutely scrumptious. I could demolish a bowl of that right now. It looks so good and warming. As for the bread pudding, yum yum - I love anything chocolate and that cream ...
    That is a lovely page in your journal - the mask and the purple you have used on the pages work so well together to create mystery and subterfuge. Great idea to split the mask and use it over the two pages - you can't tell but I bet it closes bettger.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. Great page Erika! Those bloodshot eyes are very creepy.
    The food is making my mouth water, time to get supper on :-)

  8. Great mask, too!
    And how weird how we cannot buy food we share online.
    Those beans I have never seen. We have no self-raising flour and no salted lemons...
    Hugs from a crazy place!

  9. That is a lovely page, although all that drying would have made me very impatient.
    15 bean soup? Wow, I have never seen it, but then I'm not really on the look out for beans since I am not too enthusiastic about beans apart from black and red kidney beans - and green beans of course. They are certainly a great ingredient for soup. Your deserts look so tasty! No wonder your daughter had asked you to bring them to the cookout/wedding.

  10. Fabulous mask art and delicious dishes!

  11. Agreed Erika that this is perfect soup recipe weather and for me this week it was cauliflower and carrot soup and homemade bread, one night and then chili another. Now, you have me thinking that bean soup is next. And, the crock pot is my appliance of choice. The desserts look fabulously decadent, all of them.

    Glad you enjoyed my longish post on the molasses disaster. It was quite the story and as a non-native New Englander especiLly fascinating to learn about.

  12. A fantastic spread and I am looking forward to to back story you have in mind for the coming pages. The food looks delicious and it is soup season coming up here as well, comfort food at its best.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Those bloodshot eyes peering through the mask are intense. Your Halloween journal spread is really cool, even if you say it's unfinished. All your food looks delicious. I want to get an Instant Pot because I enjoy bean dishes in the winter. Have a happy and creative October, Erica!

  14. Congratulations on your daughters wedding and what yummy treats you brought to your daughters cookout. I especially love apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. So I am excited to know what an "Instant Pot" is ... anything that would eliminate the overnight soaking of the beans is on my list of must haves. I will go exploring on line, but would love your guidance if you don't mind :) Now for your art ... you always manage something special. I love that your eyes are bloodshot ... that tells a whole new story. Nicely done and fun, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  15. Hi Erika. I now have one swollen red eyelid, so reading has been like your stuff drying, lol. My fall allergies + high ozone due to low humidity (which I love, so why does everything have to have good and bad, darnit). Anyway, sort of like those masked eye(s). Cool page, love the stencil paste too. If it were mine, I'd add words to the top right and call her done. Your food looks delish. I'm always good with bean soup. We buy that same brand. I love that there are a gazillion varieties of it. I've had a crumble and a betty, but never a crisp. And I've had butterscotch brownies but never a blondie. I'm thinking these are petty geographical differences to almost the same foods, semantics. I have had chocolate bread pudding. Enjoy your kitchen time. With all your hobbies, maybe that instapot can be of help. XOX

  16. I love your mask Erika, it reminds me of a beautiful nightsky. :) You did a great job with the glitter. I find that quite hard to do. They just want to fall off the paper. :)

  17. Busy in the kitchen and at the craft table! I love your mask spread with that rich shimmering purple texture and those mysterious eyes peering out.
    Alison x

  18. I love your mask - and the blood shot eyes behind it. Great touch! Your dinner looks delicious! I’m a big fan of bean soup.

  19. Hi Erika! Loving your page and your story could be the saga of the endless drying lol. That is one thing that frustrates me is all the drying time and waiting. I've been thinking about adding a lot of stuff to a blank journal, just filling the pages, but I can't because it would all have to dry before I started the next page so the only way to do it is to do each page separately and then assemble a journal, but I don't want to do that, so I'm stuck! I love your mask and the eyes behind it remind of someone from an old movie, maybe he's trapped in there trying to escape? Also that bean soup looks great. I've never seen a 15 bean mix before! Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx


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