Friday, October 7, 2022

Yellowstone National Park Part 1

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday.

Today I am going to share some photos from my recent trip to some western US National Parks. I am jumping ahead  to the last few days of our trip when we visited Yellowstone National Park in northwest Wyoming.

This was our second visit to this national park. We had first visited Yellowstone back in 2003 when my daughter was with us and when she was young. Because she wasn't into Yellowstone at that time in her life, and also because the landscape was still pretty scarred from the very large 1988 fire that went through about 36% of the park, we came home saying Yellowstone was our least favorite park that we had visited to that date. 

On this trip we were only going to be a few hours away from Yellowstone, so we decided to include  that park in our adventure. This trip definitely changed both my husband's and my mind about Yellowstone.  (Now if you ask us, we'd say it was one of, if not, our favorite.)

Let me start out with 2 face photos because it is Friday, and is time for Nicole's   Friday Face Off .

These 2 photos make me smile because it shows you how short I am compared to my husband. In this first one he is standing on the gravel.
And I am standing on the slightly elevated sidewalk and you can see my face just makes it over the sign.

We sat and waited for the geyser's (Old Faithful's) eruption with the rest of the crowd.

I'm not sure my Old Faithful photos are the most impressive I took in the park, but since I've led you to this point, I will share a few.

For a long time this geyser just let off a bunch of steam. And then she started to sputter water, and stop. And then sputter again.

Finally,  Old Faithful erupted.

Afterwards we went for a  long walk in the geyser area near Old Faithful. We were lucky and saw several other geysers erupting also. One of the longest eruptions (but not the tallest) was at one called the Castle.

And here's me again for Friday Face Off.

This geyser only erupts about every 14 hours, but it erupts for a good 20 minutes each time.

And it was still erupting.

If you can't tell, I loved photographing all the steam.

I'll finish my post with a few other photos from our geyser walk.

I'll share more from our geyser walk tomorrow. I am also linking up this post to Gillena's Friday Art Lunch Break.

Have a great start to your weekend. If you're in the US I hope you get Monday off for Columbus/Indigenous People day. And if you are in Canada, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.


  1. ...what a wonderful trip, it's a trip that I would love to take! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I look forward to more of your Yellowstone photos-my favorite place ever. I enjoyed even more after reading the time travel romance novels from Peggy Henderson.
    great photos too! Happy Friday

  3. Your photos are fabulous Erika.
    Thanks for linking to 'Art For Fun Friday' at my blog.
    Last week because of your alert about Art Journal Journey feathers, i linked up and i did again today.


  4. What a cool trip! Those photos are fabulous, Erika.

  5. WOW! (re: geysers) I love the photo of you by the sign. Like me, you must be very tall for a Hobbit. Enjoy the nice weather today before the 🥶set in

  6. A truly wonderful post. First I am very short compared to MR. M. too. I am 5'1" and he is 6'3" so I know what you are talking about, but besides the size difference your faces both look so happy. Seeing the geyser is quite an impressive show. I have been there many times. I am glad you had a good time there. Thank you for joining FFO.

  7. Great photos, I am glad you got to be there at the time of the eruption.

  8. How could you not love Yellowstone? It is such a fascinating park. The first time we were there was also in 2003 (beginning of October, we had the first snow...), my daughter was five at that time and we all fell in love with Yellowstone. Like you, I loved the steam and took way too many photos of it. The geysers and mud pods are fantastic, but the most we liked the incredible wildlife. By now we have been to Yellowstone four or five times, and every time is just as fascinating. I am so glad that you gave the park another chance and that it turned out to be a favorite of this trip. I look forward to more photos!

  9. Aw, well, Ingo is also as much taller me. And I´m shrinking, he does not (scoliosis).
    In Perth on the festival they had a fake geyser - reckon yours was way more spectacular!
    Great landscape and smiles - hugs!

  10. Erika, I loved all of your Geyser shots! You captured really good photos. I really liked Castle Geyser. We arrived at it about five minutes before it blew. I'm glad you returned to Yellowstone for a second time, because it truly is a spectacular place!

  11. The geothermal power is impressive by the eruption of hot steam water there

  12. That steam is so atmospheric and the photos are terrific, Erika. I've never been to Yellowstone (or most of the parks) and boy, this one looks well worth the drive! Loved the faces, too!

  13. That is one place I always wanted to see, now i can enjoy it with your photos. Thanks Erika.
    I love the geyser photos and the knowledge about them, I had no idea they erupted for that length of time. Fascinating.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Thanks for sharing these Erika, great to see.
    Avril xx

  15. Good to hear you changed your mind about Yellowstone! Picking a favorite among the National Parks I have seen would be very challenging. Each one is so special in its own way, particularly the ones out west like Yosemite, Yellowstone & Grand Teton, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, and Mesa Verde. Your photos are very enjoyable.

    best… mae at

  16. Yellowstone is still on my bucket list. So glad you were able to make it and the geysers are terrific. Does anyone ever get splashed by the hot water? Some look very close to them ... Great pictures, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  17. Cool photos! I visited the park in the summer of 1990. I remember the colors and light being the same as in your photos. We must’ve missed the geysers at play. I remember wildlife and steam but not the spewing water.

  18. There's a huge difference in the height of my hubby and me, too. It makes for some funny photo problems trying to get both of us in one close-up shot lol

    I love your park photos!

  19. Great photos, Erika. I can tell y'all enjoyed yourselves. I think it's so cool that what Teddy Roosevelt set in motions over a century ago still interests and serves so many today. XOX


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