Monday, October 17, 2022

T Stands for a Day Out

 Hi everyone. Happy new week to you. Last week flew by as weeks seem to always do, and it is once again time for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

This past Saturday was my husband's and my 34th wedding anniversary. It was a gorgeous autumn day, and since it was Saturday, my husband didn't have to go to work. It was sunny, not too hot, not at all cold, and the leaves were rich with color. We decided it was a great day for a road trip, so after breakfast we  headed out and went exploring along the southern Maine coast.

This day trip was partly seeing new things, partly re-exploring places we had visited when we were dating, and also partly some childhood reminiscing for my husband.  Of course we took in the autumn foliage and some of the beautiful moments of the day too. (And I apologize, it's another photo heavy post.)

One place we stopped was Ferry Beach in Scarborough, Maine. Scarborough is just south of Portland. My husband spent part of his youth living in the Portland, Maine area, and when we were dating and staying at his parents' house for a weekend, we often came to this beach to walk.

The tide was almost as high as it could be, so the beach was narrow, but we did decide to go for a walk  anyhow.

I wouldn't say it was a romantic walk (smile), but we all loved it, including the dogs who went for a ride too.

And Maddie even had to have a swim, no matter how cold the water was.

After our walk we headed a bit north to Cape Elizabeth, Maine. We stopped at a couple of other places we used to visit. One was Kettle Cove.

And the other was Two Lights (even though you can only see 1 lighthouse from this spot).

Our final stops (after we drove around my husband's old high school  and by his old family home, etc.) were part of a search for the boat ramp where he and his dad used to put the family boat into the water to go fishing. I was even with them once when they did this, but since that was many many years ago, I don't really remember the boat ramp.

But my husband does. 
I must admit I didn't mind this search because we stopped at a few areas with some beautiful views. 

We were in South Portland looking back over  Casco Bay to Portland as the sun went down.

And now, because it is T day,  I need to share my drink photo, which is alongside my late lunch in this next photo.

My husband and I met back in college. We went to school in Maine in a small community that didn't have a lot of places to go out to eat. One of the places was Pat's Pizza. It was a staple in our weekend activities; in fact when we started dating, we went so many weekends that one of the waitresses knew us and we didn't even have to order our food. She just asked if we wanted our regular order.

Now Pat's Pizza has a few restaurants all around the state of Maine, and we went to the one in Scarborough, not the one where we went to college (since we didn't drive that far north). And since it was lunch we didn't order a beer with our pizza, but we still had our favorite-double dough with pepperoni and onions.  And we both had diet Pepsi's to drink.

It was a good day out, and fun to celebrate our anniversary, since it is not usually something we do. Portland is only a  little over an hour from our house, and why we don't go back there more often, I'm not certain. 

Thanks for making it through this post, and have a great T day and week ahead too.


  1. I think it was a lovely way to spend your anniversary! I would love to be there and walk those beaches. BTW Happy 34th! And Happy t Day. :)

  2. Happy Anniversary! This is a great way to celebrate an anniversary. All photos are beautiful and wonderful scenary!
    Have a great day!

  3. What a lovely way to spend your anniversary-I really enjoyed all your photos very much Erika-thank you for sharing.
    Pizza looks delicious!

  4. Your photos of the coast and the water and the lighthouse are just delightful. Please keep putting in “too many” photos! And many happy returns of the day for your anniversary.

    best… mae at

  5. Happy, happy belated anniversary!!!
    And photo-heavy is always great - the start is wonderful! Wow.
    And it looks romantic to me" ;-)
    Wonderful views, but how can you do this?! A yummy pizza and it´s only 06:57 a.m.!!!! ;-)

    LOL. Even today when I would go to Da Nico I would get my "10 without ham"! It´s not a 10 anymore and once my Mum went there and ordered it. They said, "can get cold, goes to Braunschweig, yes?" (It´s an hours drive).
    Same happened to my Bro, he cannot order that without them knowing.

    Oh, such sweet memories you got!
    Why did you move away from that wonderful place?
    Either way, thank you for this sweet post, hugs!

  6. Happy belated 34th anniversary. It must have been a wonderful way to reminisce and remember when you two were dating and first married. Beautiful shots of the ocean, the lighthouses, and the sailboats. And it got even better with a lunch pizza and diet Pepsi. Thanks for sharing these great images from your day out and your pizzas and diet drinks for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  7. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos from your trip down 'memory lane', so lovely to see the sea, beach and light houses etc. I'm sure the dogs loved it. My dogs went mad when they got to the beach, they loved it so much. And happy anniversary! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Happy anniversary! What a beautiful place, and nothing like the original Scarborough although they both have a beach haha. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  9. Happy Anniversary! Scarborough looks so very took some great photos, Erika.

  10. Well happy 34th anniversary! And what a beautiful road trip you both had! Gorgeous scenery and such great photos. Thank you for sharing.
    Your pizza looks yummy.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. Congratulations. Looks like you had a wonderful day.

  12. Sounds like a perfect way to spend an anniversary!

  13. A wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary. Your photos are beautiful. And Maddie is such a brave girl to go in the water this late in the season. Happy T Day

  14. Wow, what a fabulous trip down memory lane! Not only for you but for me too, we've been to all of those places (smile!). What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary, like us 34years - where does the time go 😊. It looks like you had such a wonderful day together. Wishing you both a happy anniversary and a very happy T Day too! Hugs Jo x

  15. I’ve never been to Maine, so thoroughly enjoyed all of your photos. What a great way to spend your anniversary! And Happy Anniversary!

  16. What a sweet trip down memory lane :) Gorgeous views!

    Our go-to pizza place in college closed long ago, but we have fond memories :)

    Happy Anniversary and Happy T Tuesday!

  17. Happy 34th Anniversary Erika! What a beautiful way to spend it.. Thank you for all the gorgeous photos! I've always wanted to go to Maine after watching so many Murder She Wrotes.. and reading Stephen King books.. lol Now hubby and i say if we ever win the Lottery we are hopping on a plane and flying to Maine for Lobster.. lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  18. Belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you and your husband, Erika, and thanks for taking us along after the celebration. No need to apologize for the photo overload as the scenics were lovely to see. And, that Pat's pizza did look so good. Looks like you had a great day getaway.

  19. What fabulous photos of an incredibly romantic excursion! Even if the romance ain't like when we were young, it's still there! XOX

  20. Looks like a great way to spend your anniversary. The views of Maine are stunning and I am drooling for that pizza.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. Happy Belated Anniversary, Erika! What a great day out! I love all the views, and how fun to revisit these places where you went to school and where your husband grew up. The beaches and lighthouses are just fantastic. What a wonderful collection of seascapes! Pat's Pizza looks pretty darned tasty -- and a wonderful memory. I'd call it romantic! Who needs candles when you have the ocean?

  22. That was a wonderful way to spend your anniversary. Loved seeing your photos and reading about the area. The lighthouse in the afternoon sun looks beautiful. Don't apologise for too many photos, I love them!!


  23. What a wonderful area, I so enjoyed seeing your photos. Some views reminded me of a film I've seen....but can't remember which one! Belated Happy Anniversary! Pizza sounds such a good idea! Belated T Day Wishes, hugs, Chrisx

  24. Congratulations on being together for 34 years - an impressive accomplishment. Thanks also for this fabulous tour. I have already looked at the pictures more than once. Sometimes it's good to visit the places of one's childhood and see where it all began. Hugs - David


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