Monday, October 31, 2022

T Stands for Summer and Boating Are Now Really Over for 2022

 Hi everyone. 

It is Tuesday (or Monday night) again, and time for T over at Bleubeard 's and Elizabeth's blog.

If you read this Monday night, since October is ending, and if you celebrate, Happy Halloween to you. If you read this on Tuesday, happy new month to you. Can you believe it is November all ready?

I'll also be posting twice tomorrow (November 1) with the new Art Journal Journey challenge for November, as well as the new Try It On Tuesday challenge.

Before I get to my T day post, let me share the great Halloween card I received in the mail from our lovely T day hostess and her sidekick Bleubeard. Happy Mail  is always fun to get! Thank you so much Elizabeth! (And of course Bleubeard also.) 💗

Here's my T day link today.

A couple of weekends ago, I was volunteered by my husband to be his helper.  It was time to cover up and put his  boat away for the winter at my MIL's home. My MIL's home is empty now; she has gone to my sister-in-law's home for the winter. My husband leaves his boat there for the winter as it is not in anyone's way.

Covering the boat was a new job for me, but the hubby didn't actually need me until the end of the process. In the morning when we drove the boat over to my MIL's house,  I had him drop me off at the beginning of the road so the dogs and I could walk.

It  was an absolutely beautiful autumn day.

I spent much of my day sitting in a chair in the sun reading until I was needed.
 After finishing some small tasks, my husband put up this wooden frame on the boat.

Then I was needed to help him put on the tarps that go over the wooden frame.  Here is the boat once we  finished. It will now sit just as you see it until next spring.

This process took all afternoon, and the sun was starting to go down by the time we finished. 

It did make for some pretty views on the lake.

When we finished, we were hungry and tired, so on the way home we stopped at the restaurant in my town for a burger and a beer. 

I decided to celebrate the day with a Pumpkin Head beer with a sugar rim. This is my entry to T Day this week.

My husband was more crying into his beer /soda than celebrating the gorgeous day. He is always sad when he has to put the boat away.

The next project is to close up my screen porch for the winter, which will be the day I will be crying into my beer or soda-smile.

Thanks for visiting. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. Hi Erika, I am really sad to see October end-it's one of my favorite months-especially when we have pleasant weather like we enjoyed this year. I love Elizabeth's halloween cards, I have mine sitting next to the computer to enjoy.
    What a beautiful view there on the property with the lake views, and quite a task getting your boat ready for winter.
    If I could drink beer with the gluten in it I would love to try your pumpkin beer sounds delicious.
    Happy T Hugs Kathy

  2. Hi Erika, you had such a gorgeous day! October showed one of its best side. Such a beautiful walk through the woods with the dogs - I guess they enjoyed it, too. That is quite some work to put away the boat for the winter, but it does look very well covered at the end. I had to smile when I read that your husband "volunteered" you - my husband has tendencies like that as well (but I do, too!). Happy T day and happy Halloween.

  3. Your autumn leaves are beautiful. The yellow masses of foliage make such good photos. Too bad boating season is done!

    best… mae at

  4. The warm season always seem to go too fast, doesn't it? Packaging up the boat seem like quite a task. Thank goodness you only have to do it once a year. The views of the lake are beautiful!
    Happy Tea Day,

  5. So sweet of you to share the card I sent. It was NOTHING compared to all you did for me while I was on jury duty.

    Looks like you had that perfect day, indeed. I loved the 15 mph sign on that road. It made me laugh.

    Loved the pumpkin head beer, even though it wasn't dark/stout enough for me. I think the sugar rim is what attracted me. Thanks for sharing your perfect day and your husband's sad day with us, as well as your drinks, for T this week, dear.

    AND, thank you beyond belief for the AEDM link. It wasn't there yesterday or even early this morning when I started my T post. SO glad you let me know. Yes, I'm in again this year, thanks to you.

  6. Those fall afternoon pictures are so gorgeous. Sad that summer is over, but we now have something to expect :-)

  7. A great post!
    So sad with the beautiful boat now having to wait all through the cold time for you to come back!
    Great pics and oh - that beer! I would love a sip!!! Happy T-Day and hugs!

  8. Lovely card from E & B! Sorry your husband is sad, he has to put his toys away.... Glad you were able to help, and the dogs look like they were keeping an eye on everything. Your drink looks good! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  9. The Halloween card from Elizabeth was perfect for the day and so creative too. You made a good decision to walk as the colors were wonderful to see as were the ones on the lake at the end of the day. It is obviously a lot of work to cover the boat and your help was rewarded at the end, plus you were able to read outdoors. A burger and pumpkin bear were good choices🎃

  10. A very nice card from Elizabeth. She is so thoughtful. It sure is pretty where you live. Yes, putting the boat away means winter is near. Wow! I have never heard of this beer. Sounds good. Have a great day today.

  11. HI Erika! What beautiful Fall photos! Thank you so much for them. We don't get Fall colors here in my part of TX .. We go from green to brown in a blink of an eye as soon as we get a freeze.. But the temperatures have sure cooled.. which i much appreciate.. My sympathies to you and your hubby.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  12. Such beautiful autumnal leaves a sunshine, along with that Pumpkinhead beer your post reminds me of our Happy Trips to New England 😊. Of course what could be better than that sugar cinnamon rim around that fab beer glass, my hubby has been wearing his Pumpkinhead Tee slot during October too! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  13. You have such gorgeous seasonal views there! It's sad to see the warmer weather end when it means our outdoor time will be more limited.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  14. What a beautiful day you had to for it. It's always sad to put away the summer things, I felt the same putting the outdoor furniture away a few weeks ago, barely got to sit on it this year. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  15. Yes, I can really understand your husband crying for the summer that was. Your seasons seem to be so short. It's still warm weather here (Just to rub it in...)
    I love to see you autumn photos. The leaves have a beautiful color.
    Oh that sunrise is spectacular! I never see sunrises as that is my best time to sleep, even though I might have had a bad night. So to see yours is really special.
    The wine looks lovely. It's great to share it with friends (and a pizza).
    You went over to the woods house again. I hadn't realized you still had that. Has it not been sold?
    The cup cakes really look delicious and the frosting with the Halloween sprinkles are spot-on.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. It is nice to see your Happy Mail. These photos are wonderful and loaded with autumn colours. I really like the views of the lake. It seems you had a great day while covering up the boat.
    Thanks for sharing these photos and details with us. Happy belated T day and have a great week!
    Amila -

  17. That's a gorgeous area, Erika, and your photos are beautiful. Covering the boat looks like a really big job -- that's a big boat! I'm glad we're getting a little extra good weather. We know what's coming sooner or later!

  18. The beer looks wonderful and fun, Erika. Wonderful end of Summer photos. Good to protect the boat. Fun card you received too! Hugz


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