Sunday, October 30, 2022

Happily Ever After

 Hi everyone. Happy Sunday to you.

Today I want to share my last page for Elle's Fairy Tale, Folktale and Fable: Tell Me a Story challenge at Art Journal Journey.

This challenge runs through tomorrow, so you still have time to join in if you're interested.

Most fairy tales end with the line, "And they lived happily ever after". Since this is my final page for October's fairytale, folktale and fable challenge, that is the theme of my page.

This photo above shows the actual colors of my page. I did play around with some digital colorizing; just for fun, as you can see in the next couple of photos.

Do you have a preference? I'm leaning towards the blue.

Here's my story:
Finally Belinda is getting married to her sweetheart Ozzie. She's been waiting for him to arrive back home. Ozzie had gone off to paint the world; you can see he still has his traveling art supply box with him in one hand. Belinda had wanted to go with him, but Ozzie is a fairytale guy so he insisted he go paint and then sell those paintings to be worthy of her love. Now he is back,  and the couple  are getting married to live happily ever after. 

My page started with some spray inks on watercolor paper. The background leaves were drawn, watercolor painted and detailed with a Posca paint pen. The heart was hand drawn and cut out as well as outlined in a Posca paint pen. The 2 birds and the true love banner are stamped twice; first on the heart itself and then colored white with a pen, and then stamped on acetate to bring back the details. The couple are 2 TH people images. And then I layered some paper flowers I had in my stash, as well as adding a couple of paper hearts that were laying on my work table.

I definitely want to thank Elle for not only  hosting this month but also for this challenge. I wasn't too sure at first if I would like this theme, but it didn't take long before I was having a lot of  fun.  The theme  made me think about stories and how I wanted to represent them on a journal page.  Thanks for that  nice mental challenge also Elle. 

 I also want to thank everyone who joined in with their fairytale, folktale, fable or other story. It was enjoyable to read your stories and see what you came up with. 

That's all for me today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Another lovely page, Erika. Happy Birthday to your husband and daughter! Elle's challenge has really been fun! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. The first got me.
    Maybe "love on first sight"?
    Yes, it is a great theme. It was/is fun!

  3. Hi Erika, having my catch up morning, sorry I haven't been around as much recently, but I have so enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your art pages.

    Hope you have had a good week and you enjoyed having your daughter and her OH stay for the birthday celebrations.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Cute story and page I always lean toward the true colours

  5. Happy birthday to both your husband and daughter! I love the original colour of your page, but that blue is cool too. Thanks for playing along with me this month, it's been fun seeing your pages. Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

  6. Unfortunately "And they lived happily after" is all too often not true. I remember vividly many years ago, an older lady who I knew very well and of whom I was very fond (she was like an aunt to me) told me that people were wont to congratulate her on forty-two years of married bliss with her husband who had died a couple of years earlier. She vehemently told me that it had been nothing of the sort. Her husband had been a mean, conniving, ill-spirited, unreasonable individual who was very difficult to live with; but for her, in that generation there was no way out. She was convinced that divorce, on balance, was a good thing. Hugs - David

  7. Beautiful artwork.

    I think we finally got our first frost this morning, here where I am in CT. We've had some rain recently, just like you did there in NH. The weather is still beautiful, though: crisp Fall air. Not too hot, not too cold (well, during the day): just right, as Goldilocks would say. :-)

  8. Your page is so lovely! It's my favourite ending of each story :)

  9. What a lovely final page for Elle's theme at AJJ. I love it in all its variations. I also like the blue, but i like them all. Your spray mists work so much better than mine, too. Thanks and hope your weekend turned out great.

  10. Lovely, Erika. A fun challenge.

  11. a nice story and fine pages. But to be honest, the beautiful flwers at the bottom overpowers the couple. Love those flowers. :)

  12. A fairy tale ending for fairy tale month. Nice!


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