Sunday, November 20, 2022


Hi everyone. Happy Sunday to you. I hope your weekend is going well.

Today I have some photos and also a piece of art to share. I call today's art journal page Dreamscape.

I started with a dark blue piece of paper that I stenciled with lighter blue paint. The stencilled design was some triangles. When looking at the page, it was telling me to cut it apart, so I did. Before I glued the pieces down onto some watercolor paper, I rubbed the white page with some light blue ink .

I used a large acetate horoscope starscape image in the center of my page and stamped the word dream onto it. I drew the cloud and fussy cut it, and then I added a chipboard cat that was already colored, but I did add some white to him. I also added some small white foamy stars, and that's my page.

I am linking up my collaged page over at Art Journal Journey. You probably know by now that Bleubeard and Elizabeth are hosting this month with a challenge of food or collage fodder. Or you can combine them both.

And since I have loads of photos from places to share from little adventures that go all the way back through summer, I thought today I would share some photos from a place called The 3 Sisters' Sanctuary in Goshen, Massachusetts. My friend and I visited here back in August during our trip to the Berkshires. (You might remember I shared lots of photos from Edith Wharton's summer home and also from Turnpark Art Space way back when, but I've never gotten around to sharing these.)

Three Sisters' Sanctuary  was an eclectic collage of various types of material. I guess you could say it was mixed media in 3 dimensions and full of collage fodder for certain.

The violinist is actually a statue.

One exhibit in this art garden was a memorial stone wall, where people could leave "something" in tribute to someone or something they had lost. It was fascinating to see what people left. Here's a few views, as the horseshoe shaped wall was quite large.

We spent a long time looking at all the tributes left. 
I keep thinking of what tribute I could leave for my Mom, and I am between a pencil (as she loved doing crossword and other word/number puzzles) or a spoon (as she loved having her daily bowl of ice cream).  

I have more from the park to share another day. Have a great end to your weekend and start to the new week. 



  1. I agree, Erika, that it was interesting to see the items others had left and your thought of leaving a pencil in remembrance of your mom sounds like a good one.

  2. I love your page, Erika. Very clever way to make your own background. As for the photos, they are gorgeous! Hugs, my friend.

  3. Lovely page and photos. My mom loved ice cream too especially in her senior years.

  4. I love your page Erika, very creative. and I really enjoyed the photos from the art garden and interesting seeing what people left-that was pretty neat to see thanks for sharing Happy Sunday

  5. Such petty shades of blue on your page, and how creative to cut your paper apart. That's an interesting place for sure. All the little mementos left, how amazing, xoxo

  6. Pretty colors on your page though it makes me feel Wintry. Maybe it's because the stars remind me of the snow flurries we had this morning. I love the idea of that memorial wall. Fun items you picked out to represent your mom. I hope you're staying warm

  7. The violinist looks so real! I love the memorial stone wall in the art creative.

  8. wow, that art-garden is really busy. I think you can visit it many times and still not have seen it all.

    Love your beautiful blue collage. :)

  9. I've had a lovely catch up Erika and as always enjoyed seeing your inspiring art. Great photos and leaving tributes is such a good idea to add memories that when others see them it could trigger their own thoughts and memories of their loved ones.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Love your page! Oh, my teamleader had to leave to the doc an hour ago, his cat was bitten by another cat! Never thought cats bite each other!
    Many, many details to explore there!
    The violinist is my fav! hugs from here.

  11. What a fun journal page you have created today. I love the blue and the beauty of the cat in a dreamscape. Sorry to be late visiting. I've been very sick and have mostly stayed in bed. The collage fodder image you have given us is wonderful. It really makes me smile the way you cut the triangles. Thanks for sharing this lovely piece with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    I loved the 3-D assemblage. The sculpture is wonderful. And what a charming idea to leave either a spoon or a pencil to honor your mother at that memorial wall. It's amazing what people leave in remembrance to loved ones.

  12. Love your beautiful, blue page. Cuttging things up is sometimes such fun! The 3 sisters sanctuary looks wonderful. Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie

  13. A lovely page and thank you for sharing the photographs.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  14. Love your page today Erika and the kitty of course. The contrasting blues are lovely. That looks like an interesting place, I like the stone bowls full of glass and there are so many cats on that memory wall!

  15. I especially love the cat and the cloud on your Dreamscapes. What a gorgeous background that blue and white has made too.
    I wonder what happened to all the things people leave? I mean at some time they must remove some of the things that get wet and start to disintegrate.
    I remember a tree in Cyprus that was covered in toilet paper and things, well, that is what it looked to be covered in. I never went over to see it close up but maybe it was messages to loved ones who had passed.
    Have a good week
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. That looks like a fabulous place to visit Erika, great photos!
    I love your art page too.


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