Monday, November 21, 2022

T Stands for a Quiet Week

Hi everyone. Happy new week.

My past week has been fairly quiet. And definitely colder. Late autumn has become early winter, but it's not so cold I can't get out for a morning walk.

Yes, we had a bit of snow last week, and this is what's left after a day. The building above is the maple sugar shack down the road from my house that will remain closed until spring when the maple sap flows again.

And this  next photo shows how my backyard looked for a couple of days until the temperature got high enough for  all (or mostly all) of the light snow we had to melt. The sun is just low enough on the horizon now that the ground is starting to freeze and the afternoon shadows come  early. We still have a few patches of icy snow in spots too.

I realize some of you might have lots of snow or very cold temperatures, and I know it's not just my area that has become winter.

I met my walking friend on Friday at the beach. We haven't beach walked since last spring, and it was great to go back. We also went out for lunch afterwards, but of course I forgot to take any photos. Therefore, I'm going back a couple of weeks for T Day. This week for T, over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog , let me share  this photo of cups on a giant cup. 

On one of my 2+ hour drives down to check on my mother while she was still hospitalized, I was driving by and decided to stop  at a Chick Fil-A as I wanted something to drink on the way home. I bought a large Diet Coke, which for some reason came in this styrofoam cup. (I've never had styrofoam from them-usually it's wax coated paper.) I'm not a fan of styrofoam, but the drink was so large I had it all evening at home also. I also thought the printed cups on the styrofoam in my T day photo were fun.

And speaking of my mother, thank you to everyone who left kind words and thoughts last T day.

And speaking of kind words, I received this gorgeous card from Carola. 

Thanks for the wonderful note. It was much appreciated. And I love  that flower image too. I think I even have this stamp tucked away, so now I'm inspired to dig it out.  Smile.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a wonderful week. And for those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, I hope you have a wonderful day. 



  1. There was the snow in the area around us but not here at the lake where we live-enjoying a warm up-finally those 20's were hard to deal with.
    Gorgeous card Carola-I love her paintings.
    Happy T Kathy

  2. Your snowfall looks about like ours. Winter is really starting now!

    Have a great Thanksgiving.

    best… mae at

  3. A beautiful and elegant card from Carola.
    The pictures of the snow are lovely but my favorite is the moss overed rock. So glad that you are still getting out for a walk despite the chill.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Tea Day,

  4. Lovely snow. Happy T Day. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  5. It looks so darn pretty where you live. Uhhh minus the snow. Ha ha ha. That is a nice card indeed. Take it easy and stay warm. Happy TG to you as well.

  6. Beach walking in the winter sounds really cold...we have been quite lucky with weather over's cold, but bearable.

  7. It´s crazy weather. Even we had a wee bit of snow- usually hits in February!
    Styrofoam ... fast food comes in that here often. Well, not into our household - I can cook and bake now, right? ;-)
    But now I crave Chinese, argh.
    Wonderful card. If the reason for it is so sad.
    Hugs from here and a happy T-Day.

  8. I love the beautiful card Carola sent you, so thoughtful. We haven't had any snow here, but some frost and it's really cold. The coffee cup is great. HAPPY T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Yes, we have lower temperatures too. It's 15 degrees C (59F) and that is cold. I am now wearing a coat when I go out and in the evening we light the stove.
    Lovely photos though.
    What a beautiful card!
    Happy T-Day,

  10. Hello. You have had snow already. Keep warm and enjoy this beautiful season of the year.

  11. Looks like winter is on its way with the snowfall, it'll be time for hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows soon 😊. I hope you are doing ok, you've been in my thoughts of late! Take care my friend and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  12. What lovely fall scenes, though I confess the snow makes them look more like winter to me ;) Happy T Tuesday!

  13. We seldom get snow here, so I envy you a bit for it because this looks like very manageable snow (other than in Buffalo). Where I lived in Germany we always had snow and sometimes bitterly cold winters when the river froze and we could ice skate on it (and in good German manner, there were booths right next to the river that sold hot mulled wine). Your morning walks look lovely, I like all those leaves on the ground. I bet your dog loves those as well. Erika, I hope you will have a lovely Thanksgiving, even though I can imagine that it also might be a bit sad this year.

  14. Snow here in TX anyway is a treat for me... We actually had a few snow flurries the other day.. and FOG this morning.. Both special as they do not happen often.. We are slowly coming out of COLD week... but i'm sure even our COLD days are nothing like yours.. lol The next week promises a warm up which i will enjoy too.. Sending loving thoughts for you and your Mother.. I don't envy you that trip.. I had to drive 100 miles round trip every day to see hubs when he was in for heart bypass surgery a few years ago.. Sometimes the quiet drive can help.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  15. Winter has come here too, gently, but definitely it has made its arrival for the year. The only thing to do with winter, as is true for every other season too, is to get out and enjoy. That's exactly what we did today and plan to do every day. It's hard to understand we haven't been able to rid ourselves of styrofoam containers for fast food and drink, and until customers refuse to accept them we never will.

  16. We have not had any snow here in Nashua, NH, except for a very brief squall a couple of days ago but within 2 minutes it was over and done. Your little coating looked lovely, Erika. We hope that you and your family enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving, which may be a bit harder after your mom's recent death. (first one always is that way). Thanks for sharing your art adventures through your blog posts. I may not always comment on all, but do check in several times a week.

  17. My sincere apology for taking so long to visit. I realized I needed to drag myself out of bed and see what you had offered for T this week. I'm definitely not a very good host, but I want you to know I greatly appreciate your visit and for linking this week. Thanks for sharing this Styrofoam cup filled with love. Happy T Tuesday and happy Thanksgiving, dear. Beautiful card from Carola, too.

  18. Thanks for your visit to my blog. You are a great watcher of nature. I am waiting for your next post with joy.

  19. Beautiful pictures of the snow, that is how I like it. Photos from elsewhere and on Christmas cards but not outside my house if I have to travel anywhere. It's lovely to look at but not always to be in. I love a crisp walk in a morning when it's cold and I am wrapped up and your photos make me want to go out right now.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Our autumn left awhile ago with then one brief bit of Indian Summer. Loving the winter and earlier nights.

  21. Sorry to be so late. After food shopping yesterday I only had time to write my post before going for meal and to see The Lion King at the theatre with my youngest son.
    Snow is always good to look at but not if you have to live with it! I hope we get a little snow this year.
    Clever idea for your T pic. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  22. Still looking after sick kitties, so I'm very late to the party. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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