Saturday, November 12, 2022

For All The Mom's (and Dad's too) Out There

Hi everyone. I hope you are having a nice weekend. 

I want to say thank you for your heartfelt wishes about my mom. It's been a tough week; and the funeral will be Monday. If I haven't been by your blog, that is why.

Today I am posting with a journal page for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's challenge at Art Journal Journey This month you have a choice of 2 themes: Food or Collage Fodder. Or you can use both themes if you'd like. 

My page started as a last pull on a Gelli plate. One girl and one boy came out quite distinct, so that was my inspiration for this page.

Since my page has one girl and one boy, I thought about my brother and myself. My Dad did not cook, and he also never got home from work at a "normal" hour, so we always ate late when we were kids. My poor mom had to put up with our empty tummies.  She had some good tricks to keep us happy though.

 I added the quote bubbles, some little plastic "dots" (these things must have a name-I just don't know it) as well as using stickers for my quote.

And that's my page. 

Let me also share the last of my Yellowstone photos. I took a lot, almost 2000 while there, but I've weeded them down to the better ones to share with you. Today I have some hot spring texture and more rock formations. And no, the white is not snow.

I've got other parks and other places to share another day. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


  1. My mom worked so we ate late, too. We hated if she was going out or staying late for a union meeting because my dad couldn't cook. He couldn't even boil water. We would beg her to leave something that could be heated up if she wasn't cooking 😺If you hadn't said anything, I would have thought the white on the rocks was snow.

  2. The pictures from yellowstone park are stunning, Erika. Try to relax this weekend even though it's difficult.

  3. Hi Erika, your journal page is colourful and fun. I suppose it wasn't much fun to have to wait a long time for dinner. And I would so love to visit Yellowstone, the pics are wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend, and I wish you strength for Monday. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Excellent pictures of the geological aspects of Yellowstone Park. I will have to study these a little more. Hugs - David

  5. I like your page today Erika, lovely purple. My dad could cook basic stuff which is all we had when I was a kid, and he often had to get dinner started if mum was late, or else I would. I'm so sorry about your mum, I can relate, it's a huge space to fill in your life to lose someone who has always been there. I would love to visit Yellowstone but doubt I will manage that now, {hugs to you}

  6. I'm so sorry that your mom passed away, Erika. I know that you were expecting it, but that doesn't make it less hard. I wish you strength and please know that you are in my thoughts.

  7. Dig The Colors There - Amazing Shots Of Yellowstone - Happy November


  8. Wonderful photographs from Yellowstone Park.
    Thinking of you.

    All the best Jan

  9. Amazing photos Erika, and that page struck a note with me. I love the silhouettes of the children.
    Thinking of you at this sad time, and praying all goes smoothly tomorrow.
    Big hugs,

  10. We always called those late dinners "eating European" since they tend to dine later in Europe than in the US! Yes, back in the day, mom was the dinner cook! How things have changed!

    Yellowstone is beautiful -- especially love the ice photos. I always love ice in photos -- not so much in real life.

    Sending your good thoughts for tomorrow.

  11. That's a great page, Erika. I feel for you. Being that hungry and then eating causes you to to eat too fast. Our evening meal was a ritual that surprised any friend who stayed to eat. Everyone told about their day and what they had done or learned. We also debated hot topics, like politics and the state of the world. I can only wonder what my grands would have said about this year's election.

    I had no idea my grandfather could cook until my grandmother went into the hospital when I was 8 for gall stone removal. He told me he worked one summer as a fry cook. He was actually a good cook, but my grandmother didn't allow anyone in her kitchen. Never. That's why I didn't learn to cook or bake as a child.

    I can empathize with those children in your journal. Thanks for sharing this page with us at AJJ using our theme, dear.

    Your photos are impressive. Wow on that steam. Some DO look like snow. These are awesome.

    My heart goes out to you my friend,. I hope all goes well tomorrow.

  12. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom passing. (I didn't know that.) Beautiful art and photos.

  13. Hiya, Erika. I always like to look at your photos, you always zero in on textures so they are interesting. Your page nails the kid view of Dinner for sure. XOX

  14. Mom's do what the can and what they have to do. I know she worried about you two. Love the art. Your photos are just beyond amazing. You should make a book of all of these photos. Have a great day.

  15. The last things you need to be worrying about are comments. You have much more important things on your mind at the moment I would imagine. So sorry you are having to face up to the loss of a loved one.
    Your page is great - I love the dark sombreness of it, in stark contrast to the colourful one the other day. It certainly gets the story over to the viewer and I think it is a great page.
    Sending loving thoughts your way
    Neet xx

  16. lol, who cares for dinner when you share Yellowstone. I skip dinner right away. :) You nust have lort of time to go around and se so much.

    Last time I visted I was in a group that thought bison was everything and geisers not importent. They gave us 30 min to see it all! I protested highly so we got 1 hour. Still too little.
    Thanks for sharing you photos. :)

  17. Big hugs from here.
    I sure feel with you.

    Dinner was 07:00 p.m. Always.
    My lille brother oh-so often stopped eating, dreaming away and I had to wait till he was done, argh.

    Wow, nature sure is an artist!

    Again, big hugs.

  18. I am a bit behind in blog reading this week, Erika, so hop the services for your mother were not too difficult, as understandably losing a family member around a holiday is even harder.

    Thanks for sharing more of your travel photos. One day we may visit some of the national parks.


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