Thursday, November 17, 2022

Glasses not Cups

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you.

Yesterday I woke up to some fresh snow, about 3 inches.

It had turned to rain just before I got up in the morning, and it rained all day. Even with the rain there is still a little bit of snow on the ground today.  I saw on the news that for some of you who stop by, winter has definitely arrived with bitterly cold temperatures and maybe even (a lot of) snow. 

Personally I'm not ready for winter yet, but I'm happy that at least most of the outdoor chores are done. That includes the bees.  I took this next photo back when autumn was still unusually mild a week or so ago, and  I've since added a couple more bags of leaves around the bottom of the hive. The bags of leaves act as insulation to the space underneath the hive.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed it helps this winter as I'd like to still have a living colony come spring.

Today is Thursday and time for Rain's Art and Dinner Date. This week Rain's theme is cups, and although 
I don't have any cup art to share, here's a photo that I also shared this past T Day of some homemade cookies and a cup of tea. 

The cookies have chocolate chips, some crushed up holiday pretzels and some pistachios tossed in. The holiday pretzels were thin with a white yogurt coating sprinkled with chopped up bits of peppermint. Those pretzels are too yummy and adding them to the cookies did give a bit of peppermint flavor.

And I do have a page from my western National Park trip journal I am working on. It has glasses rather than cups, but since they are both drinking vessels, let me share it. I can't say it's the best page I've ever made as the Mexican bunting is a little too big and my margarita glasses are floating mid-page, but I do really like how my "homemade" paper tortilla chips came out.

As my page has to do with food, I am also linking up to Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's food or collage fodder or combine both challenge over at Art Journal Journey.

That's all for me today. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Fantastic glasses. Happy Thursday


  2. I am not ever ready for winter. LOL Great idea for the bags of leaves. Also wonderful art. Have a great day.

  3. A cup or mug of tea is perfect on a cold, snowy day!

  4. My town only got an inch and a half, but we had freezing drizzle until noon. The temps didn't warm here as quickly as the weather dudes said. Lots of accidents on the road. One at the end of my street at the on/off ramps for Rt. 146. Fascinating to see how you winterized the hives. After all that work, you deserve a cookie/coffee break. Your cookies are very fancy. I like the margarita glasses floating in the middle of the page. Doesn't one feel floaty after a couple of margaritas? 😺The sun's out. I hope you have a good day

  5. Eeeek! Snow!!! Nooo!

    Fingers crossed for your bees!

    Great page, so cheery and colorful, and thank you, now I´m hungry... Chips, please ;-)

  6. It's been unseasonably warm here, too. We might have to turn on the heat soon, though as it gets more normal.

    I love both the design and the colour scheme of your artwork. And those tortilla chips are fabulous!

  7. I love your beautifcul journal page with the happy drinks and snacks, yum! Today was cold here, too, winter is coming! And your cookies sound very good! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Happy Snow Day - Your Happy Bees Will Be Just Fine This Spring - Well Done


  9. I love the page...the colours are so harmonious and beautiful. So early already so much snow?

  10. Having most of your outdoor chores done sounds good. I have a few more to do and one of those is get the shovels out. Snowing and winter here for sure.

  11. Your bees are well protected and fingers crossed that it works. A fabulous art page!
    I'm curious if I'll have a few snowflakes today, so far it's raining and 2 degrees early in the morning, it's supposed to be even cooler.
    Have a good day, hugs-Elke

  12. Happy Friday. Have a good weekend


  13. It rained then snowed here. It was still warm enough yesterday that the snow didn't last that long. I think I mentioned I used paper shredding to partly insulate my outdoor faucet. I'm too "lazy" to rake. I prefer to mulch my leaves. I hope your bees stay warm, dear.

    I eally like your margaritas. They didn't look floating to me, but what do I know. I love the chips. Well done. Thanks for this great entry using Bleubeard's and my theme at Art Journal Journey.

  14. ...I'm never ready for winter, but when it comes I will enjoy it.

  15. Hi Erika! Gosh, when I think back to what you went through to get those bees this year, your hubby BETTER be out there building that wind break and better yet, just build a bee house with a space heater! ;-) Lovely festive page, the bunting is awesome and those chips are too. But that bowl of salsa is so small, we'd have to order 2! Have a good one, xoxo

  16. We too have had snow, Erika, with more on the way, but nothing to approach what Buffalo is getting - a mere hour and a half from here. Looks like you have done everything you can to protect your bees, and I hope they are able to survive the winter. I know that recent years have been exceptionally difficult for apiarists for a variety of reasons. Looks like you have met all the challenges that you needed to. I think I would have a hard time keeping track of them let alone creating art! Hugs - David

  17. I'm not at all ready for winter. (Truth be told, I rarely am.) I think our snow will be largely melting this week -- temps in high 30s/low 40s, which will give me just enough time to truck the pumpkins to the back of the yard and crack them open and do a couple outdoor things (like harvest some catnip, thyme and sage if the snow didn't kill it off Happy weekend.

  18. I am SO not ready for winter got SO cold so fast didn't it? I love your glasses art, and I will have a margarita please! ☺♥

  19. Still full of a cold so not sure what it is like outside but it looks dull and wet. No snow as yet thank goodness.
    Love your page, the bunting is fab and the glasses look fairly grounded with the tortilla chips - yes, magnificent tortilla chips. Now where did I put that bag we bought?
    I do hope your bees are safe and warm with that insulation, I had no idea so much care had to be put into bee keeping, you are teaching me lots.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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