Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Second on the Second

Hi everyone. It is November second, which means it is time for Second on the Second over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

This month for Second on the SecondI thought I would repost  some food and drink related art.  As Bleubeard and Elizabeth are our hosts at Art Journal Journey and their theme this month is Food and Drink or Collage Fodder or Both, I thought these would be appropriate.

I'll start with this  sign which hangs in my kitchen and which I shared after Thanksgiving in 2020. My kitchen seems to be constantly messy lately because I've been having some fun in there, so I thought it would be appropriate.

And here's a page I posted in November of 2019. Since apples are food and since apples grow on an apple trees, here is my painted page.

And I have one more food related page today from November of 2017. Here's the original post: Soup.

And since it is November, I am also linking up to Art Every Day Month hosted by Leah. This is day 2, but you can join in as much or as little as you'd like.

I hope the new month is going well for you. Thanks for visiting.


  1. I have such a sign, too :-) True words!
    Soup-time it will be soon! Great page for that. Hm. Ingo comes from a soup-family, in mine... not so much.
    Let´s see if I can join your new art-adventure (it´s hard, we need to get ready till Dec 1st - not likely that will happen, so....)
    But I´ll love seeing yours, hugs!

  2. To tell the truth, I’m happier when I get control of the mess in my kitchen!
    Temperaments vary, I guess.

    best… mae at

  3. A messy kitchen is a sign of happiness? I guess the one who wrote that doesn't have to clean the kitchen...LOL

  4. Hi Erika, I like your messy kitchen sign, and messy kitchens so long as I don't have to do the cleanup lol I also love your soup page. btw your link today for second on the second takes me to Elizabeth's page.

  5. Erika, your link goes to MY blog post!

    I fear I can't work in a messy kitchen. I have what I believe to be a very limited surface space, so must keep it clean and neat. I have to put everything away as soon as I use it, but the nice thing is, everything is very close at hand.

    However, I love your choice of second looks this month. You have found some great food and drink examples and I fear Bleubeard has been left out of this one. Thanks for these great looks back because they are all second looks for me, too.

    You asked my thoughts on AEDM. I am beyond disappointed. I always loved AEDM and have joined for at least 13 years. Maybe more. But without the linky, it isn't fun at all. I saw your comment, too. Looks like great minds and all!

  6. Beautiful art, and I love your kitchen sign. My kitchen is always messy, it's also my studio. I dxon't cook so muc h these days, I've got lazy! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Love your messy kitchen / happiness sign! And the art pieces are lovely. Your apple tree is so cheerful.

  8. Yeahhhh a messy kitchen for me drives me crazy. LOL

  9. I don't want a messy kitchen, I always the dishes (by hand still) as I cook or bake so I don't have tons to wash at the end. I loved seeing your second on the 2nd pieces-the apple tree is my favorite. Happy midweek hugs Kathy

  10. Love your food pages! They're very happy! I get frustrated in a messy kitchen as my counter space is so limited. That said, the floor is a mess!

  11. Must admit I don't like messy kitchens ...
    I always think the kitchen is the heart of the home, we all seem to radiate towards it :)

    All the best Jan

  12. If I had more counter space my kitchen wouldn't look so messy ;) I love your apple tree page!


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