Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Page for My Mom

 Hi everyone. I hope your weekend was a good  one. 

My weekend was busy as on Saturday since my husband's family had a holiday get together. It was mostly so that his Mom could have her kids and most of her grandchildren together, since with the speed she is going downhill, one never knows about next year, or even next month. Sadly it wasn't one of her best days, but it was fun to see everyone though, and there was lots of good food too.

Today I have another page for Jo's challenge at Art Journal Journey. Her challenge is snowy winter, and right now we have some light snow coming down. Luckily, it is not supposed to be anything more than flurries. 

 I must say my sadness over losing my mom has been turned into some good art mojo. Not that I want to be sad or troubled all the time, but I do hope my art mojo keeps up. Smile.

My page began with this chipboard violin I found in my stash.

After I finished using my snowflake stencil and some light molding paste one day, I took a clean sheet of watercolor paper and flipped my stencil upside down so the side where I had been applying the paste was now against the paper. I took a damp rag and cleaned off my stencil onto the paper. I didn't know how that would work, but once the molding paste leftovers dried I noticed a couple of snowflake impressions. I took some turquoise and dark blue inks and rubbed them over my page to finish off my background.

I added some various bits and pieces, including the chipboard violin that I colored, a sleigh made from a die that I "found" back in the late spring while redoing my spare bedroom, and some other bits and pieces. I had to really glob on the ink to hold down the ends of the felt ribbon, but since the dried glue gobs are evenly balanced, it works.

After years of lack of use, my mother's violin has dried out and  has seen better days, but as it was one of her favoured possessions, I have kept it for her. She even named it Susie.

Back in her youth, my mother played in several local orchestras. Even though some of her violin case stickers have worn away, there are still a couple that are interesting in themselves.

She used to tell the story about this music festival because she had to sleep in a funeral parlor for the days she played there.

And this next sticker is back from her college days.  Once she graduated from college she started teaching. One thing she was always very proud of is that both myself and my brother went into teaching, which was her career. Once she started teaching she also met my Dad, and after that happened, her public playing violin time started to disappear.

That's all for me today. Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Good memories with your Mom's guitar. I really love your page for AJJ great textures. the part of getting older for me was losing my parents and grandparents-time just does not take a pause-sadly.
    Have a good new week hugs Kathy

  2. The page looks beautiful. I am sure that your mom would love it too. Thank you for sharing those wonderful moments with us, Erika.

  3. What a very beautiful page.
    Now I miss my Mum, too.
    Oh, Susie breaks my heart.
    My Brother has a real Steinweg piano. No Steinway, Steinweg. And he let it rot away.
    My Grandfather (I never met) and I played on it, but I have no space or use for it here.

    Sleeping in a funeral parlor?! Good lordy!

    My Dad was proud my Brother stepped into his shoes, too (and me not - he asked me first).

    Your story makes this page even more beautiful and special!

    One question left: Why don´t you want no hives anymore? Or did I misinterpret your comment on Santa´s wish list?
    Either way. To a great new week, hugs!

  4. Losing a parent is unthinkable, even in older age. My parents both died in 2016, and I missed them for ages. I found the most useful aid to my recovery was in honouring them in public - at the funeral and consecration a year later of course, but also since. My parents were great fans of the National Gallery of Victoria, so I raised a lot of money and had their names added to the honour roll on the Gallery lobby. I love seeing it, every time I go there :)

    I love your mum's connection with her local orchestras.

  5. Thank you for sharing your memories Erika and I loved the page you created.
    Memories are to treasured and it so good that you have the violin. On my weekly catch up as usual today and enjoyed my visit.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I am so happy that you have your mom's violin. This is the kind of heirloom that should be lovingly restored and passed down. A violin makes the sweetest of sounds and I am sure the instrument was at its best in your mother's hands. Too bad you don't play too, Erika. Take good care of it. Hugs - David

  7. This was a poignant post, Erika, and thanks for sharing the sweet memories of your mother’s violin. I am unsure if the cost, but have you considered having it repaired and possibly yourself or a family member would be interested in learning to play? I have an older film camera that belonged to my dad, but finding 120 film is an issue.

  8. Your page is beautiful, and just right for Jo's challenge at AJJ. And I love that you made this page for your mom. The violin is a great keepsake, and holds many beautiful memories. I can imagine how pround your mom was of you and your brother. Have a good, new week, hugs, Valerie

  9. A wonderful page Erika, I love the background.
    Lovely to have your mother's violin as a keepsake, and with those precious memories.

  10. Very thoughtful page for your mom. The violin hold so many memories for you...beautiful

  11. Lovely page. I was enchanted by the Susie stories. I smiled at the Framingham State sticker because I grew up in Natick next door to Framingham. Stay warm today

  12. Family memories, making them now and remembering them from past years. Sweet.

  13. Thank goodness you have your art hobby to channel your feelings to. It's a lovely page. What a wonderful keepsake and story/memories. I completely believe the funeral home "hotel". My dad had stories like that. Life was so different then but simpler and made more sense, I think. Hugs and have a good week, xoxo

  14. I'm sorry you lost your mom. I lost mine this year too. It sucks. And sorry to hear that your hubby's mom is not doing well. Love that she got to see everyone. Huggs.

  15. What a genuinely fantastic journal page. I like how you didn't let anything go to waste on your stencil. I love the violin and the sleigh. This is a wonderful entry for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    You should have Susie restored before she gets too deteriorated. She may actually be worth a great deal of money, but even more so, she holds many wonderful memories. Thanks for introducing Susie to us and thank for sharing more about your mother, dear.

  16. I love that your mom loved music and that you have her violin (which can be restored if need be). You page is a fitting tribute.

    I hope everything holds carefully and well with your husband's mom through the holidays and well beyond. Hang in!

  17. What a beautiful page! I'm in awe of all the different ways you've created snow on your pages and your snowy background is amazing on this page 😊. The violin is a lovely memory of your mum and such a wonderful keepsake to remind you of her - perfect! I have shed a few tears this month as I have sorted through my dad's favourite Christmas decorations, they evoke so many special memories of him ❤️. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs Jo x

  18. So beautiful a read to hear about your mMm. What a lovely and treasured piece you have in her violin. I hope you can write down your memories of the stories she told you so that they are there for your daughter to read to her family when they arrive.
    Sad to hear your mil is not doing well, but how lovely to be part of a big family that she got to enjoy once more.
    I so enjoyed reading how you had made your journal page today, that is very interesting how you used the molding paste. Love the violin and the sleigh
    Hugs, Neet xx


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