Monday, December 12, 2022

T Stands for Shopping

 Hi everyone. It is time for T, when we share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. And in my case, my post  probably has a bit of babbling too. (hee-hee)

Last week on one of our sunny days, I decided to take a drive over to King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont. It's a bit of a drive, just under 2 hours from my house, so I don't go very often. I figured since I wanted to start my holiday baking  I'd stock up on a few items I knew I needed and that were hard to get at local markets.

It was also a gorgeous day for a drive, chilly but sunny. I could enjoy the sun through my car's sunroof and listen to my book. These short December days are making me long for sunshine, and since my house is dark a lot of the time during this season, the car is a great place to get some sun therapy. 

 I left  early. When I arrived at King Arthur the parking lot was pretty empty, but when I finished shopping, it was pretty full. What I didn't know until I arrived was that this particular day was King Arthur's friends and family holiday discount day. All your purchases were 20% off.  Wahoo! That made the drive even more worth it. ❤

I snapped a few photos when I first arrived, but then I got wrapped up in my shopping list so I failed a bit on the photo taking end.

Outside their main entrance they had some festive decorations.

And in the windows to their bakery, they had some festive gingerbread.

King Arthur used to have that cool logo:

Now, like so many places, they've redone it and have a more streamline crown.

I didn't get a lot of store photos, but it is a baker's paradise. They carry all of their mixes and a wide variety of other items that change over the course of the year. 

And of course you can buy their flour(s), which is what they are known for.

I managed to fill a bag (or 2) with  a few items. After I put those in my car I went back inside to their bakery/cafe. At their cafe they sell a few breakfast and lunch items, as well as a full range of bakery items of whatever the bakers have on their daily schedule. It was just about lunch time, so I grabbed a small salad to go. They also had this yummy gingerbread bundt cake, and I bought a slice that was big enough I decided to bring it home and split it with the hubby for dessert after dinner. And for the road home, I picked up a hot chai tea, which is my link to T this week.

That's my post for T this week. Happy T day and I hope you have a great rest of your week.


  1. That is so neat that you can shop at King Arthur's I have bought from their catalogs for many many years now-I pretty much only use their wheat flours. and bonus with the 20% off good deal. I like their original logo much better.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Visiting King Arthur is really neat! Our local bulk food store buys big bags of their flour, so we can use it without paying the high shipping costs. But visiting there is great. Did you ever take any classes? I’ve heard they have good ones.

    best… mae at

  3. King Arthur flour is well known thanks for sharing this fun trip

  4. I seriously would want to visit King Arthur!!! You are so right it's a paradise for bakers.

  5. A Baker's Paradise is my kind of place!

  6. I bet they even have self-raising flour!
    I wanted to bring one packet home from ALDI Australia and Ingo said, no, we´ll have this soon in Germany.
    Was 2019. We still don´t have it.
    Off topic, huh?
    I plan to visit the Christmas Market maybe tomorrow (am coughing my head off, but well.. have an elbow to cough into ;-) Yay for a holiday!)
    To a happy T-Day, hugs

  7. How wonderful to visit King Arthur, and to enjoy your visit with shopping and snacks. I have never seen this flour here, but I know my sister used it when I visted her in Louisville. Glad you enjoyed some sunshine on the drive, too! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. How nice you got some sun therapy while getting some retail therapy. What a marvelous place that must be. I see baking in your future.

    I see what you mean by their revised crown. Thanks for sharing your trip and your tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  9. i’ve wanted to visit the King Arthur store, but that would be a major trek from here. Great deal for 20% off. I miss the old logo. the new logo is not only a crown but the center design is a wheat head or kernel. I don’t think the gingerbread would have made it home to share if I were driving. I hoping our end of week weather is just rain. Happy T Day

  10. What fun! I can get King Arthur flour in the store here, but I've never been to a place like that. Wow!

    Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Wow this is so cool. What a great place to visit and relax with some sunshine. Have a wonderful day.

  12. Oh what a fun field trip! I'd love to go there! Your pix are great!

  13. I've heard of King Arthur flour. We don't have it here. Great that it was discount day! But if this was me, knowing this, I would be spending more.
    Sorry I haven't commented for a while but I have seen the Hammond Hall and your mum's violin. I enjoyed both those posts.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Looks like a fabulous place and that gingerbread cake sounds delicious, I hope you both enjoyed it 😊. So lovely to see those pretty Christmas trees and happy Christmas baking! Sending you Happy T Day wishes too! Hugs Jo x

  15. What a great place and so fun. I would love to go there. Great idea for a quick trip.

    Love the trees and that gingerbread too.

    Super fun post, Erika. Happy T-day and hugz

  16. What a fun trip, Erika! I remember you mentioning them last year so I signed up for their catalog. Looks like a place I would love to spend hours in. Your bundt cake and salad sound delicious.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. How cool that you can go to an actual King Arthur store.. I sure do like the original label compared to the new.. Same way goes for poor Aunt Jemima.. I heard she saw it as an honor to be on their packaging.. anyway.. I do apologize for being late.. Not 5 minutes after i linked up hubby walks in the door saying' We need to go to the hospital'.. sigh.. he had tried to cut off his fingers with a power tool! But after several hours and 12 stitches and one broken finger later he's alright.. That man! So Happy Belated T day! Hugs! deb

  18. That looks like a nice place to visit, I like specialty flours. Sorry for my lateness, have a sick kitty. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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