Sunday, December 18, 2022

More of my Holiday Journal

Hi everyone. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. 

I also want to wish a happy first day of Hanukkah to those who celebrate. 

The official snow amount for my town from the Friday into Saturday morning storm was 14.5 inches (about 37 cm). I'm not sure we got quite that much, but we certainly got a lot of snow. And it was so heavy to shovel. Yikes. The good news was our power came back on at about 4:30 in the afternoon.Which meant we were out about 12 hours. We had gone out to grab dinner, since we couldn't use the stove or microwave with the generator, and as we left we saw the power truck coming down the street. That was an exciting sight.

Today I am going to share a few more pages from the little journal I am making for the holidays. I started this journal with Thanksgiving, and I will go all the way through to New Years Day. As I mentioned the other day, I make a page for each day. My "rule" is that the page has to have something to do with the day, but that something doesn't have to be glaringly obvious. Some days it is; some days it is not.

Once again, please excuse the crookedness or poor photos since I have a bit of curl to some pages. Eventually it will get fully flattened.

Above, my page for Dec. 1 that started when I found this old calendar image in a packet of holiday ephemera.

Below is my page for Dec. 5. This is the day I took a trip to King Arthur Flour, which you might have seen in last week's T day post.

December 6th is below,

and here's the double page spread I started this book with for Thanksgiving.

Here's a page for Dec. third.

And for my last view today, I have a page I am linking up to Jo's Snowy Winter challenge at Art Journal Journey. I used up a lot of ephemera pieces on my work table to make this one.

That's it for me.

Have a great start to the new week.


  1. Wow that is allot of snow!!
    Erika, I really love all of your art pages in this post-they all had me smiling.
    My husband is Jewish-so thank you.
    I finished up the chocolate barks just now-yeah now if sunshine tomorrow I will be make brittles
    Happy new week hugs Kathy

  2. They all look festive and beautiful, but the Dec. 3 is my favourite.

  3. Sometimes snow gets so heavy here too. The light snow is easier. That heavy wet stuff though, ack!

    I love that you make a page each day!

  4. We too have big celebrations of Hannukah, with all the grandchildren together :) That is not to take away from the millions who celebrate Christmas.. I wish them all great peace and joy. But thank you for remembering us.

  5. Your art journal is wonderful, well done for keeping it up. And well done on shovelling snow, we only got a few centimeters here! I haven't managed much lately. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  6. That was a lot of heavy snow to shovel, Erika, even though the photos in the previous post were very scenic. Snow is at its most beautiful when freshly fallen. Good to read that your power came back and also that you were able to get out for dinner and hopefully on cleared roadways.

  7. Crazy how dependent we are on electricity. Scary, a bit, glad yours came back!

    Oh, I love the bricks! Very well done!! We have a lonely little wall here that looks just like that! Wanted to make a post on it and forgot.

    And the doggy of day 5, awwww, sweet. The true Christmas story was just brought to me by Ingo... ;-)

    It "warmed up" here, hello to the kitty and hugs!

  8. Ugh! All that snow! We got rain, and it sounds like another rain event this weekend. Your journal is charming

  9. Snow!!! Our forecast is filled with bitter cold snow predictions. They're saying we may get as much as a quarter of an inch lol I'd love a week or so with your snow :)

    I can't use my King Arthur all-purpose flour any more without thinking of you :) I love that Christmas Joy image with all those reveling people. It brings me a happy smile.

  10. Sounds like a LOT of snow! Lovely winter pages.

  11. Glad your power came back on. These albums are so great looking. I love the first one qith Santa coming and the one with the jokester.

  12. That is a lot of snow!
    Our weather has turned windy and wet!

    I do like your journal.

    Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate.

    All the best Jan

  13. Beautiful art journal. I love this. I assume your weather in NH is as cold as mine in CT. Is it Spring yet? :-(

  14. Your little book is looking well-filled, a fine assortment of pages. That was a good snowfall and how fortunate your power was restored so soon. xox

  15. Wow, sounds like winter has arrived with all the snow you had! So pleased you managed to stay warm and got it all cleared so you could go out and about 😊. Your little journal pages are beautiful and I bet fun to make this time of year. I've been having fun making lots of Christmas pages this year too and I love all the festive ephemera that you used. Thanks for joining AJJ again with your Snowy Winter inspiration. Take care and Happy Holidays! Hugs Jo x

  16. I felt hard done by when we had 3.5 inches of snow - 14.5 sounds an awful lot and reminds me of the snow we had way back when I was a child. I certainly do not envy you that snow - and certainly not the snow shovelling.
    Love your pages, especially fond of the first and the last ones although I do like them all. What a wonderful idea - it will be a journal to look back on and enjoy.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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