Monday, December 19, 2022

T Stands for the Holiday Edition

 Hi everyone. Happy T day. It's hard to believe it is not only already Tuesday, but it is less than a week until Christmas.

Although I still have some things I need to do, the house is decorated (but a messy disaster zone) and my presents are wrapped (and all over my daughter's bed). Today I thought I'd share some of my decorations because I feel like being festive. Grab a cup of tea or coffee because (sorry) this is a rather long post.

This first photo is my link to T day this week over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. I know it would have been better if one of my cups was full of tea. Smile. Too bad I never remember to take photos when I make one each late afternoon. 😟

I didn't decorate quite to the extent I usually do, but I did put out the things I love. I usually put away the old clock  that is in the middle of my photo. It doesn't run because there is no plug on my mantel, and also the wiring in it is from the 1930's and a little scary. One of these days I want to get this clock changed over to batteries so we can use it. It originally belonged to my husband's grandparents.

I do love my Swedish tomte though. These 2 big ones I found by chance and bought years ago, but most of mine are ones that family members gifted me. 

Here's a few more of my Swedish tomte and one of my collection of dalarna horses.  

I have more of these Swedish gnomes on my living room bookshelf because I really have a lot of these.

The tree is also decorated. (Ignore the grassy looking plant on the right-it's my lemon grass plant which is put in the window to get more light.) We chopped this tree at the Christmas tree farm in our town Thanksgiving weekend.

My tree is all about nostalgia. The decorations are a hodgepodge of items from over the years.

See that sad looking pipe cleaner and bead man with the styrofoam ball head in this last photo? It's beady- man. He's so old.  I made him when I was in kindergarten or nursery school.He always gets a spot right in the front of the tree because he is special to me. And right behind him you can just see the baby bottle that we bought and filled out the year my daughter was born.

And on the opposite side of the tree, next to the Dr. Who dalek is a lovely mini-quilt our T day hostess Elizabeth made several years back. I hang it on the tree every year also because that is what my Christmas tree is all about, lots of nostalgia.

My mother-in-law used to gift me a santa every year for Christmas back in the 1990's, and then when my daughter was older, she wanted to gift them to me also. I have quite a collection, and I can only put out so many each year. Here's a little peak at them. And do you like my retro tree? I bought it at Costco this past fall because it reminded me of my grandmother who used to have one back when I was a kid.

Speaking of my grandmother, these very vintage musician angels were part of a decoration she had. There used to be a lighted church with them, but I'm not sure what happened to it. One thing I love about these angels is that the Made in West Germany-US zone stamp is still on their bottoms. That definitely dates them.

The 2 little singers in the front are not from her set, but something I added to them.

And does anyone know anything about this candle holder?

It doesn't have enough candle spots to be a Menorah. My great aunt had it and then my mom did. I also know it came from Sweden. It's always been a mystery since my mom received it whether  it is just a candle holder or has some other meaning.

And finally, here's my other tree. I call this my winter tree. I put it up mid-November, and I take it down late in January. This part of the diningroom-kitchen is dark, and having the tree here adds lots of light. All of the decorations don't have a Christmas theme but more of a winter  or woodland theme.

I have a few holiday Annelee animals (the Annelee factory shop is like 40 minutes away from me). This year I wasn't inspired to find a place for them  so I just put them under my winter tree. They'll get put away with my holiday decorations, and I won't leave them up as long as I keep up the tree.

I do have these 2 yetis from Annalee that I always put on the top tree. 

This is my newest ornament that I bought at Hobby Lobby last week when all their ornaments were 70% off. I wasn't  planning on going in, but my friend was looking for something so I went in with her. I couldn't resist the dodo bird. He goes along with the wooly mammoth I have hanging on another spot of the tree.

My kitchen is now decorated with all the supplies for cookie baking. I took this photo  Sunday afternoon when I was baking a few batches of cookies. I also made some cookie doughs that needed to be refrigerated and that I'll bake later this week.

You can even see my bottle of Diet Coke on the counter.  I guess I do have an actual drink photo for T this week.

I did clean up the kitchen a bit after all my baking, but the cookie cutters and the cookie stamps are still on the counter until i finish baking my refrigerated cookie doughs.

And I hope after reading this long post  you don't feel like Mr. Pete does.

He popped open his eyes just as I snapped this photo. (Before that he was sound asleep and snoring loudly.) What a life. I'm surprised he wasn't in the kitchen hoping for a cookie. Smile.

I also want to mention I will share all my Christmas cards next T day as I think post is long enough. 

I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas has a wonderful holiday. And happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate that holiday this week also. Also, a happy winter solstice to you.

And of course, have a great T day too.


  1. Beautiful Christmas treasures, thanks for sharing!

  2. Your home certainly is filled with Christmas spirit. I can see that you like to decorate it. Even Mr Pete has a Christmas themed blanket if I saw correctly. I do understand keeping items for nostalgia reasons - we still have all the little Christmas decorations our daughter did when she was little. You can't just throw those away. Have a happy T day, Erika.

  3. All that baking is impressive. As are the numerous decorations. It was fun to read the history of some of your collectibles. Have a great Christmas.

    best... mae at

  4. I love that first photo. Polka dots and stripes. Your house looks fantastic with all the decoration. You know me, bake up some cookies and I am in. LOL Have a lovely evening.

  5. I was curious about the candle holder and found this The seven-branched menorah was originally found in the wilderness sanctuary and then later in the Temple in Jerusalem and was a popular motif of religious art in antiquity. An eight-branched menorah modeled after the Temple menorah is used by Jews in rites during the eight-day festival of Hanukkah.

    I really enjoyed viewing your Christmas in your home. I love your nostalgia tree very much-that is how I decorate my little tree mostly too. Loved seeing everything and how you displayed it.
    Have fun baking, I am done with cookies now except to frost the gingerbread, the chocolate barks are done, now for a sunny day for the brittle-which is not going to happen til after christmas-they are predicting a big storm here along with more frigid air-like 30 below wind chill-brrr I don't think we'll see our friends til after christmas.
    Merry Christmas and Happy T hugs

  6. You have some really beautiful holiday stuff. Your house looks so festive with all the decorations.

  7. Love that first pic!
    My Dad sure would´ve loved your clock, he also was a watch-maker.
    Such sweet memories on the tree.
    A Santa galore - hope you were good!!!!
    So the angels come from West Berlin. Interesting. A bit "scary", too.
    Love the dodo - quite meaningful.
    Wow, you do have space in your kitchen - nice!

    LOL, can´t afford being like Mr. Pete - off to work! (Some whopping 7 steps, yipeee).
    Have a great T-Day, hugs!

  8. Your home is filled with a lot more Christmas than mine. I LOVE the cups, those Santas that are to die for, and the dalarna horses. If you ever make it to the midwest again, you MUST visit Lindsborg, KS where many are made.

    LOVE your trees, both of them. What fun to have one as a Christmas and one as a winter tree.

    And your baking looks like you are very, very serious. I can't wait to see your cookies.

    Thanks for sharing your Christmas home, your baking, your mugs, and your diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika. LOVE those angels and that ceramic tree, too!

  9. Great decorations. And I love that last photo. Happy Holidays.

  10. What a lovely post, so many beautiful decorations, and i like thata they are all special to you. My dog never left my side if I was baking or cooking! The candlestick you have showed has seven lights and is oficially called a menorah, which means lamp or light in Hebrew. The one used at Hanukka has 9 lights, and is called a hanukkiah, and is only used on the 8 days of Hanukkah. The middle light on the Hanukkiah is lit first, and used to light the other candles - one on the first day, 2 on the 2nd and so on. The middle candle is called the 'servant' because t is used to light the others. Hugs, Valerie

  11. Your trees and decorations look wonderful and your kitchen looks like a real baker's! winkwink Hey, question: that round thing above your mantle in the chimney stonework - is that the damper handle or the top of a butter churner lol? If it's the damper handle, that is certainly more convenient than ours (we have to reach into the fireplace and up to pull open or push closed, not fun). Hope your week goes well and MC/HNY! xoxo

  12. Oops, forgot to ask, do you have either a KitKat Klock or Felix the Cat clock on your kitchen wall, I see a turquoise tail that looks familiar.... heehee. xoxo

  13. Wow - your house totally looks like Christmas! Soooo fun and so well done. All I did this year was a tree (Harry Potter themed like last year) and set out a few snowmen. Hubby put some vintage plastic pieces in the front. Sad but true. Thanks for sharing all these great pictures. Merry Christmas and happy t-day, Erika. Many hugz too.

  14. I'm about 99.95% sure that candle holder is used for Kwanzaa. There are three green, three red, and the middle candle is black. Kwanzaa begins on Dec 26 and ends on Jan 1.

  15. Your decorations are awesome and your tree is beautiful. I especially love the Dalek ornament. I have one that I put out with the Christmas pageant, but I didn't put out any breakable this year. Good thing too because Quill has been rearranging the Christmas pageant. 😺 My mother and neighbor Prissy, had the ceramic Christmas tree. Maybe I'll look for one at the Christmas sales. Happy T Day

  16. Wow that was a lot of nostalgia and I really enjoyed it especially since I can't put up a tree or decorations this year in case the kitties eat them and get worse :( I love that you have a Dalek on your tree lol. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  17. I love your tomte :) I had someone give me one once, and they insisted on calling him a gnome. Hmmm... I was not amused and wanted to introduce him to the books I had, but he was not interested *sigh*

    I love your nostalgia tree. It's right down my alley :) As is your busy kitchen. It makes me want to bake.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  18. Dig The New Banner - Lovely Tree - But That Pup Takes The Cake

    Way Cool,

  19. Hi Erika! I so enjoyed looking at all your Christmas decor ! Especially i think because we decided not to decorate this year.. Nice to take a break from all that stress but then i end up missing it.. Oh well .. something to look forward to next year.. Merry Christmas ! and Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  20. I thoroughly enjoyed your 'long' post with a glass of Amaretto.
    It is most meaningful to put up decorations that mean something to you otherwise it could be a shop window if you know what I mean.
    I'm impressed with the amount of Santas and lots of Swedish folklore figures. Are you of Swedish descent?
    I have a menorah like that. As Valery writes, it is not the one used for Hanukkah, as that needs more candles but this one is just a menorah.
    Happy T-Day and have a lovely Christmas, if you celebrate it.

  21. I spy a stand mixer. So fun. Great to see all these photos. We have a Bumble on the top of one of our trees, too! Love the shot of the pup.

  22. Wow, your Christmas and winter decorating is so beautiful! I loved seeing all the tree decorations and the memories they evoke, Christmas is the perfect time for nostalgia 😊. Those Yetis are such fun too. You have been busy in your kitchen, there's nothing better than baking at Christmastime! Happy T Day wishes and Happy Holidays! Hugs Jo x

  23. Hi Erika, I loved seeing all your little Christmas collections. That candle holder is lovely and I look forward to hearing what it is used for when you find out.
    Looks like you are doing a lot of baking. Such a fun thing to do at this time of year.
    Happy Tea Day and Merry Christmas,

  24. You have a lot of lovely decorations! I have gotten rid of most of mine when we "downsized" five years ago. I still have a lot left, but don't put all of them out. This year our family won't be able to be here on Christmas because of all the bad weather in this area but will be here after. Happy T Day, and have a lovely Christmas!

  25. Love the poinsettia cup. Adore your Swedish Tomte. Have envy for your drawers with the ornaments on top and love the banner with the gnomes.
    Your tree is spectacular, what fun it must be to chop your own. Reminds me of a photo I had years ago of my German friends family who had just been and done that and were dragging the tree along on a kind of sled. So many beautiful meaningful decorations.
    have to say how much I love your Father |Christmas collection, those are gorgeous and a perfect size. Love all the photos that follow but these Santa's really work for me.
    Love Mr Pete in his bandana.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  26. I loved seeing your decorated house - so many memories around. Your tree looks wonderful! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  27. I love all this Christmas stuff. Very colorful and cheerful! The tea cups and teapot are beautiful too. Love to see these vintage musician angels and candle holder. Your home is full of Christmas cheer!
    Thanks for sharing all this stuff with us too. Merry Christmas & happy holidays!
    Happy belated T day too…

  28. You post brought back nice memories from not that many years ago. We used to live in Danville, N.H. in a 1730's home. My kitchen keeping room had red milk paint walls and wide pine floors. From what I can see, your kitchen seems to be very similar. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

  29. I am SO in love with your tree! It's gorgeous -- my kind of tree, too! And your Swedish gnomes are wonderful, just magical. I love everything in this post, Erika! You can tell right here a Merry Christmas was coming!


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