Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Year's Party

 Hi everyone. Happy almost end of 2022.

Today for Rain's Art and Dinner Date the theme is New Year's Party. This is the closest I'll get to a party this year, so let me share a few New Year's art journal pages I made in the past.

And this last one is for 2022.

Here's some photos for the dinner part of Rain's link up. As some of you might have read in my T day post, we lost our power on the 23rd and didn't get it back until after lunch on the 25th. Luckily I had made some stew for my family Christmas get together on the 24th.

I could heat it up on the woodstove nicely.

I'd also made some popovers earlier also. I wrapped them in foil and heated them on top of the woodstove.

And it was just my husband and myself on Christmas, so we had a late morning big breakfast brunch.

I had picked up some of those Pillsbury Pop-N-Fresh cinnamon rolls for our family breakfast on the 24th because my daughter likes them, plus with the loss of power, I didn't think I would be able to bake homemade buns. I didn't make them that day as I had no oven. 

On Christmas Day, when it was just my husband and myself, I decided to try making them in a closed pot on top of the woodstove. I put some crinkled up foil down on the bottom of the pan so that they wouldn't burn on the direct heat of the woodstove, and I left the top of the pan on so it would heat up more like an oven. And it worked. They didn't quite brown they way they would in an oven, but they did cook. Although they're definitely not as good as homemade or fresh bakery rolls, they did add a bit of sweet to our breakfast.

That's all for me today. 
I want to wish everyone a happy end of 2022 and a great start to 2023 also.
Happy New Year.


  1. Great pages. 2017.... Perth :-)
    Wow, that is some Brekkie there! Yay to a wooden stove!
    And that tablecloth! Beautiful! Wearing Christmas socks and a Christmas pullover right now and need to run back to the Christmas Market for more licorice!
    Fun times! Hugs!
    Hope power is back!

  2. Love your X'Mas brunch! We had a very quiet X'mas, just my husband and myself....we went for a long walk after breakfast.

  3. Lovely New Year pages. I like all the bling. I love your Mary on the Prairie spirit cooking on top of your woodstove. Enjoy the warm up.

  4. Those Dutch ovens are fantastic. I love both of mine :)

  5. Good morning, I really enjoyed seeing the different years of new year's journal pages-very fun.
    and awesome cooking-baking on the top of your woodstove-you know I love that! It all looks sooo good.
    I did learn when baking in the dutch ovens to place a trivet on the bottom of the pan first and then I would set a pie pan or bread pan etc on top of that to lift it off the bottom I actually learned that from a 1700's hearth cookbook I had picked up. and if in a safer cooking area-in a hearth or outdoors would add coals to the top for even baking-but yours turned out really well on the top of your woodstove-congrats! on your dinner and breakfast hugs
    Happy New Year Erika

  6. How fun looking back through old pages. That beef stew and breakfast look delish. I love that you did it the old fashioned way and it works! I always admire campers who can whip up great meals. xoxo

  7. So beautiful.

  8. Lovely older page for the NYE party. Delicious food in spite of the power outage.

  9. I really envy you your wood stove, it really comes in handy if you don't have any power and heat. Did you bake the buns in the same pot as the stew? No wonder it's called a Dutch oven! I bake bread in them (in the oven, though...) and use them for a lot of my cooking. Your Christmas brunch looks wonderful and inviting for some long lasting eating with good conversations and later reading the Sunday paper. Your journal pages are faulous, each of them so different. Have a very happy and healthy new year, Erika.

  10. lol, Hi Erika
    You have been Journaling for many years I see. And I am just a new beginner. :) But I find it quite fun actually so I probably will continue doing it.

    My favourit is the last one for this New Year. It si really beautiful. And I love the riding princess.

    Wishing you a great New Year

  11. Lovely art journal pages.
    Thank goodness for your wood-stove ... your food looks great.

    Enjoy these last few days of December, stay warm and safe.
    Happy New Year Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  12. Lovely pages! Have a great year 2023 Erika

  13. All the very best for 2023, Erika. It has been a pleasure getting to know you in 2022. Onwards and upwards! Hugs - David

  14. Your journal pages are awesome and give many versions of what the New Year brings to each of us. And, awesome that you have a wood burning stove. Old man winter can't put anything over on you :) Wishing you all good things in this New Year, Erika and first and foremost ... power :0

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  15. I like your pot! And I'm in the mood for stew myself and may make some right after the new year. Yours looks delicious. Your meal spread looks festive :)

  16. What a fun New Year's retrospective. I remember all of these and they are so fun to see again. You did a great job cooking on the wood stove. I am very impressed. I guess I should say how thrilled I am I ONLY lost my internet and phone because I am NOT prepared to lose electricity or heater. Which would lead to frozen pipes, which I don't need. I have to admit, your Christmas meal looks absolutely fabulous, dear.

  17. I love your New Year's art. And every food photo here is just terrific. Stew sounds wonderful, though we had ham last night and I think we'll be eating that for a month!

  18. The food looks so good!!! I could dive right into that stew! I love that you heated it up on the wood stove too! ♥


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